[Solved] Digital_ IC Homework 1- 4-bit Ripple Carry Adder


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The ripple carry adder (RCA) circuit can be built using a cascade architecture of 1-bit full-adders. As a result, a 4-bit RCA comprises four 1-bit full-adders, which is shown in Fig. 1. In addition, a full-adder can also be constructed by two half-adders and one OR gate. Assume that x and y are 1-bit input signals and s and c are outputs standing for sum and carry. The computation of the half adder can be represented as equation (1). Fig. 2 illustrates the architecture of a half adder and a full adder. In this homework, please design a 4-bit ripple carry adder according to Fig. 1. You are suggested to design the circuit using hierarchy modules including series of half adders and full adders. The values are considered as unsigned integers.

Fig. 1. The architecture of a 4-bit ripple carry adder.

Fig. 2. The architecture of (a) an half-adder and (b) a full adder.

s = xy


c = xy

  1. Design Specifications:
    • Block Overview

Fig. 3. The block overview.

  • I/O Interface
Signal Name I/O width Description
x I 4 augend
y I 4 summand
c_in I 1 carry in
s O 4 sum
c_out O 1 carry out

  • File Description
File Name Description
HA.v The module of half-adder.
FA.v The module of full adder.
RCA.v The module of ripple carry adder, which is the top module in this design.
RCA_tb.v The testbench file. The content in this file is not allowed to be modified.
  1. Scoring:
    • Functional Simulation [70%]

All of the result should be generated correctly, and you will get the following message in ModelSim simulation.

Fig. 4. Functional simulation result.

  • Gate-Level Simulation [30%]
    • Synthesis

Your code should be synthesizable. After it is synthesized in Quartus, a file named RCA.vo will be obtained.

  • Simulation

All of the result should be generated correctly using RCA.vo, and you will get the following message in ModelSim simulation.

Fig. 5. Gate-level simulation result.

DeviceCyclone II EP2C70F896C8


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[Solved] Digital_ IC Homework 1- 4-bit Ripple Carry Adder