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[SOLVED] Design and Implementation of a Pac-Man Style Computer Game 2024-2025 Python


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MSc Coursework Software and Systems


Design and Implementation of a PacMan Style Computer

Game (GUI)

Aims and Objectives

You are required to design and implement object-oriented software for the game Pac-Man.

This is a small group piece of coursework (maximum 3 group members) which contributes 60% of the total mark for the Software and Systems module. You are expected to submit the following:

•    Design Report – the report accounts for 50% of the coursework mark and is assessed as a group

•    Python program – the program accounts for 50% of the coursework mark

o 25% will be assessed on your individual contribution to the code

o 25% will be assessed as a group on the GUI design, integration and overall functionality of your application


Using the object-oriented approach, design and implement the game Pac-Man as a Python application – details of the game play and required functionality are below.

1.  As  a  group  design  the  application  using  UML  diagrams  to  formalize  your design

2.  Once  your  design  has  been  completed  programming  tasks  should  be assigned to individual members of your group to complete

o Each class should include in the code comments who the author is

o Continue   to   discuss   with    your   other   group    members   to    limit complications with the integration

3.  As  a  group  integrate  the  different  components  of your game  into  a  single application (Note: make sure you allow plenty of time for this!)

4.  Provide the prototype of your application to your testers

o You will be assigned testers for your game from other groups

5.  Play the games you have been provided to test and give your feedback

o Timelines for providing your game and feedback will be provided

6.  As a group consider your feedback and any changes that could be made to your design and implementation to address any issues raised

o Your response to the feedback should be included in your report

Keep a record of your group meeting notes these will be required for your report

Game Requirements

Your game will be a simplified version of the game pac-man and will be played as a single player game.

The objective of the game is for the player to collect all of the dots within the time limit without running into a ghost.

1.  Game Setup

Your playing area must consist of a maze such as the one shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Example Maze

Image courtesy:https://pacman.fandom.com/wiki/Pac-Man_Maze?file=Originalpacmaze.png You are free to design your own maze but the maze must have:

•    Internal walls that result in at least 30 corners

•    Enough space for (see Figure 2):

o 1 x pac-man

o 3 x ghosts

o At least 240 x dots (the exact number will depend on your maze)

•    1 pair of gaps in the outside wall where it is possible to exit from one side of the maze and renter on the other

Each location in the maze should contain only 1 item either pac-man, ghost or dot

•   The Pac-man should always start at the same location in the maze

•    Ghosts should be positioned on the maze in randomly assigned locations

o Note ghosts are not required to move

•   Any location which does not contain pac-man or a ghost should contain a dot

Figure 2: Example pac-man, ghost and dots

Images courtesy:https://pacman.fandom.com/wiki/Pac-Man_(game)?file=Pac8bit.png

https://pacman.fandom.com/wiki/Pac-Man_(game)?file=Blinky8bit.png https://pacman.fandom.com/wiki/Pac-Dot?file=Pac-Dot_Arcade.png

2.  Gameplay

The player must move the pac-man icon around the maze to collect as many dots as possible within a given time limit

•   The player should not be able to move the pac-man through the walls

•   The dots should be removed from the maze once the pac-man moves onto the same location as them

•   At a pre-defined time after the start of the game 2 pieces of fruit (Figure 3) should appear in random locations in the maze (not occupied by the Pac-man or the ghosts) and as with the dots should be removed once the pac-man moves over them.

   The game should end when one of the following occurs:

o The pac-man moves onto the same location as one of the ghosts

o The decided upon time limit is reached

o The user has collected all dots and fruit

The game should keep track of how many points the player has earned:

•    Each dot should be worth 10 points

•    Each fruit should be worth 100 points

   The total points should be displayed at the end of the game

Figure 2: Example fruit

Image courtesy:https://pacman.fandom.com/wiki/Pac-Man_(game)

3.  GUI

The application should be able to create a GUI containing all widgets required to run the game smoothly. The application should have the following functionality:

1.  Allows the player to start the game which will start the timer

2.  Displays the maze with the locations of the dots, ghosts and starting position of the pacman

3.  The player should be able to use specified keys to move the pac-man up, down, left, right

4.  After the decided amount of time displays the fruit on the maze

5.  After the one of the end game conditions is reached the game should conclude

6.   Displays the players score and asks the user to quit or play another game.

After creating your GUI with all the above widgets, you will then have to bind these to the functions to get your application working. You will need to handle any exceptions that may arise during its use.


The design report and python code (.py file) must be submitted via canvas as two separate files in one go. Click on the + Add Another File link to add another ‘Choose File’ button while submitting your assignment. Only one member of the group needs to submit the files.

1.  Design Report

At the start of your report there must be a statement on the use of generative AI as follows:

We have used generative AI tools such as ChatGPT (or any equivalent

alternative) in the preparation of the submission. (Yes/No)

You  can  find  the  University’s  guidelines  on  the  use  of  generative  AI  here:


•   The report must contain the relevant UML diagrams produced to design this game

   The report must fully address all relevant issues

•   The assignment  is open-ended  but  it  is  important  that  all  diagrams of the design process are considered to a reasonable level of detail

•   The report should include a record of the group meeting notes as an appendix

   The report should include the feedback from the testers as an appendix

•    If generative AI tools were used the report should include an appendix with the following:

o A reference to the generative AI system used

o The prompts provided to the generative AI

o The responses obtained

o Details of how the output was changed by yourself

Note without this you risk breaching academic integrity (see below)

•   The  figures,  tables  and  pages  should  be  numbered.  Captions  should  be beneath figures and above tables.

   The report should not exceed 10 pages (not including appendices).

   The report must be submitted via canvas as one single pdf file.

This assignment involves the development of designs on paper. It should be possible to draw good quality design diagrams using Word or other word processing package, adopting the correct notation. There is no need to use any Object-Oriented Design Tools. This  is  because  the  learning  curve  associated with object-oriented design tools is normally steep. Many design consultants use graphical design programs and not  object-oriented  design  tools  to  document  designs.  Tools  that  you  might  find useful are Visio (might require licence), Modelio, draw.io and ArgoUML.

The  report  will  be  first  assessed  on  English  language  proficiency  which  will  be assessed as follows:

•    Pass and above:

o The work is written / spoken to an acceptable standard of English

o Spelling, punctuation, vocabulary, sentence construction, and textual coherence is of an acceptable standard.

•    Fail: (zero marks)

o Poor standard of written / spoken English, making it difficult to understand the points being made.

o Weaknesses of writing / speaking are so frequent or serious that they impede communication.

The mark distribution will be as follows:

a)   Introduction,   which    includes   the   discussion    and   interpretation   of   the specification,  and  should   identify  any   issues  that   require  clarification.  (3 marks)

b)   Use-Case Diagram, Use-Case description and CRC cards. (15 marks)

c)   Detailed class diagram with all attributes, methods, their visibilities,

arguments, return types and relationships to define architecture. (6 marks)

d)   Detailed interaction diagrams, both collaboration and sequence diagram. (10 marks)

e)   Detailed state machine (chart) diagram to show events, actions and qualifiers. (6 marks)

f)   Discussion of non-functional and usability requirements. (5 marks)

g)   Discussion of feedback from your testers and any constraints limiting you to implement part(s) of your design (5 marks)

2.  Python Program:

This  should  be  the  implementation  of  your  design  for  the  game.  The  classes, methods  and  attributes  created  during  the  design   process  should   be   used  in implementation.

The marks will divided between an individual component based on the code you have written and a group mark on how well your game is integrated and functions The individual mark distribution will be as follows:

a)   The quality of programming – appropriate design of the code, use of classes, methods, attributes, reusability of code, etc. (20 marks)

b)  Well documented code. (5 marks)

The group mark distribution will be as follows:

c)   Game Functionality. (15 marks)

d)  GUI design – note the design of the GUI should have been agreed upon as a  group even if the code is implemented by one individual member of the group. (10 marks)

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[SOLVED] Design and Implementation of a Pac-Man Style Computer Game 2024-2025 Python