[SOLVED] DBS501 Lab4


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Write a stored Procedure called mine that will accept as Input TWO character parameters: first will be in the Visa Expiry Date format (MM/YY) and second will be either P, F or B (any case). Then it will display what DAY is the Last day of the provided input format and also it will count how many stored Procedures, Functions or Package Bodies you have created in your schema. You need to take care in your Exception section if the Expiry Date has an Invalid format and if some other letter was entered. Here are the outputs.

EXECUTE mine (11/09,P)

Last day of the month 11/09 is MondayNumber of stored objects of type P is 7PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

EXECUTE mine (12/09,f)

Last day of the month 12/09 is ThursdayNumber of stored objects of type F is 2PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

EXECUTE mine (01/10,T)

Last day of the month 01/10 is SundayYou have entered an Invalid letter for the stored object. Try P, F or B.PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

EXECUTE mine (13/09,P)

You have entered an Invalid FORMAT for the MONTH and YEAR. Try MM/YY.PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

2) Write a stored Procedure called add_zip that will accept as Input THREE parameters for three columns in the table ZIPCODE (ZIP, CITY and STATE).It will firstly check whether entered ZIP already exists in the database and if YES it will stop processing with the message. If NOT it will insert new row in the table ZIPCODE where other columns will use USER and SYSDATE pseudo columns. Also it will use TWO Output parameters to display message SUCCESS or FAILURE and current # of rows in the table for the entered STATE. Then it will display ALL rows from that STATE. Use BIND variables to display your results. Undo your Insert, when Success happened. Here are the outputs:

Case 1: PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


SELECT * FROM zipcode

WHERE state = MI

48104 Ann Arbor MI AMORRISO 03-AUG-99 ARISCHER 24-NOV-99
18104 Chicago MI DBS501_093A40 12-NOV-09 DBS501_093A40 12-NOV-09

Rollback completed

Case 2:

This ZIPCODE 48104 is already in the Dataase. Try again.PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


SELECT * FROM zipcode

WHERE state = MI

48104 Ann Arbor MI AMORRISO 03-AUG-99 ARISCHER 24-NOV-99


3) Re-write the previous question so that you use a stored BOOLEAN FUNCTION called exist_zip that will check if the provided zip code already exists in the database or not. Then incorporate your function into the new procedure called add_zip2. Outputs remain the same.

4) Write a stored CHARACTER FUNCTION called instruct_status that will accept as Input TWO parameters instructors First and Last name entered in the Upper case. It will firstly check whether the entered name combination exists, and if NOT it will stop processing with the message. If YES it will then count how many sections is this person scheduled to teach and then display the appropriate message (the basic criteria is more than 9 courses or NO courses or between those two numbers). You will test your function firstly with the plain SELECT statement (A) and then with the BIND variables (B and C) Here are the outputs:

  1. A) After SELECT statement has been issued
LAST_NAME Instructor Status
Chow This Instructor is NOT scheduled to teach
Frantzen This Instructor will teach 10 course and needs a vacation
Hanks This Instructor will teach 9 courses.
Lowry This Instructor will teach 9 courses.
Morris This Instructor will teach 10 course and needs a vacation
Pertez This Instructor will teach 10 course and needs a vacation
Schorin This Instructor will teach 10 course and needs a vacation
Smythe This Instructor will teach 10 course and needs a vacation
Willig This Instructor is NOT scheduled to teach
Wojick This Instructor will teach 10 course and needs a vacation

10 rows selected.

  1. B) After INPUT parameters PETER and PAN were provided PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
There is NO such instructor.
  1. C) After INPUT parameters IRENE and WILLIG were provided PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
This Instructor is NOT scheduled to teach


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[SOLVED] DBS501 Lab4