[SOLVED] COSC 1020: Computer Science 1 Programming Assignment 3


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Programming Assignment 3: Sally’s Awesome Shirts, Inc.

COSC 1020: Computer Science 1

Fall 2023


Assigned: 19 October 2023

Due: 3 November 2023


  1. Learning Goals 1

  2. Project Description 1

  3. Specification and Requirements 2

    1. Specification 2

    2. Program Requirements 6

  4. Project Deliverables 8

  1. Learning Goals

    In order to complete this assignment, you will need to:

    • Apply the skills learned in Projects 1 and 2

    • Create a menu-driven user interface

    • Decompose program behavior into functions

    • Store data in parallel vectors

  2. Project Description

    SASI continues to grow to the point that orders must be divided into regional record-keeping. Now you may have multiple text files (containing sales from different regions) which Sally may need to load, display, and summarize in any combination. She asks you for a menu-driven program to let you perform multiple operations without exiting the program.

  3. Specification and Requirements

    1. Specification

      The major changes between this project and the last are the menu-driven interface and the method of storing order data in parallel arrays. Individual order validation and cost calculation have not changed.

      Menu-driven user interface

      The user will interact with your program through a menu-driven interface. The menu must provide the following user options (and request the indicated character to select them):

      • (U) Upload a regional sales data file

      • (A) display All loaded data details

      • (M) display a summary by print Method

      • (C) Clear all data

      • (Q) Quit

        Your program should print this menu and then prompt the user to type the letter corresponding to the option they want. Both upper- and lower-case letters should be accepted, and your program should ignore any ”extra” characters (i.e., beyond the first) typed at this prompt.

        If the user selects one of the valid options, the program should perform that behavior (see below); if they type an invalid option, the program should print an appropriate error message. In both cases, the program should ”return to the menu” after the behavior/error, printing the menu again and prompting for another selection. This should continue until the user selects ”Quit”, at which point the program should end.

        The work of printing the menu and receiving a user input will be performed by the displayMenu() function described in the requirements section.

        A brief description of each of the menu options is provided below.

        (U) Upload a regional sales data file

        This option prompts the user for the name/path of a data file and attempts to open the file. If the file cannot be opened, an error message is printed and the program returns to the menu. If the file can be opened, the file is read line-by-line and validated (this behavior is essentially the same as the work done in Project 2).

        If a line contains valid data, then it will be appended to a set of parallel vectors (see below); if the line contains invalid data then it is not stored. Counters of the number of valid and invalid lines should be kept and printed once the whole file is processed.

        The output printed during this option should be the same as that of Project 2 (including a summary of the costs of valid orders read from this file). The only significant change from the work of Project 2 is that the valid orders are stored in the program.

        The work of this menu options will be performed by the uploadFile() function described in the requirements section.

        (A) display All loaded data details

        This option prints the order details of each order currently loaded into the program. The program should only perform this behavior if at least one valid order has been loaded; if this is not the case then the program should print an error message explaining the problem and return to the menu.

        The output printed during this option should be the same as the line-by-line output from Project 2. Note that, because the program only stored valid lines of data, this option will only encounter valid records (and you will not need to re-check their validity).

        The work of this menu option will be peformed by the allDetails() function described in the requirements section.

        (M) display a summary by print Method

        This options prints a summary total of the costs of all orders currently loaded into the program. The program should only perform this behavior if at least one valid order has been loaded; if this is not the case then the program should print an error message explaining the problem and return to the menu.

        The output printed during this option should be the same as the summary output from Project 2. Note that, because the program only stored valid lines of data, this option will only encounter valid records (and you will not need to re-check their validity).

        The work of this menu option will be performed by the summaryByMethod() function described in the re- quirements section.

        (C) Clear all data

        This option clears all data loaded into the program. Note that, after clear is selected, menu options (A) and

        (M) should not be possible until at least one record is loaded with (U). It is not an error to select this menu option when no data is loaded into the program.

        1. Quit

          This option displays a short goodbye message and ends the program. It is the only option (both valid and invalid) which does not result in the menu printing again.

          Data storage in parallel vectors

          The program will maintain a collection of parallel vectors, used to store the data values for valid shirt orders. These vectors will be local variables of main() and will be passed as (reference) parameters to the other functions you write.

          You will need a total of twelve (12) vectors to store order information:

          • A vector<string> to store the region of the order (see below)

          • Three vector<int> to store the year, month, and day of the order

          • A vector<char> to store the printing method of the order

          • A vector<string> to store the message

          • Three vector<int> to store the shirt counts for all three sizes

          • Three vector<string> to store the shirt color; ink color; and customer name and email for the order.

            Most of the required functions receive these vectors as inputs through reference parameters, which is how they are used and/or modified. You should make these vectors local variables of main and not global variables.

            Shirt order file name and format

            The program determines the region which an order belongs to by examining the filename that order is loaded from. The program will keep track of five region names: North, South, East, West, and Other.

            When the file contains orders from one of North, South, East, or West, then the filename will begin with the region; file names that contain none of these should be categorized as Other.

            The string member function find(string&, int) may be useful in determining which region the file de- scribes. This function searches for a substring (the first argument) beginning at or after the indicated position (the second argument) and returns either (a) the position where the substring appears, or (b) the value string::npos if the substring does not appear. For example:

            string filename = “North-Data.txt”;

            if ( filename.find(“North”, 0) != string::npos ) { /* This happens */ }

            if ( filename.find(“West”, 0) != string::npos ) { /* This does NOT happen */ }

            The contents/file format is unchanged from Project 2. That is, the first line of the text file contains column headers, and each following line contains a single shirt order with data. The order of this data is repeated here for reference:

          • Order Date is always written as yyyy/mm/dd

          • Print method is a single character (either upper- or lower-case).

          • Message begins and ends with a double-quote, and may contain spaces and/or punctuation

          • Number M, Number L, and Number XL are each integers

          • Shirt color is a single word

          • Ink color is also a single word

          • Customer name and email is a sequence of words which describe the client’s name and email (which we will treat as a single string with spaces)

            One example of a single line of an input file is the following:

            2023/06/26 S “Hello There!” 152 132 126 Yellow Black ROB LOW [email protected]

            Data validation

            The rules for validating a line of the text file remain unchanged from Project 2. As before, you may assume no data type errors but must validate each data field according to the shirt ordering rules.

            These validation rules are repeated here for reference:

          • Order Date – All orders will be from the year 2023. Orders from the month of March (or earlier) are considered expired and therefore invalid.

          • Print method – In addition to the printing methods ’s’, ’i’, and ’e’ (from Project 1), orders may specify ’n’ (for ”None”). Upper-case letters (’S’, ’I’, ’E’, or ’N’) are also valid; any other character is invalid.

          • Message

            • Messages will begin/end with a double-quote character; these quotes are not part of the message.

              The length of the message must be 48 characters or fewer (same as Project 1).

            • If printing method is ’n’ then the message must be empty (“” in the text file)

            • If printing method is not ’n’, then the message must have at least one non-whitespace character.

          • Number of shirts – Each count is between 0 and 14400 and the sum of all three must not be zero.

          • Shirt color – Valid colors are ”White”, ”Black”, ”Green”, ”Blue”, ”Yellow”, or ”Red”. Simplifying from Project 1, valid colors will always be spelled with a capitalized first letter.

          • Ink color

            • Valid colors are ”White”, ”Black” or ”None” and must not be the same as the shirt color.

            • If the print method is ’n’ then the ink color must be ”None”

            • If the print method is not ’n’ then the ink color must not be ”None”

          • Customer name and email – Your program should handle this data as a single sring (with spaces) consisting of everything following the ink color up to the end of the line. In particular, the customer name may have any number of words, so you should not try to separate/parse this in any way.


            The rules for cost calcuation have not changed from Project 1; they are summarized here for your reference. Printing types and costs

          • Silk-screen has a set-up cost of $111.00 and a per-unit cost of $1.59

          • Iron-on has a set-up cost of $0.00 and a per-unit cost of $2.35

          • Embroidered has a set-up cost of $12.00 and a per-unit cost of $7.99

          • None has a set-up cost of $0.00 and a per-unit cost of $0.00 Message length costs

          • Silk-screen per-unit cost is increased $0.00 per message character

          • Iron-on per-unit cost is increased $0.27 per message character

          • Embroidered per-unit cost is increased $0.14 per message character

          • None must have a zero-length message

            Shirt size costs and shirt-color upcharge

          • Medium shirts cost $3.15

          • Large shirts cost $4.15

          • Extra large shirts cost $5.15

            If the shirt color is any color other than ”White” each of these costs is increased by $0.22 Order discounts

          • Orders of at least 144 shirts receive a 4.5% discount off total order price

          • Orders of at least 1440 shirts receive a 9.5% discount off total order prices

        Printed output

        Your program will print a formatted table of output describing the data it reads from the file. The beginning of this output should be a ”header” displaying column titles for the data to follow.

        Your program should display the following data for every line it reads from the file:

        1. The order date

        2. The printing method

        3. Up to five characters of the message; if the messge is longer than five characters, print the first five followed by ellipses

        4. The length of the message

        5. The number of medium; large; and extra large shirts

        6. The shirt color

        7. The ink color

          The last column of output is the final cost of the order. If the order is valid, your program should calculate the final cost and print it here.

          If the order is invalid, your program should leave the final cost blank. Instead, it should print an error message describing the errors in the row. If the row is invalid in more than one way, then more than one error message should be printed (one per line). After printing the appropriate error message(s), print the contact information for the order.

          Once all lines of the file have been processed, your program should print the following information:

          • The number of valid lines and the number of invalid lines encountered (the sum of these two numbers would be the total number of lines in the file)

          • A table of costs (totaled over all valid lines) separated by printing method. The output of a sample executable can be found further in this specification.

    2. Program Requirements


      The primary user inputs will be the options selected at the menu, which determine what behavior is performed next. In the case of the (U) option, the user will be prompted to enter the filename to be opened.


      Data storage vectors

      To help you out, the declarations below provide the vectors (and their data types) you will need for the project. These declarations should appear in your program as local variables of main().

      vector<string> region; vector<int> yyyy, mm, dd; vector<char> printMethod; vector<string> message; vector<int> m, l, xl;

      vector<string> shirtColor, inkColor, contact;

      Required functions

      The work of the program will be divided between several functions, each performing a specific task. You must implement each of the functions described here and use them to accomplish their intended task.

      You may implement additional functions to support your program if you wish, but they must not replace the functions described here.

      To help you out, prototypes for the required functions are provdied below

      char displayMenu();

      Prints the menu and receives the user’s menu choice, which is returned as a character. It should clear any additional input (beyond the first character) so multiple choices can be made over time.

      Parameters: none

      Return value: A character representing the user’s menu choice (possibly invalid)

      bool uploadFile(string fileName, vector<string>& region, vector<int>& yyyy, vector<int>& mm, vector<int>& dd, vector<char>& printMethod, vector<string>& message, vector<int>& m, vector<int>& l, vector<int>& xl,

      vector<string>& shirtColor, vector<string>& inkColor, vector<string>& contact);

      Attempts to open the file described by fileName and, if successful, reads and validates the shirt orders contained within that file. The data for each valid line of the file is appended to the parallel vector parameters for storage and later use.

      The output of this function should be exactly the same as that of Project 2, in that it prints the details of each order as it is read; prints either the cost (of a valid order) or errors (for an invalid order); and prints a summary of the costs of valid orders (read from this file) at the bottom.


      • string fileName – the name of the file to be opened and read

      • References to the parallel vectors (for storing valid shirt order data)

      Return value: Returns true if the file is successfully opened and at least one valid shirt order is read/stored to the data vectors; false otherwise.

      void allDetails(const vector<string>& region,

      const vector<int>& yyyy, const vector<int>& mm, const vector<int>& dd, const vector<char>& printMethod, const vector<string>& message,

      const vector<int>& m, const vector<int>& l, const vector<int>& xl, const vector<string>& shirtColor, const vector<string>& inkColor, const vector<string>& contact);

      Displays individual order details for each order stored in the parallel vector parameters, one per line. Should only be called if these vectors contain at least one shirt order.

      Parameters: Const references to the parallel vectors (containing shirt order data)

      Return value: none

      void summaryByMethod(const vector<string>& region,

      const vector<int>& yyyy, const vector<int>& mm, const vector<int>& dd, const vector<char>& printMethod, const vector<string>& message,

      const vector<int>& m, const vector<int>& l, const vector<int>& xl, const vector<string>& shirtColor, const vector<string>& inkColor, const vector<string>& contact);

      Calculates running totals of the shirt cost; printing cost; and final order cost for all orders stored in the parallel vector parameters, grouped according to printing method. Displays these totals in a neatly-formatted output table. Should only be called if these vectors contain at least one shirt order.

      Parameters: Const references to the parallel vectors (containing shirt order data) Return value: none


      The program will produce outputs in the same neatly-formatted style as in Project 2, either in whole (when

      (U) is selected) or in part (when (A) or (M) are selected. The program should also print suitable error messages if it encounters an unexpected situation.

  4. Project Deliverables

The only deliverable for this assignment is the source code for your program.

Testing on cs-class

The target machine for this project is cs-class; this means we will grade your project by compiling and running the code on this machine. In order to receive credit for your work the source code must compile without error and run as expected on this machine.

You may choose to write your code directly on cs-class (e.g., using ssh and a command-line editor) or to write your code on a personal computer. It is possible for compiled programs to run differently on cs-class than on your computer. It is also possible that the program will compile on your computer and not on cs-class! Your are strongly encouraged to test your completed code by uploading it to cs-class, compiling there, and running the code with several different inputs (both valid and invalid).

Note that uploading your source code to cs-class for testing is not the same as submitting it for grading. See below for instructions on how to submit your project to be graded.

Submitting your code

You will save your final code in a text file named ”<netid>P3.cpp” (e.g., I would submit ”re268P3.cpp”). Upload this file as a submission to the Canvas assignment for Project 3.

Academic honesty statement

Your finished source code is an individual project and the ideas and work must be your own. Refer to the guidelines specified in the Academic Honesty section of the syllabus or contact an instructor if you have any questions about what is allowed.

Include the following statement at the top of your source code file:


  • <netid>P3.cpp


  • COSC 1020 Fall 2023

  • Project #3 Code

  • Due on: 3 November 2023

  • Author: <netID>

  • In accordance with class policies and Georgetown’s Honor Code,

  • I certify that, with the exception of the class resources and those

  • items noted below, I have neither given nor received any assistance

  • on this project.

  • Note that you may use without citation any help from our TAs,

  • professors, or any code taken from the course textbook.


Note that omitting required comments/documentation (like the above) detracts from overall code quality and may result in a loss of points in your final score.


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[SOLVED] COSC 1020: Computer Science 1 Programming Assignment 3