[Solved] Database-Project6

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Transaction Logging & Three-Pass RecoveryHanyang UniversityProject Hierarchy• Your project hierarchy should be like this.• Your_hconnect_repo• project6• include/• lib/• Makefile• src/• If your Makefile doesn’t make libbpt.a library file at the exact path, you’ll get zero score. (your_hconnect_repo/project6/lib/libbpt.a)Hanyang UniversityGoal• The goal of this project is to implement a perfect three-pass recovery algorithm in your DBMS. (in your lecture 23~25)• Analysis pass – Redo pass – Undo pass• Consider redo for fast recovery• Compensate Log Record in abort / undo pass• ‘Undo Next Sequence’ to make progress despite repeated failures

Log Manager• Implement your own log manager that can support ‘Atomicity’ and ‘Durability’.• Your log manager should satisfy these properties.• No force (REDO) & Steal (UNDO) policy• Write Ahead Logging (WAL)• Recovery when initializing whole DBMS• You just consider in ‘update case’. Transactions only operate find and update. ➢Your library (libbpt.a) should provide those API services. ➢Additional Role of Transaction APIs• int trx_begin(void);• Allocate a transaction structure and initialize it.• Return a unique transaction id (>=1) if success, otherwise return 0.• You must provide the transaction id by increasing it by 1. (1, 2, 3, 4 ….)• int trx_commit(int trx_id);• Return the committed transaction if success, otherwise return 0.• Clean up the transaction with the given trx_id and its related information that has been used in the lock manager. (Shrinking phase of strict 2PL)• User can get a response once all modifications of the transaction are flushed from log buffer to a log file.• If the user gets a successful return, that means your database can recover committed transaction after system crash.• int trx_abort(int trx_id);• Return the aborted transaction id if success, otherwise return 0.• All affected modifications should be canceled and return to the old state.➢Your library (libbpt.a) should provide those API services.1. int init_db (int buf_num, int flag, int log_num, char* log_path, char* logmsg_path);• If success, return 0, Otherwise, return a non-zero value.• Do recovery after initialization in this function. (DBMS initialization -> Analysis – Redo – Undo)• Log file will be made using log_path.• Log message file will be made using logmsg_path.• flag is needed for recovery test, 0 means normal recovery protocol, 1 means REDO CRASH, 2 means UNDO CRASH.• log_num is needed for REDO/UNDO CRASH, which means the function must return 0 after the number of logs is processed.2. int open_table (char * pathname);• We limit the file name format as “DATA[NUM]” (For example, there should be data files named like “DATA1”, “DATA2”, …)• Return value that indicates the table id should be NUM. (That means, data file whose file name is “DATA3” has its table id as 3 from now on. And maximum table number is set to 10).3. int db_insert (int table_id, int64_t key, char * value);4. int db_find (int table_id, int64_t key, char* ret_val, int trx_id);5. int db_delete (int table_id, int64_t key);6. int db_update(int table_id, int64_t key, char* value, int trx_id);7. int close_table(int table_id);8. int shutdown_db(void);➢Your library (libbpt.a) should provide those API services.• int init_db (int buf_num, int flag, int log_num, char* log_path, char* logmsg_path);• Do recovery after database initialization. (DBMS initialization – Analysis – Redo – Undo)• Log file and log message file will be named through log_path and logmsg_path.• flag is needed for recovery test, 0 means normal recovery protocol, 1 means REDO CRASH, 2 means UNDO CRASH.• You must flush log buffer and all dirty pages in the buffer pool before return (even if returning for REDO/UNDO CRASH case).• log_num is needed for REDO/UNDO CRASH, which means the function must return 0 after the number of logs is processed.• REDO/UNDO CRASH• When the recovery phase occurs in init_db, you need to make an arbitrary crash(return 0 during recovery) for the recovery test.• So if the flag of init_db is a non-zero value, you must return 0 after when log_num of logs are processed.(ex) if flag = 1, log_num = 100, return 0 after 100th log redo is processed.if flag = 2, log_num = 100, return 0 after 100th log undo is processed.)• We will test your project6 through these parameters.• Log Process Message• You should print message to log message file when your DBMS proceeds logs under this format. • Log messages must be written to log message file• Analysis Phase:• fprintf(fp, “[ANALYSIS] Analysis pass start
”);• fprintf(fp, “[ANALYSIS] Analysis success. Winner: %d %d .., Loser: %d %d ….
”, winners, losers);• Redo(Undo) Phase• fprintf(fp, “[REDO(UNDO)] Redo(Undo) pass start
”);• Begin: fprintf(fp, “LSN %lu [BEGIN] Transaction id %d
”, lsn, trx_id);• Update: fprintf(fp, “LSN %lu [UPDATE] Transaction id %d redo(undo) apply
”, lsn, trx_id);• Commit: fprintf(fp, “LSN %lu [COMMIT] Transaction id %d
”, lsn, trx_id);• Rollback: fprintf(fp, “LSN %lu [ROLLBACK] Transaction id %d
”, lsn, trx_id);• Compensate: fprintf(fp, “LSN %lu [CLR] next undo lsn %lu
”, lsn, next_undo_lsn);• Consider-redo: fprintf(fp, “LSN %lu [CONSIDER-REDO] Transaction id %d
”, lsn, trx_id);• fprintf(fp, “[REDO(UNDO)] Redo(Undo) pass end

Buffer Pool

int ret = init_db(1000, 1, 100, “logfile.data”, “logmsg.txt”);SystemWhen your recovered data is stored to disk once, your DBMS mustHanyang UniversityWe will do recovery test using log message file. Here is a simple example.Recovery Time You must print the end offset of the log record whether 1st attemptyou use LSN as start offset (LSN + log record size)RedoYou never mind about printing the next undo LSN of compensate log. Print what you choose(start/end offset).1. REDO CRASH case <init_db(1000, 1, 100, “logfile.data”, “logmsg.txt”);>[ANALYSIS] Analysis pass start[ANALYSIS] Analysis success. Winner: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20, Loser: 16 21 [REDO] Redo pass startLSN 28 [BEGIN] Transaction id 1LSN 316 [UPDATE] Transaction id 1 redo applyLSN 344 [COMMIT] Transaction id 1…LSN 13132 [UPDATE] Transaction id 17 redo apply (99th redo log)LSN 13160 [COMMIT] Transaction id 17 (100th redo log)Return init_db 0 (Crash), restart DBMS (continue on next slide)

CONSIDER-REDO2. UNDO CRASH case <init_db(1000, 2, 100, “logfile.data”, “logmsg.txt”);>Recovery Time[ANALYSIS] Analysis pass start[ANALYSIS] Analysis success. Winner: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20, Loser: 16 21 1st attempt[REDO] Redo pass startRedoLSN 28 [BEGIN] Transaction id 12nd attemptLSN 316 [UPDATE] Transaction id 1 redo applyRedo UndoLSN 344 [COMMIT] Transaction id 1…LSN 13132 [] Transaction id 17 (99th redo log)LSN 13160 [COMMIT] Transaction id 17 (100th redo log)…LSN 72100 [UPDATE] Transaction id 21 redo apply[REDO] Redo pass end[UNDO] Undo pass startLSN 72100 [UPDATE] Transaction id 21 undo apply…LSN 21640 [UPDATE] Transaction id 16 undo apply (100th undo log) Return init_db 0 (Crash), restart DBMS (continue on next slide)

3. NORMAL RECOVERY case <init_db(1000, 0, 0, “logfile.data”, “logmsg.txt”);>Recovery Time[ANALYSIS] Analysis pass start[ANALYSIS] Analysis success. Winner: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20, Loser: 16 21 1st attempt[REDO] Redo pass startRedoLSN 28 [BEGIN] Transaction id 12nd attempt…Redo UndoLSN 72100 [CONSIDER-REDO] Transaction id 21LSN 78220 [CONSIDER-REDO] Transaction id 213rd attemptRecovery done…Redo UndoLSN 80236 [CONSIDER-REDO] Transaction id 16[REDO] Redo pass end[UNDO] Undo pass startLSN 21360 [UPDATE] Transaction id 16 undo apply…LSN 18714 [UPDATE] Transaction id 16 undo apply[UNDO] Undo pass endAll recovery phase is done. Then check recovered data.open_table(…

• Log file is a sequence of log records.0• Log record is consisted of 288• LSN: Start/end offset of a current log record. 316• Prev LSN: LSN of the previous log record written by same Transaction ID.• Transaction ID: Indicates the transaction that triggers the current log record.• Type: The type of current log record.• BEGIN (0) • UPDATE (1) • COMMIT (2) • ROLLBACK (3) • COMPENSATE (4)



UPDATE/COMPENSATE• Log file is a sequence of log records.0• Your Log Record should have sizes of below 288• BEGIN/COMMIT/ROLLBACK : 28 Byte 316• UPDATE : 288 Byte• COMPENSATE : 296 Byte


Log Record Format (using LSN as start offset)UPDATELog Record 0 COMPENSATELog Record 0Log SizeLSNPrev LSNTransaction IDTypeTable IDPage NumberOffsetData LengthOld ImageNew ImageNext Undo LSNLog SizeLSNPrev LSNTransaction IDTypeTable IDPage NumberOffsetData LengthOld ImageNew ImageLog SizeLSNPrev LSNTransaction IDTypeBEGIN/COMMIT/ROLLBACK Log Record440121242020122424202828243232284040 44444848168168288288296Log Record Format (using LSN as end offset)UPDATELog Record 0 COMPENSATELog Record 0LSNPrev LSNTransaction IDTypeTable IDPage NumberOffsetData LengthOld ImageNew ImageNext Undo LSNLog SizeLSNPrev LSNTransaction IDTypeTable IDPage NumberOffsetData LengthOld ImageNew ImageLog SizeLSNPrev LSNTransaction IDTypeLog SizeBEGIN/COMMIT/ROLLBACK Log Record880161682020162424202828243636284040 4444164164284284288292296Page Header Layout• You should maintain a page LSN information from Page Header LayoutParent Page NumberIs LeafNumber of Keys(Reserved)Page LSN(Reserved)0 every on-disk image.• The page LSN indicates the last updated versionof this on-disk page. 812• Maintain the page LSN value (8 bytes) located at 16 the page header structure starting from byteoffset 24. 2432• Every page including the header page should maintain that field.128

Copy update log record to log bufferCopy update log record to log buffer

If you succeed to acquire the record lock without waiting,release the lock manager latch and go ahead!Lock ManagerTry to acquire the record locktailheadS Lock (T1)You don’t have to think about log buffer mutex if you fail to acquire therecord lock. You just acquire log buffer mutex after we succeed in acquiring record lock and right before doing an update.Try to acquire the record lockDo not sleep yet!Project Example

Project Specification• You should implement ARIES based recovery that you learned from the lecture but,• we don’t have to consider double write since we assume that torn page write would not occur.• Checkpoint is not considered from this project.Project Specification• We will check the correctness of recovery by executing concurrent transactions and triggering system crash like below.Example case)int ret = init_db(1000, 1, 100, “logfile.data”, “logmsg.txt”); exit() // system crashorvoid *thread_func(void *data) { int trx_id = trx_begin(); db_update(1, 3, “XYZ”, trx_id); trx_commit(trx_id); int new_id = trx_begin(); db_update(1, 2, “XXX”, new_id); exit() // system crash}int main (int argc, char** argv){ int ret = init_db(1000, 0, 0, “logfile.data”, “logmsg.txt”); pthread_create(……}Submission• Wiki Requirement• Your Gitlab Wiki must be written under this guideline• What is your work for Analysis Pass?• What is your work for Redo Pass?• What is your work for Undo Pass?• Simple test result• Deadline: 12/17 23:59• We will only score your commit before the deadline, and your submission after the deadline will not be accepted.

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[Solved] Database-Project6
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