Put all your java, compiled class files and documentation files into a zip file named Homework1.zip and submit it via the drop box on the blackboard before the END of due date. Put your name on all .java files. There will be a short quiz on this homework.
- Estimate the running time (or memory) as a function of input size N. Explain as to why the results are for the following three examples.
N 3 + 20 N + 16 ~ N 3
N 3 + 100 N 4/3 + 56 ~ N 3
N 3 N 2 + N ~ N 3
- Write the code samples with running time of: (constant 1, logN, N, NlogN, N^2, N^3, 2^N). Mathematically, what do you describe each one of these examples?
- Write the code that results to following running time. Describe the math.
- The 3-Sum Triple loop has the following running time estimate. Explain.
Note: I do not want to prove the math. I want only the description of the math, what it
represents and why the result is 1/6 N^3
- What are all Stack operations, explain.
- Consider String It was the best of time. Start with the first word, design a Stack such that when you read back the words, the order of string does not change. Provide code for all necessary operations of Stack. Compile and run the code.
- Consider the following Node data structure, build a Stack linkedList with the following data: {31, Name1}, {24, Name2}, {10, Name3}, {44, Name4}, {81, Name5}.
- a) Provide java implementation for all necessary Stack operations including stack pointers.
- b) Compile and run your program.
- c) What is Stack linkedList time and space complexity?
class Node {
int Age;
String Name;
Node next;
- Consider data: {31, Name1}, {24, Name2}, {10, Name3}, {44, Name4}, {81, Name5}.
- a) Provide Array implementation of Stack.
- b) Compile and run the code.
- c) What is Stack Array implementation time and space complexity?
- Suppose in problem-8 the array size was: a) too large, or b) too small. How would you manage resizing the array for (a) and (b). Write the code, compile and test the program. Also discuss the running time/space complexity of your approach.
- Human use Infix expression and computers use Postfix expression. You are to write a simple Calculator. There are three steps: a) Read Infix expression, b) Convert Infix expression to Postfix, and c) Evaluate Postfix expression. Write Java code, compile and run with five Infix expression examples.
(1 + 2 * (20 / 5 ))
(1 + 2 3)
(1 + 3 + ( ( 4 / 2 ) * ( 8 * 4 ) ))
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