[Solved] Data Mining Assignment 1


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Classification Trees, Bagging and Random Forests

Part 1: Programming

The code for this part should be written in R or Python.

Write a function to grow a classification tree. Also write a function that uses this tree to predict the class label for given attribute values. More specifically you should write two main functions, with the names tree_grow and tree_pred. The function tree_grow has input arguments x, y, nmin, minleaf, and nfeat, in that order. Here x is a data matrix (2-dimensional array) containing the attribute values. Each row of x contains the attribute values of one training example. You may assume that all attributes are numeric. y is the vector (1-dimensional array) of class labels. The class label is binary, with values coded as 0 and 1. Furthermore, you may assume there are no missing values (either in training or prediction).

The parameters nmin and minleaf (both integers) are used to stop growing the tree early, to prevent overfitting and/or to save computation. nmin is the number of observations that a node must contain at least, for it to be allowed to be split. In other words: if a node contains fewer cases than nmin, it becomes a leaf node. minleaf is the minimum number of observations required for a leaf node; hence a split that creates a node with fewer than minleaf observations is not acceptable. If the algorithm performs a split, it should be the best split that meets the minleaf constraint. If there is no split that meets the minleaf constraint, the node becomes a leaf node. Use the gini-index for determining the quality of a split. The parameter nfeat denotes the number of features that should be considered for each split. Every time we compute the best split in a particular node, we first draw at random nfeat features from which the best split is to be selected. For normal tree growing, nfeat is equal to the total number of predictors (the number of columns of x). For random forests, nfeat is smaller than the total number of predictors.

The function tree_grow should return a tree object that can be used for predicting new cases. You are free to choose the data structure for the tree object, as long as it can be used for predicting new cases in the following way. A new case is dropped down the tree, and assigned to the majority class of the leaf node it ends up in. More precisely, the function tree_pred has input arguments x and tr, in that order. Here x is a data matrix (2-dimensional array) containing the attribute values of the cases for which predictions are required, and tr is a tree object created with the function tree_grow. The function tree_pred has a single output argument y, which is the vector (1-dimensional array) of predicted class labels for the cases in x.

For bagging (and random forests), you have to write two auxiliary functions called tree_grow_b and tree_pred_b. They are not much more than repeated applications of tree_grow and tree_pred respectively. The function tree_grow_b has all the arguments of tree_grow and in addition an argument m which denotes the number of bootstrap samples to be drawn. On each bootstrap sample a tree is grown. The function returns a list containing these m trees. Finally, the function tree_pred_b takes as input a list of trees and a data matrix x for which predictions are required. The function applies tree_pred to x using each tree in the list in turn. For each row of x the final prediction is obtained by taking the majority vote of the m predictions. The function returns a vector y, where y[i] contains the predicted class label for row i of x.

Part 2: Data Analysis

Use the functions you have created in part 1 to analyse the Eclipse bug data set. See the course web page for links to the data, and an accompanying article.

We will analyse the package level data, using release 2.0 as the training set, and release 3.0 as the test set. We will try to predict whether or not any postrelease bugs have been reported. To predict whether or not bugs have been reported we will use the metrics listed in Table 1 of the accompanying article, and the number of pre-release bugs. We will not use the features derived from the abstract syntax tree. You should end up with 41 predictor variables in total. The results obtained with logistic regression by the authors (with the same set of predictors) can be found in Table 5 of the article.

Perform the following analyses with the code you have written:

  1. Train a single classification tree on the training set with nmin = 15, minleaf = 5 (we have pre-selected reasonable values for you), and nfeat = 41. Compute the accuracy, precision and recall on the test set.
  2. Use bagging with the same parameter settings as under (1), and m = 100. Compute the accuracy, precision and recall on the test set.
  3. Use random forests with the same parameter settings as under (2), except

that nfeat = 6, that is 41 rounded to the nearest integer. Compute the accuracy, precision and recall of the random forest on the test set.

Describe your analysis in a report of about 3 or 4 pages. The report should contain:

  1. A short description of the data.
  2. A picture of the first two splits of the single tree (the split in the rootnode, and the split in its left or right child). Consider the classification rule that you get by assigning to the majority class in the three leaf nodes of this heavily simplified tree. Discuss whether this classification rule makes sense, given the meaning of the attributes.
  3. Confusion matrices and the requested quality measures for all three models(single tree, bagging, random forest).
  4. A discussion of whether the differences in accuracy (that is, the proportionof correct predictions) found on the test set are statistically significant. Find a statistical test that is suited for this purpose.

You are not supposed to describe the tree algorithm or its implementation in the report.

Some Hints

  • First read Getting started with the assignment on the course web page, and make the practice assignments.
  • To test your algorithm, first apply it to the credit scoring data set used in the lectures. With nmin = 2 and minleaf = 1 you should get the same tree as presented in the lecture slides.
  • For a more elaborate test, use the Pima indians data (see the course webpage). If you grow the tree on the complete data set with nmin = 20 and minleaf = 5, and you use this tree to predict the training sample itself, you should get the following confusion matrix:

If the confusion matrix produced by your algorithm differs substantially from this one, there is probably an error in your code. There might be slight differences due to different orders in processing the attributes when computing the quality of splits, or due to other minor variations in the code.

  • We have shown in the lecture slides that optimal splits can only occur at the borders of segments. Is this still true for the best split that meets the minleaf constraint?


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[Solved] Data Mining Assignment 1