[Solved] DA5030 Problems 4


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Problem 1Build an R Notebook of the SMS message ltering example in the textbook on pages 103 to 123 (data set).Show each step and add appropriate documentation. Note that the attached data set diers slightly from theone used on the book; the number of cases dier.Problem 2Install the requisite packages to execute the following code that classies the built-in data using NaiveBayes. Build an R Notebook and explain in detail what each step does. Be sure to look up each function tounderstand how it is used.As always, complete the practice problems on time and review them with your peers. If you would like moredetailed feedback come to oce hours.irislibrary(klaR)data(iris)nrow(iris)summary(iris)head(iris)testidx <- which(1:length(iris[, 1]) %% 5 == 0)# separate into training and testing datasetsiristrain <- iris[-testidx,]iristest <- iris[testidx,]# apply Naive Bayesnbmodel <- NaiveBayes(Species~., data=iristrain)6/15/2020 Practice 4 DA5030 | Machine Learning & Data Mininghttps://da5030.weebly.com/practice-4.html 2/3NotesProducing a word cloud directly from raw text: might produce the error invalid input 1000 inutf8towcs’. There is a solution at stackoverow. Basically you need to remove non-graphicalcharacters from the raw text using regular expressions (explained in the link).The function from the tm package is deprecated and no longer available. Instead, store theresult of directly as a character vector with:.( )


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[Solved] DA5030 Problems 4