[Solved] CT5132/CT5148 Lab Week 8


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Finite State Machines

The Pacman ghost FSM was very simplified. It had no actions, just transitions from one state to another.

Were now going to use an FSM to model the behaviour of a vending machine. The rules are:

  1. Each drink costs EUR3.
  2. The only coins allowed are EUR1 and EUR2.
  3. If the customer enters too much money, we just return it.
  4. If the customer enters the right amount, they can then select a drink, and we vend it.

How should we model this as an FSM? Lets draw it on paper. Issues to think about:

  • What are the states?
  • What are the possible inputs?
  • Are there actions?

Here is some code which implements a general FSM (also in Bb fsm.py):

def fsm(SISAs, start_state, end_states, input_symbols): state = start_state# (current_state, input_symbol) -> (next_state, action) for input_symbol in input_symbols:yield state if state in end_states:breaktry:state, action = SISAs[state, input_symbol] if action is not None and callable(action):action() except KeyError:pass # stay in same state

Implement our vending machine FSM as a data structure SISAs, and confirm that it works by passing in various possible sequences of inputs. E.g. with input [1, 1, 1], we should see that the FSM says vend drink at the end and comes back to state 0.

What was the most important family in Renaissance Florence?

This is a short demo of betweenness centrality in networkx. Betweenness centrality is one way to measure how important each node in a graph is, due to being on the paths between other nodes. We dont need to understand the maths, but lets see how to use networkx for this.

Figure 1: This graph represents the marriages between important families in Renaissance Florence (Padgett, figure from Hanneman and Riddle):

Suppose we are given the data in this format (florentine_families.csv):





















  1. Import networkx.
  2. Create an empty graph. Should it be directed or undirected for this data?
  3. Add the edges.
  4. Look up how to calculate betweenness centrality in networkx, and call it.
  5. Which family seems the most important? Can you interpret this from the graph?
  6. Optional homework: there are other measures of centrality, e.g. eigenvector centrality, related to Google PageRank. Try them out. Do they all agree?
  7. Optional homework: use networkx to make an image of the graph.


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[Solved] CT5132/CT5148 Lab Week 8