[Solved] CT5132/CT5148 Lab Week 04


File Name: CT5132/CT5148_Lab_Week_04.zip
File Size: 235.5 KB

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Solutions are available in the /code directory in our .zip.

The file AppleStore.csv (available in /code) is from https://www.kaggle.com/ramamet4/app-store-appledata-set-10k-apps and contains information on more than 7000 apps, including genre, file size, price, and user rating.

  1. Use Pandas to read it in.
  2. Use Seaborn pairplot to produce an image like this:
  3. Use Pandas groupby to find the mean user_rating by prime_genre.
  4. Save these genre names and user ratings using to_csv, with header=True. Confirm that it worked by looking at the resulting csv file on the command line, a text editor, or spreadsheet.



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[Solved] CT5132/CT5148 Lab Week 04