Topics Covered:
- Let binding semantics
- Scopes
- Function calls
Note: Please first run the TEST HELPER
cell that defines the passed
function below. Failing to run this cell will make it hard for you to check your work.
def passed(points: Int) {
require(points >=0)
if (points == 1) print(s"Tests Passed (1 point)")
else print(s"Tests Passed ($points points)")
Problem 1: Multiple Simultaneous Let Bindings (15 points)
In class, we studied let bindings that assigned a “single” identifier to a “single” expression. Here, we will extend lettuce with multiple let bindings at the same time:
Example 1
let (x, y, z) = (10, 25.6, 30.3) in
x - y * z
The program computes 10 - 25.6 * 30.3
Example 2
In multi-let binding, we treat all the assignments as happening “simultaneously”. For instance, the program
let (x, y, z) = (10, x, y - x) in
x - y * z
is disallowed since neither x
nor y
are in scope in the right hand side of the multi-let binding. Example 2 above produces an error
value since x
and y
are out of scope on the right hand side of the assignment.
Example 3
let x = 15 in
let (x, y, z) = (x*x, -10 *x, -2*x) in
x + y + z
Note that the usage x*x
, -10*x
and -2*x
refer back to let x = 15
definition. However, the usages x+y+z
refer to the result of the “multi-let” binding. Verify that this program will evaluate to “45”.
Grammar of Lettuce
Let us extend a minimalistic subset of Lettuce by adding a MultiLet
statement as shown below.
The scala definitions are given below.
sealed trait Expr
case class Const(d: Double) extends Expr
case class Ident(s: String) extends Expr
case class Plus(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) extends Expr
case class Mult(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) extends Expr
case class Let(id: String, e1: Expr, e2: Expr) extends Expr
case class MultiLet(id: List[String], eList: List[Expr], e2: Expr) extends Expr
Semantics for MultiLet
Let us write down the semantic rules for a multilet statement:
The semantic rule above tells you to
- Evaluate each of the expressions from
, …,en
under the environmentenv
. - Next, if all the expressions above evaluated without an error, it tells you to update the map
by binding eachxi
to vivi, the result of evaluatingei
. You can use the Scala Map “++” operator to achieve this in one shot. - Finally, you should evaluate
under the new environment created.
For convenience, we write a single “generic” semantic rule that shows that if some argument ej
evaluates to an error, the whole expression is erroneous.
Interpreter for MultiLet Statements
Implement an interpreter for the lettuce language with multi-let
statements. Your interpreter does not need to “propagate” error: instead you should throw an IllegalArgumentException
whenever an error is encountered.
Style Guide
Use of var/while/for loops in your solution below is disallowed.
sealed trait Value
case class NumValue(f: Double) extends Value
case object Error extends Value /* -- Do not return Error -- simply throw an new IllegalArgumentException whenever you encounter an erroneous case --*/
type Environment = Map[String, Value]
def evalExpr(e: Expr, env: Environment): Value = {
e match {
case Const(f) => NumValue(f)
case Ident(x) => {
if (env.contains(x)) {
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not found identifier")
case Plus(e1, e2) => {
val v1 = evalExpr(e1, env)
val v2 = evalExpr(e2, env)
(v1, v2) match {
case (NumValue(f1), NumValue(f2)) => NumValue(f1 + f2)
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("plus failed")
case Mult(e1, e2) => {
val v1 = evalExpr(e1, env)
val v2 = evalExpr(e2, env)
(v1, v2) match {
case (NumValue(f1), NumValue(f2)) => NumValue(f1 * f2)
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("mult failed")
case Let(x, e1, e2) => {
case MultiLet(xList, eList, e2) => {
let (x, y) = (10, 20) in
let x = y in
x + x * y
val x = Ident("x")
val y = Ident("y")
val let1 = Let("x", y, Plus(x, Mult(x, y)) )
val mlet1 = MultiLet( List("x", "y"), List(Const(10.0), Const(20.0)), let1)
val v = evalExpr(mlet1, Map.empty)
assert(v == NumValue(420.0), s"Test 1 failed expected: NumValue(420.0), obtained $v")
let (x, y) = (10, x) in
let x = y in
x + x * y
val x = Ident("x")
val y = Ident("y")
val let1 = Let("x", y, Plus(x, Mult(x, y)) )
val mlet1 = MultiLet( List("x", "y"), List(Const(10.0), x), let1)
try {
val v = evalExpr(mlet1, Map.empty)
assert(false, "Test 2 failed -- your code should detect a usage of x that is out of scope")
} catch {
case e:IllegalArgumentException => { println("Illegal argument exception caught -- as expected!!") }
case _ => {println("Wrong type of exception thrown")}
let (x, y, z, w) = (10, 10, 10, 20 ) in
let () = () in
let w = w in
x *( y + w )
val x = Ident("x")
val y = Ident("y")
val z = Ident("z")
val w = Ident("w")
val ten = Const(10.0)
val twenty = Const(20.0)
val innerLet2 = Let("w", w, Mult(x, Plus(y, w)))
val multiLet1 = MultiLet(Nil, Nil, innerLet2)
val e = MultiLet(List("x","y","z","w"), List(ten, ten, ten, twenty), multiLet1)
val v = evalExpr(e, Map.empty)
assert(v == NumValue(300.0), "Test2 Failed -- expected value NumValue(300.0), obtained value $v")
Problem 2: Translating Lettuce Into Scala (25 points)
In this problem, we will translate Lettuce programs into scala. We will consider the fragment of the language with Let bindings and if-then-else statements.
The goal is to implement the function translateIntoScala(e)translateIntoScala(e) that inputs a Lettuce Expr ee and outputs a string that is supposed to be a scala expression.
We provide semantics of the translation as below:
Note that the output of translateIntoScalatranslateIntoScala is a string.
Note that to convert a number to string in scala, use the ‘toString’ method.
Note that when you translate subexpressions, you have to make sure to wrap them in curly braces so that things defined in the scope of one subexpression do not accidently fall into another. Please follow the conventions below with curly braces. Otherwise you will not pass the tests
Whitespaces (space, tab, returns) are ignored by our test cases.
sealed trait Expr
case class Const(f: Double) extends Expr
case object ConstTrue extends Expr
case object ConstFalse extends Expr
case class Ident(s: String) extends Expr
case class Plus(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) extends Expr
case class Minus(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) extends Expr
case class Mult(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) extends Expr
case class Geq(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) extends Expr
case class And(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) extends Expr
case class Or(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) extends Expr
case class IfThenElse(e1: Expr, e2: Expr, e3: Expr) extends Expr
case class Let(x:String, e1: Expr, e2: Expr) extends Expr
def translateIntoScala(e: Expr): String = {
def cleanUpWhiteSpacesInString(st: String): String =
st.filterNot( _.isWhitespace )
val tst1 = """
val x = { { 1 } + { 3 } }
val y = { 2 }
val z = { 10 }
{ x } + { { y } * { z } }
def checkWhitespaceMunged(testName: String, s1: String, s2: String) : Boolean = {
println(s"--- Test $testName ---")
println("Your code returned:")
println("Expected result:")
cleanUpWhiteSpacesInString(s1) == cleanUpWhiteSpacesInString(s2)
val x = Ident("x")
val y = Ident("y")
val one = Const(1.0)
val two = Const(2.0)
val e1 = Plus(x, y)
val e1Expected = "{ x } + { y }"
val e1Translated = translateIntoScala(e1)
assert(checkWhitespaceMunged("e1", e1Translated, e1Expected), "Failed test for e1")
println("Test passed!")
val e2 = Plus(x, one)
val e2Expected = "{ x } + { 1.0 }"
assert(checkWhitespaceMunged("e2", translateIntoScala(e2), e2Expected), "Failed test for e2")
println("Test passed!")
val e3 = Minus(x, two)
val e3Expected = "{ x } - { 2.0 }"
assert(checkWhitespaceMunged("e3", translateIntoScala(e3), e3Expected), "Failed test for e3")
println("Test passed!")
val e4 = Plus(x, Minus(y, one))
val e4Expected = "{ x } + { { y } - {1.0} }"
val s4 = translateIntoScala(e4)
assert(checkWhitespaceMunged("e4", s4, e4Expected), "Failed test for e4")
println("Test passed!")
val e5 = And( Geq( x, y) , Geq(y, one))
val e5Expected = "{{x} >= {y}} && {{y} >= {1.0}}"
val s5 = translateIntoScala(e5)
assert(checkWhitespaceMunged("e5", s5, e5Expected), "Failed test for e5")
println("Test passed!")
val e6 = Or( Geq( Mult(x, y), Ident("z")) , Geq(y, one))
val e6Expected = "{{ {x} * {y}} >= {z}} || {{y} >= {1.0}}"
val s6 = translateIntoScala(e6)
assert(checkWhitespaceMunged("e6", s6, e6Expected), "Failed test for e6")
println("test passed!")
val x = Ident("x")
val y = Ident("y")
val one = Const(1.0)
val two = Const(2.0)
val e5 = And( Geq( x, y) , Geq(y, one))
val e5Expected = "{{x} >= {y}} && {{y} >= {1.0}}"
val iteExpr = IfThenElse(e5, one, y)
val iteExpected = s""" if ({$e5Expected}) {
} else {
val iteTranslated = translateIntoScala(iteExpr)
println("iteTranslated = " + iteTranslated)
assert(checkWhitespaceMunged("itetest", iteTranslated, iteExpected), "Failed test for ite")
val x = Ident("x")
val y = Ident("y")
val one = Const(1.0)
val two = Const(2.0)
val e6 = Or( Geq( Mult(x, y), Ident("z")) , Geq(y, one))
val e6Expected = "{{ {x} * {y}} >= {z}} || {{y} >= {1.0}}"
val letExpr1 = Let("x", Const(10.0) , Plus(x, one))
val letExpr1Expected = """val x = { 10.0 } {
{ x } + { 1.0 } }
val letExprTranslated1 = translateIntoScala(letExpr1)
assert(checkWhitespaceMunged("letExprTranslated1",letExprTranslated1, letExpr1Expected), "Failed test for letExpr1")
val letExpr2 = Let("x", letExpr1 , Let ("y", two, Plus(x, y)))
val letExprTranslated2 = translateIntoScala(letExpr2)
val letExprExpected2 = """ val x = {
val x = {
{ x } + {1.0}
val y = {
{ x } + {y}
assert(checkWhitespaceMunged("letExprTranslated2", letExprTranslated2, letExprExpected2), "Failed test for letExpr2")
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