From the book: 108, 109, 120 (you will need to make some assumptions to answer this, please clearly
state your assumptions), 121, 124, 125, 127, 129, 132, 159, 160, 185, 186, 188, 192.
As before, I may cut from the end of these assignments if I don’t get to the material in class, so start
with stuff we have covered.
This assignment is all about high-performance concurrent hash tables. You will build a set of different
hash tables and extend one of your choosing in a couple non-trivial ways. Each design will support
add(), remove() and contains() methods (as described on page 299 in the text) and will be resizable,
based on a fullness criteria. That is, you will specify some measure of the occupancy of the table that
will trigger a resize() operation, which will then double the space and copy the data. There are many
such criteria (eg. max total number of items in the table, max total items in any given bucket etc.) and
for this assignment you will decide which heuristic to use and provide the reasoning and experimental
data (of your own design) to support your decision.
The world is awash in variations on hash tables – in this assignment we will focus on two canonical
types: Closed-Address hash tables have linked lists located at each bucket (or hash index), which
support the add(), remove() and contains() methods. Open-Address hash tables have individual
entries at each hash index, but resolve collisions by inserting items at nearby locations (eg. cuckoo
hashing in Section 13.4 of the text and linear probing – see the Wikipedia article on linear probing).
Please see Chapter 13 in the text for more detail.
All of the hash table designs use locks and while you’re permitted to use your lock designs from
pset4, you may also build on the pthread Mutex provided in the pthreads library. In general, we will
use the StripedHashSet paradigm (Figure 13.6 in the text), allocating a lock bank of size 2dlog2 ne
next larger power of two) for n threads. This allows us to map a hash index to a particular lock with
a bitwise AND operation, which is cheap and convenient. Further, in practice it is generally accepted
that if the number of locks is approximately equal to the number of threads (with a uniform distribution
of accesses to each) you will largely mitigate lock contention. Feel free to demonstrate to yourself that
this is true in our case, but it is not necessary for this assignment; you are free to assume it. In addition,
we’ll make the simplifying assumption that all hash tables have 2k buckets for some k – after all, we’re
not savages.
Hash Tables We will build each of the following types of hash table, H:
• Lock-based Closed-Address (Locking): This is a standard hash table where add() and remove() methods use a writeLock() to make modifications to the list located at a bucket and
contains() uses the corresponding readLock (see Section 8.3 in the text for a review of the
readWriteLock concept). A resize() method merely grabs all writeLocks in sequential order (to avoid deadlock with a rival resize() attempt) to halt activity during the course of the
resize() operation.
• Lock-Free-Contains Closed-Address (Lock-FreeC): This design uses a regular ReentrantLock and does not require a readWriteLock, since the contains() method does not ever
make use of the readLock() functionality. This design has the additional requirement that if
a contains() and an add() or a remove() method proceed concurrently that the result of the
contains() is linearizable with the other call; i.e., you will have to argue that your design meets
this requirement.
• Linearly Probed Open-Address (Linear-Probe): This is a standard linear probing style hash
table, where each entry in the table has a counter which defines the maximum number of steps
necessary to find a previously added item – that is, if an add() method had to walk k steps to
find a vacant spot, the counter would be set to the max of the previous value and k. This allows
both the remove() and contains() methods to limit their searches. Beware of the potential for
deadlock when grabbing locks for multiple hash indices (as in add() and remove()) in the event
that the home index is not vacant.
• Your Design! (Awesome): This is your opportunity to design a really fancy version of either
Lock-Free or Linear Probe (or try something completely different). In particular, you should
extend the design in at least two non-trivial ways, demonstrating through experimentation of your
own design why it is a good choice and providing your reasoning for its correctness. Please include
a section in your report where you concretely discuss the performance tradeoffs you made, your
experiments to test those tradeoffs and your reasoning about the correctness of your algorithm. You
are free to pursue whatever design enhancements you like provided they are roughly as sophisticated
as the following examples:
– Concurrent Resize: Design your hash table such that all operations, including add() and
remove(), proceed concurrently with resize() method calls.
– Distributed Resize: When a single thread performs the resize operation, there is the potential that if the rate of all threads making add() calls exceeds the rate of a single thread
copying items, that the maximum speedup is governed by the single thread performing the
resize() operation. Instead, your design could offload the work of copying items to the other
threads. Use your engineering judgment to decide among the myriad ways there are to do
this – be sure to include your justification for both performance and correctness in the report.
– Completely Lock-Free: Can you build a concurrent hash table using only synchronization
primitives like getAndSet() and fetchAndIncrement with no locks?
– Perfect Hashing: One disadvantage of using a list for each bucket in a Closed-Address hash
table is that the traversal of that list is inherently serial and takes time linear in the length
of the list in the worst case. In the theoretical analysis of hash tables, there is a technique
called Perfect Hashing which reduces the access time of a hash table to O(1) Essentially,
the technique amounts to another hash table (albeit much smaller) to hold items at each
bucket, rather than a list: a hash table of hash tables.
Performance Tests We will test the concurrency of your hash table designs with a simple throughput
test, taking packets from a HashPacketGenerator object which are encoded as add, remove or
contains requests. Then each packet is applied to the hash table according to this encoding, calculating
the Fingerprint() – a proxy for generic packet processing work – as before. We will build three versions
of this code:
• Serial: A single thread serially retrieves packets and makes the appropriate calls into a serial
hash table implementation. This version of the code is configurable by the following parameters:
– numMilliseconds (M) the time in milliseconds that the experiment should run.
– fractionAdd (P+) the percentage of packets that result in an add() call
– fractionRemove (P−) the fraction of packets that result in a remove() call. Note that
the fraction of contains() packets is 1 − P+ − P−.
– hitRate (ρ) the fraction of contains() calls that find data in the hash table.
– mean (W) the expected amount of work per packet.
– initSize (s) the number of items to be preloaded into the table before the Dispatcher and
Workers begin working (call getAddPacket() using the HashPacketGenerator s times).
• Parallel: As in the previous two assignments, a Dispatcher thread will solely retrieve packets
from the HashPacketGenerator and write them into a bank of Lamport queues (queueDepth
= 16). Using your best load balancing strategy from the last assignment, the Worker threads will
retrieve the packets from the queue bank and then make concurrent calls into the hash table. This
version of the code is configurable by the same parameters as Serial plus:
– numWorkers (n) the number of Worker threads.
– tableType (H) the type of hash table (eg. Locking, Lock-FreeC etc.)
• ParallelNoLoad: This application is like Parallel, except that the Workers just drop the
packets. The purpose of this application is to determine the maximum throughput of the Dispatcher. It is parameterized by the same parameters as Parallel minus H.
You should create a directory and expand the accompanying utilities file into it. It will provide some
basic components (e.g. utilities for timing code, a random packet generator etc.). You are free to modify
or rewrite any of these except for HashPacketGenerator.
Next, you will perform the following set of experiments across various cross-products of these parameters. Each data point is a measurement taken on a dynamic system (a computer…) and is thus subject
to noise. As a result, some care should be taken to extract representative data – we would propose
running some reasonable number of experiments for each data point and selecting the median value as
the representative. The median of 5 runs should suffice to get a reasonable estimate of the performance
on any given configuration – please use your own engineering judgment to decide how many trials you
require. Setting the experiment time M to 2000 (ie. 2 seconds) should suffice to warm up the caches for
all of the following experiments. In each of the following experiments, we describe an experiment that
you should perform and analyze. Please provide your hypotheses for the trends you see, supported by
additional experiments of your own design if your hypotheses are not sufficiently substantiated by these
Hash Table Throughput Tests
1. Dispatcher Rate Run ParallelNoLoad with n = C (where C is the number of cores in your
test machine) and W = 1 to estimate the rate at which the Dispatcher retrieves packets and writes
them into the queue bank. How does this rate compare with the same rate in the first programming
2. Parallel Overhead Run Serial and Parallel with n = 1 and W = 4000 on each hash table
type, H (∈ {Locking, Lock-FreeC, Linear-Probe, Awesome, }), with two load configurations:
(a) Mostly Reads P+ = 0.09, P− = 0.01, ρ = 0.9
(b) Heavy Writes P+ = 0.45, P− = 0.05, ρ = 0.9
3. Speedup Run Serial and Parallel with n ∈ {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32}, W = 4000, all H and under two
load configurations:
(a) Mostly Reads P+ = 0.09, P− = 0.01, ρ ∈ {0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.99}
(b) Heavy Writes P+ = 0.45, P− = 0.05, ρ ∈ {0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.99}
Make 8 plots (one for each load configuration) with speedup (relative to Serial) on the Y -axis and
n on the X-axis. Analyze this data and present your most insightful observations in the report.
Please submit a typeset (learn LATEX if you haven’t already!) report summarizing your results from
the experiments and the conclusions you draw from them. Your report should include the experiments
as specified above, any additional experimental data you used to draw conclusions and a self-contained
report. That is, somebody should be able to read the report alone and understand what code you
developed, what experiments you ran and how the data supports the conclusions you draw. In addition,
your report should provide the reasoning (though, mercifully, not a formal proof) as to why your designs
are correct. In particular, for each method in each design you should specify whether the method is waitfree, lock-free, deadlock-free or starvation-free and the reasoning for it. Finally, submit your development
directory, containing all of the working code.
23010-1, 5, CSMC, Homework
[SOLVED] Csmc 23010-1 homework 5
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