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[SOLVED] Csmc 23010-1 homework 2


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The Programming Environment
We will be programming in C with POSIX threads (pthreads). There are many pthreads tutorials and overviews on the web. I prefer the one from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory:
Pthreads provides several useful functions for mutual exclusion and synchronization. Your final codes
should not make use of these unless explicitly stated. However, they might be useful for debugging. For
example, if you are not sure whether you have correctly implemented mutual exclusion, you can use a
pthread mutex (MUTual EXclusion) object to replace your mutual exclusion protocol in the code. If
the program starts to work, then you have a better idea of where to look for bugs.
The gcc compiler provides access to hardware synchronization instructions through gcc atomic
builtins. You can read more about those here: http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-4.1.1/gcc/AtomicBuiltins.html. Please do make use of these unless we explicitly tell you not to.
Programming Projects Background
These programming assignments are based on building a firewall: we will see a stream of packets from
various source addresses (represented as integers) and perform several operations before sending them to
the destination address (also integers) specified in the header of the packet. By default, packets will be
data packets, messages from source address to destination address with some variable-length payload.
Our firewall will perform two primary functions: 1) enforce access controls and 2) filter the data payloads
for evidence of bad guys (that the packet is from a suspicious source).
The First Programming Assignment
This assignment is all about work distribution and load balancing. Suppose that we have n different
sources, each of which will supply T packets (n and T are input parameters). Your goal is to calculate a
checksum on all packets. You’ll be provided with a data object and associated functions that calculate the
checksum and you will also be provided with an object which creates the packets (the Packet Generator ).
In order to get a parallel speedup, you will have a single thread (the Dispatcher ) retrieve the packets
from the packet generator, but distribute the work of calculating the checksums across n−1 threads (the
Workers). Because we tie the number of threads to the number of sources, we can use a Lamport queue
(Figure 3.3 ”WaitFreeQueue” in the text – also called a single-reader / single-writer queue) of depth D
(an input parameter) to buffer packets for each thread. That is, each worker has a dedicated Lamport
queue which is written only by the Dispatcher and read only by the associated Worker, thus requiring
no locks. Provided the typical work to calculate a checksum is large relative to the work to retrieve the
packet and write it into the Lamport queue, we should see a reasonable opportunity for parallel speedup.
We will build three different versions of the code:
• Serial The application, as described above, where a thread loops through each source and each
packet to calculate the checksums serially. This version is provided – it should be used to test
correctness of the other versions and as a tutorial for how the other provided components are used.
• Parallel The application, as described above, implemented with n workers calculating the checksums in parallel.
• Serial-queue The application, as described above, in which a thread proceeds in much the same
way as in Serial, but each packet from the ith source must be written to and then subsequently
read from the ith Lamport queue. In particular, all data structures used in the Parallel version
should be instantiated in this version, the only difference being that all code is performed by a
single thread. This configuration allows us to ascertain the overhead in additional work we incur
by parallelizing the application and communicating through the queue.
Load Balancing
Assuming that the work is dominated by the checksum calculation, we might indeed get decent parallel
speedup. However, this also relies on how the distribution of work falls to each worker, since we have a
fixed assignment of worker to packet source. That is, if one worker has considerably more work than the
average worker, the overall runtime will suffer. In order to explore this effect, we will use three different
sources of packets: Constant, Uniform, and Exponential. Constant packets have the same amount of
work per packet, Uniform packets have the property that the expected work for every packet from every
source is identical and distributed according to a uniform random variable (uniform over [0, 2W]), where
the expected work, W, is an input parameter. Exponential packets, by contrast, have for each packet
coming from source i an expected work equal to µi
, which is distributed according to an exponential
distribution with parameter λ =
W . Furthermore, the packets from source i have work that is distributed
according to an exponential distribution with parameter λi =
. The difference in average work per
source and the added variability of the exponential distribution (vs. the uniform distribution) both give
rise to an imbalance of work across the n workers.
You should create a directory and expand the accompanying and retrieve our helper code from svn
(directions will be posted on the class website shortly – it will either be through svn or a tarball posted
on the class website).
In particular, the following data types are provided:
• PacketSource t is a random packet generator (see packetsource.h) which is instantiated with
three parameters:
– mean is the expected amount of work that will need to be performed per packet.
– numSources is the number of packet sources.
– seed initializes the internal random number generator – it can be set to the trial number if
you wish to corroborate your packet checksums across runs of Serial, Serial-queue and
In addition to creation and deletion, it exports three functions, getConstantPacket, getUniformPacket, and getExponentialPacket, which, given an input source number, returns the
next packet from that source. Note: the uniform and exponential packet streams are independent
for each source – so the sequence of packets from each source is deterministic, regardless of the
order that they are taken among the sources.
• StopWatch is a simple timer (see stopwatch.h) which reports times accurate to microseconds.
• The function getFingerprint takes takes two longs, iterations and startSeed (i.e., as a proxy
for the packet body), and returns a long, which is the checksum, or fingerprint, of the packet body.
You should not need to modify this code for these assignments. If you believe that you do, please
start a discussion on the class webpage, or see the instructors to discuss why you think it should be
Your code should be configurable by the following input parameters (argc, argv):
• n – the number of workers. In this case, it is also equal to the number of sources and the number
of queues, due to the fixed mapping of work to worker – (numSources in the code).
• T – the total number of packets from each source – (numPackets in the code).
• D – the number of entries in each Lamport queue – (queueDepth in the code).
• W – the expected amount of work per packet – (mean in the code).
Next, you will perform the following set of experiments across various cross-products of these parameters. Each data point is a measurement taken on a dynamic system (a computer…) and is thus
subject to noise. As a result, some care should be taken to extract representative data – we would
propose running some reasonable number of experiments for each data point and selecting the median
value as the representative. For Uniform packets, something like 5 data points should suffice whereas for
Exponentially Distributed packets 11 may be required to get relatively smooth plots – please use your
own engineering judgment to decide how many trials you require. You should set the seed parameter for
the PacketSource object to the trial number (or some deterministic function thereof) to ensure that
you’re seeing a reasonable variation in load from each source. In each of the following experiments, we
describe a plot that you should produce, analyze and discuss in the writeup.
1. Parallel Overhead Run Serial and Serial-queue (D = 32) on uniformly distributed packets
with W ∈ {25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 800} and n ∈ {1, 8, 16}. Let T ≈
nW for each experiment. Each
should take about a second. Plot the speedup (i.e. ratio of Serial-queue runtime to Serial
runtime) for each n (i.e. one curve for each n) on the Y -axis vs. W on the X-axis. Using the
Serial-queue data, derive the Worker Rate, the packet rate of a worker, given W.
2. Dispatcher Rate Run Parallel (D = 32) on uniformly distributed packets with W = 1,
n ∈ {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32}, T =
. Plot the ratio of nT to runtime of Parallel (i.e. packets per
second) on the Y -axis vs. n on the X-axis.
3. Speedup with Constant Load Run Serial and Parallel (D = 32) on constnat load packets
with W ∈ {1000, 2000, 4000, 8000} and n ∈ {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32}. Plot the speedup of Parallel to
Serial for each W (i.e. a curve for each load) on the Y -axis vs. the number of cores, n, on the
X-axis. Derive an expected speedup using the Worker Rate and Dispatcher Rate from the
previous experiments. How does the expected speedup compare with the measured speedup?
4. Speedup with Uniform Load Run Serial and Parallel (D = 32) on uniformly distributed
packets with W ∈ {1000, 2000, 4000, 8000} and n ∈ {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64}. Let T = 217. Plot the
speedup of Parallel to Serial for each W (i.e. a curve for each expected load) on the Y -axis
vs. the number of cores, n, on the X-axis. Derive an expected speedup using the Worker Rate
and Dispatcher Rate from the previous experiments. How does the expected speedup compare
with the measured speedup?
5. Speedup with Exponentially Distributed Load Run the same experiment as Speedup with
uniform load, except use the exponentially distributed packets from the packet generator. How
do these results compare with those with the uniform packets?
6. Extra Credit: Design an experiment (and hypothesis) that tests speed as a function of D. If you
attempt this extra credit, your design document should describe how you will conduct this study
and what results you expect.
Design and Test Document
The design for this problem is more complicated than the previous assignment. You need to spend
some time thinking of how you will test your queues, workers, and dispatcher as independent (or semiindependent) entities. You also need to think about how they will work together.
Also, the hypotheses are more complicated for this assignment. You should come up with one
hypothesis per experiment. You should leave yourself enough time to adjust if your hypothesis does
not match the experimental results. This may require beginning the implementation before the design
review. Certainly, you should plan to have results prior to the morning before the assignment is due.
The design and test document is due 1/28/2014.
Please submit a typeset report summarizing your results from the experiments and the conclusions you
draw from them. Your report should include the five plots (graphs) as specified above. Also, submit the
working code for Serial, Serial-queue and Parallel. The write up should be submitted in class,
the code should be submitted in the svn repo.


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[SOLVED] Csmc 23010-1 homework 2