[Solved] CSIS2200 Assignment 3


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  2. Learn about some current technologies
  3. Learn about applications of these technologies in real life
  4. Analyse some innovative applications using current technologies
  5. Create a Project WEB site
  6. Use Trello for project work
  7. Interact with Project members

  1. WHY?

This activity will give you practice on self-learning and researching on analyzing requirements for useful real-life applications.

  1. TASKS:
  2. Working with your group, select ONE project from the individual suggested projects of your team members as outlined in Assignment 1.
  3. Create detail list of functions for your proposed system in point form.
  4. Create Use Case Diagram
  5. Create Data Flow Context Diagram
  6. Create User interface
  7. Create Trello boards assigning tasks for each team
  8. Create ONE new Web Site for Assignment 3
  1. WEB SITE Specification

You will create a Website for Assignment 3usingGoogle sites: https://sites.google.com

Your website must include the following elements:

  1. Home Page: Change the title to About the Project. This will contain a brief description about the project you as a group agreed
  2. Create a new page (name it Team Members). This page will contain for each team member:
  3. Full name. ii. A photograph of yours

iii. Your LinkedIn hyperlink (Do not type the link address) And QR code for your LinkedIn link iv. Website address of each team members using hyperlink

(Assignment 1 Web site address)

  1. Create a subpage (name it Project Introduction) under About the Project. Write a paragraph summarizing the problem (from the perspective of the user), the context, suggested solution, and the stakeholders. Must be short and clear.
  2. Create a subpage (name it Project Background) under

About the Project

  • Reasons why the problem is worth solving
  • Origin of the problem
  • How the problem affects users
  • How the solution fits into the technical strategy
  1. Create a subpage (name it Applications Features) under

About the Project

List the functions of the application of the project in bullet form.

  1. Create a subpage (name it Users of the Project) under About the Project.Write a paragraph about the users of the application.
  1. Create a subpage (name it UseCase Diagram) under Applications Features subpage. Place the Usecase diagram in this subpage.
  1. Create a subpage (name it Data Flow Context Diagram) under Applications Features subpage. Place the Data Flow Context Diagram in this subpage.
  1. Create a subpage (name it User Interface) under Applications Features subpage. Place the User Interface Diagram in this subpage.
  1. Project Document: Create a new Page (name it as File

Cabinet). This page will contain important documents here:

  1. Trello link for the tasks for each team member
  1. Create a subpage (name it Project Experience) under About the Project. The subpage will
  2. enumerate honestly what worked and didnt work well with your team project. This is a group consensus, but can identify differences of opinion where some people like a practice and others didnt.
  1. Create a subpage (name it Work Cited) under About the Project. This is a bibliography of all the texts that you referred to in your report.

Your Web site should be organized in such a way that it is visually appealing and professional looking.

You will submit your website link as part of your submissions. The links must be accurate and working in order to get full credit for your submission. (You will lose 20% of your submission credit if your website is not in working order)

You are welcome to make Website as fancy as you like, but it must be completed by the due date.

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[Solved] CSIS2200 Assignment 3