[Solved] CSIS2200 Assignment 2


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  1. Learn about some current video conferencing technologies
  2. Learn about applications of these technologies in real life
  3. Recommend one video conferencing technologies
  4. WHY?

This activity will give you practice on self-learning and researching on technical topics which have useful real-life applications.

  1. TASKS:

  1. Research on a simple Web based application (Not standalone software application) which will be useful for your daily life.
  2. Suggest video conferencing software which you want to use after experimenting with two video conferencing software.
  1. Draft a report for your recommendation
  1. Problem Statement

A small business (CSIS Tech) is not sure which video conferencing software to use for their employees who will be working from home during COVID-19 pandemic. CSIS Tech has 50 employees and all be working from home and will conduct online meetings on a regular basis using video conferencing software. After reading the information presented in Chapter 2 and other resources, write a onepage paper that summarizes your recommendation to the CSIS Tech which video software to use.

You will be working in a group of four. Assign one person to be a group leader

  1. Try at least two of the following video conferencing software (use free or trial version only) from the list below:


Microsoft Teams


CISCO Werbex Meeting

Adobe Connect

Yocale Meet

  1. Make your recommendation which one you will recommend for adoption for CSIT Tech. Justify your recommendation,
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[Solved] CSIS2200 Assignment 2