[Solved] CSIS2200 Assignment 1


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  1. Learn about some current technologies
  2. Learn about applications of these technologies in real life
  3. Propose some innovative applications using current technologies
  4. Create a PowerPoint Presentation
  5. Create a WEB site
  6. Use Trello
  7. Form a Project Group
  1. WHY?

This activity will give you practice on self-learning and researching on technical topics which have useful real-life applications.

  1. TASKS:
  2. Research on a simple standalone software application (Not Web based application) which will be useful for your daily life.
  3. Suggest one innovative application which you want to develop.
  4. Draft a report for your proposed system.
  5. Draft a list of requirements for your proposed system in point form.

4. PowerPoint Presentation

Create a PowerPoint presentation containing maximum of 10 slides to sell yourself to your audience so that they can hire you. Each slide must contain audio recording explaining the slides.

Brief Personal Profile of yourself. Write a two paragraph (or more) biography of yourself have fun, and be creative! Give people some insight into who you are. Paragraphs must be nicely worded and contain

  1. Your full name.
  2. A photograph of yours
  • Your program of study
  1. Your hobbies/interests
  2. Your top three career goals
  3. Your top three educational goals
  • Your Work Experience and special skills
  1. Any other things (Do not give out any personal information which you do not want to divulge)

5. LinkedIn Profile

  1. Create a profile in LinkedIn first with your picture and appropriate profile
  2. Create a QR code for your LinkedIn link

6. Trello

  1. Create a new account on Trello.com
  2. Create two boards for two courses (one must be CSIS 2200)
  3. For each course list due dates for all the assignments, Quizzes, Midterm, Finals due dates and their status.
  4. Update the status as you complete the tasks.
  5. Be creative.

7. WEB SITE Specification

You will create a small personal WebsiteusingGoogle sites: https://sites.google.com

Your website must include the following elements:

  1. Home Page: Change the title to About the Project. This will contain a brief description about the project you will be undertaking. For this Assignment you just write Under


  1. Create a new page (name it My Personal Profile). This page will contain:

Brief Personal Profile of yourself. Write a two paragraph (or more) biography of yourself have fun, and be creative! Give people some insight into who you are. Paragraphs must be nicely worded and contain

  1. Your full name.
  2. A photograph of yours
  • Your program of study
  1. Your hobbies/interests
  2. Your top three career goals
  3. Your top three educational goals
  • Your Work Experience and special skills
  1. Any other things (Do not give out any personal information which you do not want to divulge)

d. Your LinkedIn hyperlink (Do not type the link address)

And QR code for your LinkedIn link

NOTE: Do not put information that is personal in nature such as age, phone# which you do not want to divulge

  1. Create a new page (name it My Project Suggestion).This page will contain

A brief overview of the project (one paragraph) you are suggesting.

  1. Create a subpage (name it Project Introduction) under My Project Suggestion Write a paragraph summarizing the problem (from the perspective of the user), the context, suggested solution, and the stakeholders.
  2. Create a subpage (name it Project Background) under My

Project Suggestion

  • Reasons why the problem is worth solving
  • Origin of the problem
  • How the problem affects users
  • How the solution fits into the technical strategy
  1. Create a subpage (name it Applications Features) under My

Project Suggestion

Write a paragraph listing the features of the application of the project.

  1. Create a subpage (name it Users of the Project) under My

Project Suggestion

Write a paragraph about the users of the application.

  1. Create a subpage (name it References) under My Project


List the references you have used to come up with the project.

  1. Project Document: Create a new Page (name it as File Cabinet). This page will contain important documents here.

Leave the content blank for now.

Your Web site should be organized in such a way that it is visually appealing and professional looking.

You will submit your website link as part of your submissions. The links must be accurate and working in order to get full credit for your submission. (You will lose 20% of your submission credit if your website is not in working order)

You are welcome to make Website as fancy as you like, but it must be completed by the due date.

Assignment submission format:

  1. Create a word document containing
  2. the URL of your WEB site
  3. Submit word document in Assignment 1 folder course website.


  1. What can you do with the new Sites?
  2. Trello 101
  3. Getting started with Trello Video
  4. How to use Trello [trello tutorial] Video

Sample Site:

  1. Project work site
  1. Project wiki
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[Solved] CSIS2200 Assignment 1