[Solved] CSI405-Homework 1


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Problem 1: Create an Employee class

Create a class to represent Employee information called Employee. This class includes three pieces of information as instance variablesa first name (type String), a last name (type String) and a monthly salary (type double). Your class should have a constructor that initializes the three instance variables. Provide a set and a get method for each instance variable. If the monthly salary is not positive, set it to 0.0. Write a driver class named EmployeeTest that demonstrates class Employees capabilities. Create two Employee objects and display the yearly salary for each Employee. Then give each Employee a 10% raise and display each Employees yearly salary again.

Problem 2: Methods

Create a class called HW1Problem2. Create the following (public) methods in the class:

  1. Write a method called multiple that takes two integers as its arguments and returns true if the first integer is divisible evenly by the second one (i.e., there is no remainder after division); otherwise, the method should return false.
  2. Write a method called reminder that takes an integer as an argument and returns the remainder of that value divided by 7.
  3. Write method distance to calculate the distance between two points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2). All numbers and return values should be of type double.
  4. BONUS: Write a method that uses random numbers to simulate 10 flips of a coin.

Incorporate all of the above methods in a driver class Problem2Driver. Allow user to provide inputs for the arguments of the methods and also display results from the methods.

Problem 3: Bank simulation Model the classes below:

  1. CheckingBankAccount A checking bank account has value, a person can withdraw, deposit money to the account
  2. Address This is a simple class which has all String fields to represent an address (ex. Address line 1, line2, City, State, Zip)
  3. Person A person has a first and last name, address and has a CheckingBankAccount
  4. Bank Bank is associated with the checking account. Bank has a String name and address. You do not need to have a CheckingBankAccount object within this class. However it is upto you to design/model this representation.

For simplicity we will assume there is only one instance of each classes described above. Ex. Bank only has 1 account, an account is only linked to 1 person and a person only has single address.

The has-a relationship here shows aggregation. Example a person has-an address meaning you can use the Address class within the person class to represent the address for a person.

Once you have the above classes create a main method in the Bank class. Simulate a person arriving to the bank (print the persons name, and the banks name), then simulate the person opening an account with initial deposit of $1000. Simulate a deposit of $1000 and a withdrawal of $500. Every time a withdrawal or deposit happens, a receipt is printed with the name, address of the person and his/her current balance.

Create the UML diagrams of all the classes in all of your projects. The UML diagrams should follow the exact formatting shown in class slides


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[Solved] CSI405-Homework 1