[Solved] CSI235 Lab1


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  • To implement Task 1 read in the Cookbook Recipe 2.2 How to access Oracle database servers from a remote system ? It explains how to connect to Oracle database servers from your computer system at home and how to use virtual machine with the installation of Oracle 19c.
  • Start SQLcl client (command line interface to Oracle database server) and connect to your Oracle 19c database server account. Note, that your Oracle user name and password have been already emailed to you through SOLS email. If you enrolled the subject late and you got no email with your Oracle user name and password then please contact your lecture over email. Try to connect to your account on csora Oracle database server first and later to one database server running data-pc..

systems in 3.125.

  • Open a file bmp with a conceptual schema of a sample database and familiarize yourself with a domain of a sample database. Next, use a text editor to read and to analyse the contents of SQL script dbcreate.sql that can be used to create a sample database. Compare the contents of the scrip with the respective conceptual schema. Process SQL script dbcreate.sql to create the relational tables. Next, process SQL script dbload.sql to load data into the relational tables. Finally, process a script dbcount.sql to count the total number of rows in each relational table. You should get the following results.


309 85 16 40 5 10 30 10

No report is expected from the first three steps listed above.

  • Implement SQL script sql that performs the following actions.

First, your script modifies the structure of the sample database such that after the modifications it is possible to store information about the total number of parts supplied by each supplier. Please, remember that some supplier may supply no parts at the moment due to a poor economic situation. It is important to find the best design. Remember to enforce appropriate consistency constraints.

Next, your script saves in the sample database information about the total number of parts supplied by each supplier.

When ready use SQLcl to process the script and save a report in a file solution11.lst. It is explained in the Cookbook Recipe 2.5 How to use SQLcl client ?, Step 9 how to create and how to save a report from processing of SQL script.

Your report must include listing of all SQL statement processed. To achieve that put the following SQLcl commands:

SPOOL solution11 SET ECHO ON




t the beginning of SQL script solution11.sql and


at the end of the script.

  • Start SQL Developer (GUI interface to Oracle database server) and connect to your Oracle 19c database server account. You can connect to anyone of data-pc..

database servers located in a lab room or to csora server.

  • Implement SQL script sql that performs the following actions.

First, the script saves in a separate relational table (a name of the table and the names of columns are up to you) information about the names of relational tables included in a sample database and the total number of rows in each table.

Next, the script lists the contents of the new table in the ascending order of the total number of rows in the relational tables.

Use SQL Developer to test your solution. It is explained in the Cookbook Recipe 2.3 How to access Oracle database server from SQL Developer ? how to use SQL Developer.

  • When ready use SQLcl to process SQL script file sql and to save a report in a file solution12.lst. It is explained in the Cookbook Recipe 2.5 How to use SQLcl client ?, Step 9 how to create and how to save a report from processing of SQL script.

Your report must include listing of all SQL statement processed. To achieve that put the following SQL*Plus commands:

SPOOL solution12 SET ECHO ON




at the beginning of SQL script solution12.sql and


at the end of the script.


The files solution11.lst and solution12.lst that contain the reports from processing of SQL script solution11.sql and solution12.sql. The reports must have no errors and the report must list all SQL statements processed. The report must include only SQL statements and control statements that implement a specification of Task 1 and no other statements.

A report that contains no listing of executed SQL statements scores no marks !

A report that contains any kind of processing errors scores no marks !

Submission of a file with a different name and/or different extension and/or different type scores no marks !

Task 2 (0.6 mark)

Analyze a collection of incorrectly designed relational schemas listed below.

To find what is wrong with the relational schemas listed below use a method of row insertions explained in a presentation 01 Database Design Quality. Insert into the relational tables with the schemas (headers) listed below from 3 to 5 rows that demonstrate the redundancies.

Include into a file solution2.pdf the drawings of relational tables with redundancies and briefly explain the reasons behind each redundancy. The scanned neat hand drawings are acceptable.

STUDENT(snumber, first-name, last-name, ccode)

A relational table STUDENT contains information about the students and the courses enrolled by the students. A course (ccode) is enrolled by more than one students (snumber) and each student enrols several course. Student number (snumber) uniquely identifies each students and course code (ccode) uniquely identifies each course. The first (first-name) and the last (last-name) names describe the students.

HOTEL(name, city, capacity, enumber, salary)

A relational table HOTEL contains information about the hotels and employees working in the hotels. A hotel is identified by a pair of attributes (name, city) and it is also described by the total number of rooms available (capacity). Each employee is identified by employee number (enumber) and it is described by a salary (salary).

TEAM(tname, player, supporter)

A relational table TEAM contains information about football teams, football players who belong to the teams and supporters of the teams. Each football team is described a unique name (tname). Players and supporters are described by unique names (player) and (supporter). A team has many players and many supporters.


A file solution2.pdf with the drawings of relational tables with redundancies and the brief explanations of the reasons behind each redundancy


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[Solved] CSI235 Lab1