Task 1 Data manipulations
Download and unzip a file solution1.zip. You should get a file solution1.js. The file contains the specifications of the following 5 data manipulation operations on a collection tpchr.
- Remove information about an address from a description of a customer who submitted an order with an order key 1031. Next list a complete description of a customer who submitted an order with an order key 1031.
- Rename a key shipped to shipped by in the parts that have a retail price less than 902. Next, display all information about parts that have a retail price less than 902.
- Increase an account balance of all suppliers from Japan by 50% of the present value. Next, display a supplier name, nation and balance of all suppliers from Japan in a pretty format.
- Append to all parts that belong to a brand Brand#54 the following information about a new shipment:
partsupp_id : 5_1,
availqty : 100,
supplycost : 17, ref supplier : 1.
Next list all information about all parts that belong to a brand Brand#54 in a pretty format.
- Remove information about an order that has a key 1031 submitted by a customer whose key is 8. Next, list all information about all orders submitted by a customer whose key is 8.
Implement the data manipulations listed above in a data manipulation language of MongoDB. Write your solutions into the empty slots following a specification of each data manipulation in a file solution1.js. Do not remove the specifications of the data manipulations and semicolons following the specifications.
Implementation of each data manipulation is worth 1.5 mark.
When ready create a report from processing of the data manipulations in the following way.
Use gedit editor to open a file solution1.js with the specifications and implementations of the data manipulations.
Select the entire contents of the file and Copy it into a buffer.
Open a new Terminal window and start mongo client in the following way.
mongo port 4000
Paste the contents of the buffer copied earlier from gedit window in front of > prompt of mongo client. You may have to press Enter key to process the last data manipulation in a case when it is not followed by a newline control character.
Select the entire contents of the Terminal window and Copy&Paste it into a file solution1.lst. Save a file solution1.lst.
A file solution1.lst with a report from processing of MongoDB script solution1.js with the implementation of the data manipulations listed above.
And again, please remember that:
- a report without the specifications of the data manipulations and listings of the processed data manipulations scores no marks,
- a report that contains any kind of processing errors scores no marks.
Task 2 (Query processing and data transformation with aggregation framework
Drop a collection tpchr in the following way.
To re-create a collection tpchr and to load the documents into the collection, process the scripts customer.js, part.js, and supplier.js. at > prompt of mongo client in the following way.
load(customer.js); load(part.js); load(supplier.js);
Download and unzip a file solution2.zip. You should get a file solution2.js. The file contains the comments with the specifications of the following 5 queries and data transformations.
- Save information about a customer key, name, and nation of all customers from SUDAN or ROMANIA or CANADA into a collection SUROCAN. Display in a pretty format without document identifiers the contents of a collection SUROCAN.
- Save all information about the supply costs (supplycost)of a part with a name floral moccasin royal powder burnished into a collection supplycosts that consists of the documents like {supply cost: avalue-of-supply-cost}. Display in a pretty format without document identifiers all documents in a collection supplycosts.
- Find the total number of part shipments of the parts of type LARGE BURNISHED STEEL or SMALL BURNISHED STEEL. Display a result in a format {total number of shipments:integer-value}.
- Find the total number of shipments per each part. List the results in a format
{total number of shipments:integer-value, part key:integer-value}.
- Find 5 largest extended prices (extended price) from all orders. List the results in a format
{customer key: integer-value,
order key:integer-value,
line number:integer-value, price:floating-point-value}}.
Use the methods aggregate() and pretty() to implement all the queries and data transformations and to display the results. Note, that you may need two or more statements to implement a single task.
Implementation of each query/data transformation is worth 1.5 mark.
When ready create MongoDB script file solution2.js with the implementations of your queries and create a report from processing of the data manipulations in the following way.
Use gedit editor to open a file solution2.js with the specifications and implementations of the data manipulations.
Select the entire contents of the file and Copy it into a buffer.
Open a new Terminal window and start mongo client in the following way.
mongo port 4000
Paste the contents of the buffer copied earlier from gedit window in front of > prompt of mongo client. You may have to press Enter key to process the last data manipulation in a case when it is not followed by a newline control character.
Select the entire contents of the Terminal window and Copy&Paste it into a file solution2.lst. Save a file solution2.lst.
A file solution2.lst with a report from processing of MongoDB script solution2.js with the implementation of the data manipulations listed above.
Please remember that:
- a report without the specifications of the queries and data manipulations and listings of the processed queries and data manipulations scores no marks,
- a report that contains any kind of processing errors scores no marks.
Task 3
Implementation of indexing
Download and unzip a file solution2.zip. You should get a file solution2.js.
Consider the documents included in a collection tpchr and the queries consistent with the following query templates.
- Find all parts that belongs to a given brand.
- Find all parts that has a retail price greater than a given value.
- Find the names of all suppliers.
- Find the brands and types of all parts.
- Find the names of customers who submitted at least one order.
Repeat the implementations of the following four steps for each one of the query patterns listed above.
Step 1 Create an index that speeds up processing of a query consistent with a pattern.
Step 2 Apply a method getIndexes() to list all existing indexes, for example db.collection.getIndexes().
Step 3 Apply a method explain() to verify whether the system plans to use the indexes created for processing of a query consistent with a pattern, for example
The constants used in a query are up to you.
Step 4 Drop an index created in Step 1 with a method dropIndex(), e.g. db.collection.dropIndex(index_name).
You can find a name given to an index by the system from the results of the Step 2.
Write your solutions into a file solution3.js in the empty slots following a specification of each problem. Do not remove the comments with the specifications of queries and semicolons following the comments !
Implementation of each index, displaying query processing plans and dropping an index is worth 1 mark.
When ready create a report from processing of the queries in the following way. Use gedit editor to open a file solution3.js with the specifications of the queries and implementations of the queries.
Select the entire contents of the file and Copy it into a buffer.
Open a new Terminal window and start mongo client in the following way.
mongo port 4000
Paste the contents of the buffer copied earlier from gedit window in front of > prompt of mongo client. You may have to press Enter key to process the last query in a case when it is not followed by a newline control character.
Select the entire contents of the Terminal window and Copy&Paste it into a file solution3.lst. Save a file solution3.lst. Examine the contents of a file solution3.lst for possible errors.
A file solution3.lst with a report from processing of MongoDB script solution3.js with the implementation of indexing, listing the indexes and query processing plans, and dropping the indexes.
And again, please remember that:
- a report without the listings of applied methods and feedback messages issued by MongoDB scores no marks,
- a report that contains any kind of processing errors scores no marks.
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