MapReduce on Pseudo-Distributed HadoopThis is just to warm you up. In reality, Hadoop is usually deployed over actual distributed cluster nodes. However, for thepurpose of this course and get an idea of the environment, were starting with a local single node Hadoop setup (HDPsandbox, Cloudera quickstart VM or Docker).Even in real world, it is always a good idea to start small and build Keep It Simple, Stupid (KISS Principle)COVID-19 Data AnalysisAs of April 8, 2020, 1 506 061 cases and 88 085 deaths due to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by thenovel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), had been reported worldwide.The epidemic began in mainland China, with a geographical focus in the city of Wuhan, Hubei. However, on Feb 26, 2020,the rate of increase in cases became greater in the rest of the world than inside China. Substantial outbreaks are occurringin the USA (425 469 cases), Spain (148 220 cases) and Italy (139 422 cases) and geographical expansion of the epidemiccontinues.Task Requirements(1) [5 points] Building on the simple WordCount example done in class and Hadoop tutorial, your task is to performsimple processing on provided COVID-19 dataset.The first task is to count the total number of reported cases for every country/location till April 8th, 2020(NOTE: There data does contain case rows for Dec 2019, youll have to filter that data)Name your program Covid19_1.javaProgram arguments descriptionThe HDFS path to your input data file[true | false] Include World data in the result or not. True will include total number of reported casesfor World in the result, False will ignore the rows with location/country = worldThe HDFS output path for your program. (NOTE: You should remove the output path after everyexecution of your program. Hadoop cannot start a job if output directory is already created)(2) [10 points] General analysis usually require processing in multiple modes. For instance, for COVID-19 data,analysis can be performed on different date ranges.Your second task is to modify your program to report total number of deaths for every location/country inbetween a given range of dates.Name your program Covid19_2.javaNote that youll have to perform error handling for invalid dates. Input dataset contains data from Dec, 2019 toApril, 2020. Perform your error handling accordinglyAlso, your result should contain data including start and end datesProgram arguments description[email protected]5/29/2020 Homework4hadoop CSE532-S20 2/4The HDFS path to your input dataStart date (YYYY-MM-DD)End date (YYYY-MM-DD)The HDFS output path for your program. (NOTE: You should remove the output path after everyexecution of your program. Hadoop cannot start a job if output directory is already created)(3) [10 points] Often times we can encounter cases where we have to join multiple datasets for analysis. Oneparticular case is when one of the joining dataset is static and may have to be read frequently multiple times. Insuch cases, Hadoop provides DistributedCache to efficiently manage read-only files and avoid unnecessary copying.Your third task is to output the total number of cases per 1 million population for every countryName your program Covid19_3.javaAdd population.csv file to Hadoop DistributedCache (See Examples)Use formula(total_number_of_country_cases/country_population) * 1,000,000Program arguments descriptionThe HDFS path to your input data file (covid19_full_data.csv)The HDFS path to populations.csvThe HDFS output path for your program. (NOTE: You should remove the output path after everyexecution of your program. Hadoop cannot start a job if output directory is already created)DatasetDataset DescriptionThe dataset contains COVID-19 case information from the start of this year till April 8, 2020 for most of the countries ofthe world in .csv (comma separated value). Each line consists of number of new cases, new deaths, total number of casesand total deaths for a given country on given day. The data format is as follows[date],[location/country],[new_cases],[new_deaths]The second dataset, required for task-3, consists of population information for world countries as of the year 2020. Theformat of the data is as follows[country],[location],[continent],[population_year],[population]Dataset DownloadYou can download sample dataset using following terminal commands(covid19 dataset for task-1, task-2 and task-3)wget dfs -mkdir -p /cse532/inputhdfs dfs -put covid19_full_data.csv /cse532/input/(population dataset for task-3)wget dfs -mkdir -p /cse532/cachehdfs dfs -put populations.csv /cse532/cache/ExamplesTo execute Hadoop jobs using Java API (Terminal Commands)hadoop Covid19.jar Covid19_1 /cse532/input/covid19_full_data.csv true /cse532/output/hadoop Covid19.jar Covid19_1 /cse532/input/covid19_full_data.csv false /cse532/output/hadoop Covid19.jar Covid19_2 /cse532/input/covid19_full_data.csv 2020-01-01 2020-03-31 /cse532/output/To view output (Terminal Commands)(list contents of HDFS output directory)hdfs dfs -ls /cse532/output/(print out the contents of output files to terminal)hdfs dfs -cat /cse532/output/part-*5/29/2020 Homework4hadoop CSE532-S20 3/4Distributed Cache (Code)(Add following to your main method, after putting population.csv on hdfs)Configuration conf = getConf();Job job = Job.getInstance(conf);job.addCacheFile(new Path(hdfs://localhost:9000/populations.csv).toUri());(Add following function/method to your mapper and/or reducer class)public void setup(Context context){URI[] files = context.getCacheFiles();for (URI file : files){// read population.csv file data}}SubmissionHadoop1. Submit for task-1 (It should contain the map and reduce functions)2. Submit for task-2 (It should contain the map and reduce functions)3. Submit for task-2 (It should contain the map and reduce functions)[Extra Credit] Pseudo Distributed SparkSimilar to Hadoop, Apache Spark also supports pseudo distributed mode aka. single node cluster or Spark standalonemode. While this obviously would not have performance comparable to Spark deployed on actual distributed cluster nodes,the processing pipeline is more or less similar in both modes. The code written for pseudo distributed mode can safely beconsidered deployable on actual distributed cluster without much modifications.Task Requirements(1) [4 points] Implement Task-2 on Spark using the same dataset with same arguments(2) [4 points] Implement Task-3 on Spark using the same dataset with same arguments(3) [2 points] Time and compare performance of your Spark and Hadoop implementations for Task-2 and Task-3ExamplesTo execute Spark jobs using Java API (Terminal Commands)spark-submit class Covid19_1 SparkCovid19.jar /cse532/input/covid19_full_data.csv /cse532/output/spark-submit class Covid19_1 master local[2] SparkCovid19.jar /cse532/input/covid19_full_data.csv false/cse532/output/spark-submit class Covid19_2 SparkCovid19.jar /cse532/input/covid19_full_data.csv 2020-01-01 2020-03-31/cse532/output/To execute Spark jobs using Python API (Terminal Commands)spark-submit /cse532/input/covid19_full_data.csv true /cse532/output/spark-submit master local[2] /cse532/input/covid19_full_data.csv false /cse532/output/spark-submit /cse532/input/covid19_full_data.csv 2020-01-01 2020-03-31 /cse532/output/Submission1. Submit SparkCovid19_1.{java,py,scala} (Depending on your implementation language)2. Submit SparkCovid19_2.{java,py,scala} (Depending on your implementation language)3. Submit performance.txt explaining how you timed both implementations and resultsComments5/29/2020 Homework4hadoop CSE532-S20 4/4Copyrights by Dr. Fusheng WangReport Abuse | Remove Access | Powered By Google SitesYou do not have permission to add comments.
[Solved] CSE532 Homework4-MapReduce on Pseudo-Distributed Hadoop
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