[Solved] CSE519 Homework 2 IEEE Fraud Detection


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For all parts below, answer all parts as shown in the Google document for Homework 2. Be sure to include both code that justifies your answer as well as text to answer the questions. We also ask that code be commented to make it easier to follow.

Mounted at /content/driveLibraries and DefinitionsIn [0]: import pandas as pdimport numpy as npimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as snsfrom sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression, LinearRegression from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier from sklearn.model_selection import KFold from sklearn import metricsfrom sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder, OneHotEncoder import pickleIn [0]: data_path = ./drive/My Drive/DSF/hw2/ # colab pathIn [0]: pd.set_option(display.float_format, lambda x: %.3f % x)pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None # default=warnTo reduce memory usage, data types are defined in advance and while loading they are given as parameter.Basically, dataset is having higher (but not required) data types for most of the features so it takes lot of memory.In [0]: # inspired from this post: https://www.kaggle.com/mhviraf/reducing-memory-size-an-alternativeproper_dtypes = {TransactionID: UInt32, isFraud: UInt8, TransactionD T: UInt32, card1: UInt16, card2: UInt16, card3: UInt8, card5: UInt8, addr1: UInt16, addr2: UInt8, dist1: UInt16, dist2: UIn t16, C1: UInt16, C2: UInt16, C3: UInt8, C4: UInt16, C5: UI nt16, C6: UInt16, C7: UInt16, C8: UInt16, C9: UInt16, C10: UInt16, C11: UInt16, C12: UInt16, C13: UInt16, C14: UInt16, D1: UInt16, D2: UInt16, D3: UInt16, D5: UInt16, D7: UInt16, D10: UInt16, D13: UInt16, V1: UInt8, V2: UInt8, V3: UInt8, V4: UInt8, V5: UInt8, V6: UInt8, V7: UInt8, V8: UInt8, V9: UInt8, V10: UInt8, V11: UInt8, V12: UInt8, V13: UInt8,V14: UInt8, V15: UInt8, V16: UInt8, V17: UInt8, V18: UInt8 , V19: UInt8, V20: UInt8, V21: UInt8, V22: UInt8, V23: UInt 8, V24: UInt8, V25: UInt8, V26: UInt8, V27: UInt8, V28: UI nt8, V29: UInt8, V30: UInt8, V31: UInt8, V32: UInt8, V33: UInt8, V34: UInt8, V35: UInt8, V36: UInt8, V37: UInt8, V38 : UInt8, V39: UInt8, V40: UInt8, V41: UInt8, V42: UInt8, V4 3: UInt8, V44: UInt8, V45: UInt8, V46: UInt8, V47: UInt8,V48: UInt8, V49: UInt8, V50: UInt8, V51: UInt8, V52: UInt8 , V53: UInt8, V54: UInt8, V55: UInt8, V56: UInt8, V57: UInt 8, V58: UInt8, V59: UInt8, V60: UInt8, V61: UInt8, V62: UI nt8, V63: UInt8, V64: UInt8, V65: UInt8, V66: UInt8, V67: UInt8, V68: UInt8, V69: UInt8, V70: UInt8, V71: UInt8, V72 : UInt8, V73: UInt8, V74: UInt8, V75: UInt8, V76: UInt8, V7 7: UInt8, V78: UInt8, V79: UInt8, V80: UInt8, V81: UInt8,V82: UInt8, V83: UInt8, V84: UInt8, V85: UInt8, V86: UInt8 , V87: UInt8, V88: UInt8, V89: UInt8, V90: UInt8, V91: UInt 8, V92: UInt8, V93: UInt8, V94: UInt8, V95: UInt16, V96: U Int16, V97: UInt16, V98: UInt8, V99: UInt8, V100: UInt8, V10 1: UInt16, V102: UInt16, V103: UInt16, V104: UInt8, V105: UI nt8, V106: UInt8, V107: UInt8, V108: UInt8, V109: UInt8, V11 0: UInt8, V111: UInt8, V112: UInt8, V113: UInt8, V114: UInt8, V115: UInt8, V116: UInt8, V117: UInt8, V118: UInt8, V119: UInt8, V120: UInt8, V121: UInt8, V122: UInt8, V123: UInt8,V124: UInt8, V125: UInt8, V138: UInt8, V139: UInt8, V140: U Int8, V141: UInt8, V142: UInt8, V143: UInt16, V144: UInt8, V 145: UInt16, V146: UInt8, V147: UInt8, V148: UInt8, V149: UI nt8, V150: UInt16, V151: UInt8, V152: UInt8, V153: UInt8, V1 54: UInt8, V155: UInt8, V156: UInt8, V157: UInt8, V158: UInt 8, V167: UInt16, V168: UInt16, V169: UInt8, V170: UInt8, V17 1: UInt8, V172: UInt8, V173: UInt8, V174: UInt8, V175: UInt8, V176: UInt8, V177: UInt16, V178: UInt16, V179: UInt16, V1 80: UInt8, V181: UInt8, V182: UInt8, V183: UInt8, V184: UInt 8, V185: UInt8, V186: UInt8, V187: UInt8, V188: UInt8, V189: UInt8, V190: UInt8, V191: UInt8, V192: UInt8, V193: UInt8,V194: UInt8, V195: UInt8, V196: UInt8, V197: UInt8, V198: U Int8, V199: UInt8, V200: UInt8, V201: UInt8, V217: UInt16, V218: UInt16, V219: UInt16, V220: UInt8, V221: UInt16, V222:UInt16, V223: UInt8, V224: UInt8, V225: UInt8, V226: UInt16, V227: UInt16, V228: UInt8, V229: UInt16, V230: UInt16, V231:UInt16, V232: UInt16, V233: UInt16, V234: UInt16, V235: UInt8, V236: UInt8, V237: UInt8, V238: UInt8, V239: UInt8, V240: UInt8, V241: UInt8, V242: UInt8, V243: UInt8, V244: UInt8,V245: UInt16, V246: UInt8, V247: UInt8, V248: UInt8, V249:UInt8, V250: UInt8, V251: UInt8, V252: UInt8, V253: UInt8,V254: UInt8, V255: UInt8, V256: UInt8, V257: UInt8, V258: U Int16, V259: UInt16, V260: UInt8, V261: UInt8, V262: UInt8, V279: UInt16, V280: UInt16, V281: UInt8, V282: UInt8, V283:UInt8, V284: UInt8, V285: UInt8, V286: UInt8, V287: UInt8, V288: UInt8, V289: UInt8, V290: UInt8, V291: UInt16, V292: UInt16, V293: UInt16, V294: UInt16, V295: UInt16, V296: UInt8, V297: UInt8, V298: UInt8, V299: UInt8, V300: UInt8, V301: UInt8, V302: UInt8, V303: UInt8, V304: UInt8, V305: UInt8, V322: UInt16, V323: UInt16, V324: UInt16, V325: UInt8, V326: UInt8, V327: UInt8, V328: UInt8, V329: UInt8, V330: UInt8}Load and Analysis Data

Test transaction (506691, 393)Test identity (141907, 41)Here, there should be some data in train transaction which may not map to the train identity. So using left join to merge both dataframe on transaction Id column.In [0]: train_df = pd.merge(train_transaction, train_identity, on=TransactionID, how=left)test_df = pd.merge(test_transaction, test_identity, on=TransactionID, how=l eft) del train_transaction, train_identity, test_transaction, test_identityIn [12]: print(train_df, train_df.shape) print(test_df, test_df.shape)train_df (590540, 434) test_df (506691, 433)That one extra column in train_df is isFraud which we want to predict in test_df

Data types used for each non anonymous columns

Out[14]: TransactionID UInt32 TransactionDT UInt32TransactionAmt float64 ProductCD object card4 object card6 object P_emaildomain object R_emaildomain object addr1 UInt16 addr2 UInt8 dist1 UInt16 dist2 UInt16 isFraud UInt8 TransactionID UInt32DeviceType object DeviceInfo object dtype: objectColumns having NaN valuesIn [15]: train_df_known.columns[train_df_known.isna().any()]Out[15]: Index([card4, card6, P_emaildomain, R_emaildomain, addr1, addr2,dist1, dist2, DeviceType, DeviceInfo], dtype=object)So these are the columns having nan values.Statistical distribution of the dataframe for non anonymous columns

Out[16]:TransactionID TransactionDT TransactionAmt ProductCD card4 card6 P_emaildoma

count 590540.000 590540.000 590540.000 590540 588963 588969 4960unique nan nan nan 5 4 4top nan nan nan W visa debit gmail.cofreq nan nan nan 439670 384767 439938 2283mean 3282269.500 7372311.310 135.027 NaN NaN NaN Nastd 170474.358 4617223.647 239.163 NaN NaN NaN Namin 2987000.000 86400.000 0.251 NaN NaN NaN Na25% 3134634.750 3027057.750 43.321 NaN NaN NaN Na50% 3282269.500 7306527.500 68.769 NaN NaN NaN Na75% 3429904.250 11246620.000 125.000 NaN NaN NaN Namax 3577539.000 15811131.000 31937.391 NaN NaN NaN Na

Part 1 Fraudulent vs Non-Fraudulent Transaction

fraud vs non fraudIn [18]: # separated fraud and non fraud data fraud_df_known = train_df_known[train_df_known[isFraud] == 1].drop(isFraud,1)non_fraud_df_known = train_df_known[train_df_known[isFraud] == 0].drop(isFr aud,1)print(fraud data,len(fraud_df_known), non_fraud data,len(non_fraud_df_know n))temp_df = train_df_known.copy()temp_df[isFraud] = train_df_known[isFraud].replace({1:fraud, 0:not frau d}) sns.countplot(x = isFraud, data=temp_df, hue=isFraud) fraud data 20663 non_fraud data 569877Out[18]: <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7ffa750bc0f0>

So it is a biased distribution as fraud data is very less compared to non fraud.TransactionDT Distribution

This says fraud transactions wereTransactionAmt Distribution

ProductCD Distribution

Out[21]: <matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7ffa4ebb8240>

Products having code of W are purchased more and so having fradulent transactions more but at the same time having less transactions also product code C is getting significant amount of fraudulent transactions.card4 Distribution

Out[22]: <matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7ffa4ef32a90>

Cards mastercard and visa covers majority of both data fraudlent and non fraudelnt. However discover card is having a good ratio of fraudulent and non fraudulent data compared american express card.card6 Distribution

debit or credit 30 charge card 15 Name: card6, dtype: int64Out[23]: <matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7ffa4f6235c0>

Here debit or credit and charge card are having negligible data compared to other cards, so these both cards can be merged into a category called other cards which may help while training because of having 1 less category.P_emaildomain Distribution

top gmail.com freq 228355Name: P_emaildomain, dtype: objectOut[24]: <matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7ffa4f63b550>

This feature consists of many categories but data is centered to few categories only. So it is okay to merge less frequent categories as others. However gmail is most frequent category here.R_emaildomain DistributionIn [25]: column = R_emaildomain temp_df = train_df_known[[column, isFraud]] temp_df[isFraud] = temp_df[isFraud].replace({1:fraud, 0:not fraud})temp_df = temp_df.apply(lambda x: x.mask(x.map(x.value_counts())<x.value_count s().mean()*0.9, others))ax = sns.countplot(x = column, data = temp_df, hue = isFraud) ax.set_xticklabels(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=40, ha=right) ax.set_ylim(0,55000) plt.legend()Out[25]: <matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7ffa4fc36ac8>

Same is done with P_emaildomain because of same reason and again gmail is surpassing other categories.addr1 Distribution

Both fraud and non fraud data looks quite similar distributed and whatever difference is there will be taken care by model.addr2 Distribution

Here also both fraud and non fraud categories looks similarly distributed however these distributions are suffereing from outliers.dist1 Distribution

Fraud max 4942Non Fraud max 10286I have added 2 distributions plots here both are of same data but because of outliers I have limited the view to some data in first plot. Both fraud and non fraud data are having outliers at 4942 and 10286 respectively.dist2 Distribution

max of non fraud distribution 11623 mean of non fraud distribution 235.19975808354968Both fraud and non fraud distributions are almost similar, but fraud is leading in begining so we can assume that in lower values of dist2, chances of fraudulent transactions will be higher so this can be a helpful feature while training. This distribution is also having outliers.DeviceType Distribution

Out[30]: <matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7ffa4f61ddd8>

For fraud and non fraud categories, both mobile and desktop are somewhat equally distributed however dekstop leas in non fraud data with a good amount.DeviceInfo DistributionIn [31]: column = DeviceInfo temp_df = train_df_known[[column, isFraud]] temp_df[isFraud] = temp_df[isFraud].replace({1:fraud, 0:not fraud})fifth_max = temp_df[column].value_counts().nlargest(5)[4]temp_df = temp_df.apply(lambda x: x.mask(x.map(x.value_counts()) < fifth_max,others))ax = sns.countplot(x = column, data = temp_df, hue = isFraud) ax.set_xticklabels(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=40, ha=right)# ax.set_ylim(0,55000) plt.legend()Out[31]: <matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7ffa4f2d8710>

This feature is having too many categories and average frequency value is also affected because of this. Other than top 5 most frequent categories are merged in others to show distribution.Part 2 Transaction FrequencyIn [32]: # TODO: code to generate the frequency graphtempAddr2 = train_df[addr2].dropna() max_addr2 = tempAddr2.value_counts().idxmax()temp = train_df[[TransactionDT,TransactionAmt,addr2]] temp = temp[temp.addr2 == max_addr2] temp = temp[[TransactionDT,TransactionAmt]] temp[TransactionDT] /= (60*60)temp[TransactionDT] = (temp[TransactionDT]%24).astype(np.uint8) plt.figure()df = temp.groupby([TransactionDT], as_index=False).sum() df.plot(kind=bar, legend=None)pearson_df = df.corr(pearson) spearman_df = df.corr(spearman)print(spearman coefficient, spearman_df) print(pearson coefficient, pearson_df)spearman coefficient TransactionDT TransactionAmtTransactionDT 1.000 0.640 TransactionAmt 0.640 1.000pearson coefficient TransactionDT TransactionAmtTransactionDT 1.000 0.651TransactionAmt 0.651 1.000<Figure size 432288 with 0 Axes>

Using most frequenct country code, here is the distribution. Transaction frequency and hour of the day looks quite correlated. From the distributions, we can infer that from 10 to 18 which is a afternoon time Transaction frequency keeps on increasing and from evening to next day morning it keeps on decreasing. Most transactions are done in evening and night time only.Part 3 Product CodeIn [33]: # TODO: code to analyze prices for different product codestrain_df[[TransactionAmt, ProductCD]].sort_values([TransactionAmt],ascen ding=True).drop_duplicates([TransactionAmt]).groupby([ProductCD]).head(5)Out[33]:TransactionAmt ProductCD

374299 0.251 C367961 0.272 C205872 0.292 C205393 0.350 C492354 0.364 C572465 1.000 W62617 2.000 W2759 3.500 W116878 4.000 W447596 4.970 W83536 5.000 S48542 6.000 S336979 7.000 S574688 8.000 S578764 9.000 S 114109 15.000 H131987 23.000 H441390 25.000 H284298 35.000 H110867 40.000 H477334 125.000 R51347 150.000 R149364 175.000 R447667 200.000 R172141 225.000 RR looks most expensive product code and C the cheapest product code.For each transaction there is a product code assigned but transaction amount changes with each transaction. So one possibility is that each transaction is made to purchase product in bulk. So I grouped by product code and sorted by transaction amount. From this output we can assume the individual price of the product from difference of transaction amount as number of products will be integer. Based on this, approximate individual prices of products can be guessed as followed: W: 1, R: 25, C: 0.02, S:1, H: 2.Part 4 Correlation CoefficientIn [34]: # TODO: code to calculate correlation coefficient temp = train_df[[TransactionDT,TransactionAmt]] temp[TransactionDT] /= (60*60)temp[TransactionDT] = (temp[TransactionDT]%24).astype(np.uint8) df = temp.groupby([TransactionDT], as_index=False).sum() df.plot(kind=bar, legend=None)pearson_df = df.corr(pearson) spearman_df = df.corr(spearman)print(spearman coefficient, spearman_df) print(pearson coefficient, pearson_df)spearman coefficient TransactionDT TransactionAmtTransactionDT 1.000 0.630 TransactionAmt 0.630 1.000pearson coefficient TransactionDT TransactionAmtTransactionDT 1.000 0.642TransactionAmt 0.642 1.000

Both spearman and pearson coefficients are 0.6 which means transaction amount is highly correlated with time in the day.Part 5 Interesting Plot

When I saw that all transaction ids are continuous in train data, I also checked in test data. Both of them were having continous data. During working on the assignment, it was easier to notice that transactionDT i.e. time reference was also continuous. Not only that there was just a small gap between train data and test data. Both of them are having continuous 6 month data. This reason made me assume that transactionDT feature should not be considered in training but it didnt improve performance, may be there will be some inter connection that I may have missed but overall I found it interesting.Dropping some dataIn [0]: drop_cols = train_df.columns[train_df.isna().sum()/len(train_df) > 0.6].tolist ()These are the features having more than 60% nan values, so need to drop them.In [0]: train_df = train_df.drop(drop_cols,1) test_df = test_df.drop(drop_cols,1)In [38]: print(final train columns, len(train_df.columns.tolist()))print(final test columns, len(train_df.columns.tolist())) print(difference, set(train_df.columns) set(test_df.columns))final train columns 226 final test columns 226 difference {isFraud}FILL nan valuesIn [0]: for col in train_df.columns[train_df.dtypes != object]: train_df[col] = train_df[col].fillna(0)for col in train_df.columns[train_df.dtypes == object]: train_df[col] = train_df[col].fillna(nan)

for col in test_df.columns[test_df.dtypes != object]: test_df[col] = test_df[col].fillna(0)for col in test_df.columns[test_df.dtypes == object]: test_df[col] = test_df[col].fillna(nan)ENCODEcategorical features

Out[40]: Index([ProductCD, card4, card6, P_emaildomain, M1, M2, M3, M4,M5, M6, M7, M8, M9], dtype=object)These are the features having categorical data which should be encoded.In [0]: dummies_cols = list(train_df.loc[:,train_df.dtypes == object].columns)# dummies_cols.append(addr2)

/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py:3: FutureWarnin g: Sorting because non-concatenation axis is not aligned. A future version of pandas will change to not sort by default.To accept the future behavior, pass sort=False.To retain the current behavior and silence the warning, pass sort=True.This is separate from the ipykernel package so we can avoid doing imports u ntilMerging train and test data before encoding because there can be some categories in test dataframe which train dataframe does not have, rather than keeping it as unknown data.

Index([C1, C10, C11, C12, C13, C14, C2, C3, C4, C5,addr2_93, addr2_94, addr2_95, addr2_96, addr2_97, addr2_9 8,addr2_99, addr2_100, addr2_101, addr2_102], dtype=object, length=410)In [45]: print(final train columns, len(train_df_d.columns.tolist())) print(final test columns, len(test_df_d.columns.tolist())) print(difference, set(train_df_d.columns) set(test_df_d.columns))final train columns 409 final test columns 408 difference {isFraud}

{V119, M4_M1, addr2_30, V43, P_emaildomain_gmail, addr2_90, V10, D3, V312, V131, M4_nan, V103, V23, V104, V67, V47, V28, V132, card4_visa, addr2_14, V41, M3_nan, V45, P_emaildomain_ windstream.net, addr2_74, V302, V303, P_emaildomain_hotmail.de, M3_ F, addr2_65, V88, P_emaildomain_cableone.net, V307, addr2_45, C2, V30, V319, C10, addr2_26, addr2_67, V95, V90, V110, addr 2_33, P_emaildomain_juno.com, V77, V86, M9_T, P_emaildomain_yahoo.c o.jp, V107, addr2_79, addr2_53, P_emaildomain_ymail.com, V39, V12 8, addr2_95, M5_T, M8_nan, addr2_94, P_emaildomain_yahoo.de, V24, addr2_17, addr2_80, V294, addr2_71, addr2_93, addr2_84, V69, V20, P_emaildomain_aol.com, V288, V305, P_emaildomain_optonline. net, V37, V113, addr2_13, P_emaildomain_embarqmail.com, V123, V27 9, P_emaildomain_att.net, V15, V97, V68, V320, P_emaildomain_fron tier.com, addr2_52, V321, addr2_49, card2, P_emaildomain_serviciosta.com, P_emaildomain_gmx.de, addr2_91, card6_charge card, addr2_68, ProductCD_R, P_emaildomain_outlook.com, addr2_44, addr2_75, V280, V32, addr2_39, addr2_83, TransactionDT, addr2_62, V62, P_emaildo main_sbcglobal.net, V59, V122, V124, V27, V48, M8_T, V61, P_e maildomain_scranton.edu, D10, V49, M9_F, P_emaildomain_charter.net, P_emaildomain_gmail.com, addr2_38, card4_discover, card4_mastercard, V9, V127, P_emaildomain_yahoo.co.uk, V66, V35, V114, V108, add r2_98, P_emaildomain_live.com, V83, V21, P_emaildomain_yahoo.es, V1 29, M4_M0, M3_T, addr2_78, V317, V291, addr2_100, addr2_40, V6, P_emaildomain_centurylink.net, D11, V301, V79, addr2_48, addr2 _47, V134, V292, V99, V57, P_emaildomain_protonmail.com, C7, ad dr2_66, addr2_37, V74, V136, P_emaildomain_mac.com, addr2_57, V12 0, addr2_87, P_emaildomain_icloud.com, addr2_54, V46, addr2_29, V82, P_emaildomain_anonymous.com, V29, V71, V286, V313, ProductCD_W, addr2_22, P_emaildomain_yahoo.com.mx, V121, addr2_25, V56, D1, P_emaildomain_nan, C14, C3, V13, V133, V115, V73, M5_F,M8_F, addr2_34, card6_credit, addr2_88, V31, V299, V297, V3, card4_nan, addr2_15, addr2_51, C9, V58, addr2_27, P_emaildomain_ cox.net, P_emaildomain_prodigy.net.mx, V109, M6_F, V2, V310, P_em aildomain_yahoo.fr, V287, V72, V293, addr2_101, V80, V40, P_ema ildomain_comcast.net, V85, P_emaildomain_verizon.net, addr2_69, P_ema ildomain_ptd.net, addr2_73, V70, V284, M7_F, P_emaildomain_frontier net.net, D4, addr2_59, V50, V311, card4_american express, V33, M6_T, V5, V87, addr2_41, M2_F, V81, V78, V93, M1_F, P_emai ldomain_roadrunner.com, card6_nan, V125, addr2_81, addr2_42, addr2_ 76, V34, addr2_102, D2, card3, addr2_97, M2_nan, V16, V285, V318, P_emaildomain_live.com.mx, V76, ProductCD_H, C11, V289, V4, V314, V52, ProductCD_C, V25, addr2_32, V137, addr2_63, car d5, V44, P_emaildomain_netzero.net, addr2_16, M1_T, M6_nan, card 1, V308, V22, addr2_18, addr2_11, V51, P_emaildomain_q.com, add r2_64, addr2_46, V14, addr2_61, addr2_55, addr2_28, V8, dist1, V53, addr2_19, P_emaildomain_aim.com, V1, addr1, V63, addr2_56,addr2_96, TransactionID, V300, V309, addr2_31, V42, M5_nan, V94, V18, V84, card6_debit, V101, addr2_60, addr2_92, V36, V117, P_emaildomain_bellsouth.net, addr2_82, M9_nan, P_emaildomain_hotma il.fr, V118, V106, V283, V75, V112, addr2_89, V11, V111, P_ emaildomain_earthlink.net, V12, P_emaildomain_rocketmail.com, V19, ad dr2_12, P_emaildomain_outlook.es, C4, C5, V281, addr2_24, addr2_2 0, addr2_50, V89, V91, C12, P_emaildomain_sc.rr.com, P_emaildomai n_yahoo.com, M2_T, addr2_35, D15, V38, V298, V316, addr2_36, TransactionAmt, P_emaildomain_cfl.rr.com, V26, P_emaildomain_mail.co m, addr2_85, M7_nan, C13, addr2_21, C6, addr2_99, V116, addr2 _23, P_emaildomain_twc.com, M1_nan, V64, V105, V102, P_emaildomai n_hotmail.com, D5, V65, P_emaildomain_netzero.com, V295, card6_debi t or credit, V315, V304, P_emaildomain_hotmail.es, M4_M2, P_emaildo main_web.de, ProductCD_S, P_emaildomain_msn.com, V98, C8, M7_T, a ddr2_43, V55, P_emaildomain_live.fr, V92, P_emaildomain_hotmail.co.u k, V7, addr2_72, addr2_86, V296, V96, P_emaildomain_suddenlink.ne t, V130, V282, V100, addr2_70, V135, V54, addr2_10, addr2_5 8, V17, C1, P_emaildomain_me.com, V60, V290, V126, addr2_77, V306}Part 6 Prediction Model

K fold Cross Validation

Fold-> 1Fold-> 2AUC score 0.8211538544399662Training

Predicting on test data

After dropping some features and filling up nan values and encoding categorical columns, I tried few model trainings. I used K fold cross validation to measure performance initially with fewer data and when performance looked satisfied, increased features and eventually figured out linear regression model performing well. Still there are some features like card1,card2,card3 and card5 I found highly dependednt to each other which I could use to fill up the nan values. As there are very large amount of nan values in anonymous features I had to drop them directly instead of using them with a higher complex model and make use of high dimentional data.Part 7 Final ResultReport the rank, score, number of entries, for your highest rank. Include a snapshot of your best score on the leaderboard as confirmation. Be sure to provide a link to your Kaggle profile. Make sure to include a screenshot of your ranking. Make sure your profile includes your face and affiliation with SBU.Kaggle Link: https://www.kaggle.com/karanshahstonybrook (https://www.kaggle.com/karanshahstonybrook) Highest Rank: 5091Score: 0.8639Number of entries: 2INCLUDE IMAGE OF YOUR KAGGLE RANKING!


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