In this assignment you will extend the weather/temperature application from Chapter 3 so that it also has a second page that displays the daily summary.
- Copy over the temperature application from the book to your nodejs working copy. Call this directory AssigmentModule10. Note: This working copy should NOT be in put /var/www/html since we do not want the apache server to be able to serve it. This working copy should be in your /home/ubuntu directory.
- In index.ejs add an id field to the form. The code in the book uses the tag $(form) to access the form. This is somewhat bad practice since this will add the on submit handler to all forms. We want to modify this so it has a specific form it references. In index.ejs add the id indexform, <form id=indexForm Now in the public/the.js file modify the code so it uses this new name. Change $(form) to $(#indexForm).
- Go ahead and test that it still works.
- Now add a second page. Copy over index.ejs to summary.ejs and
- modify summary.ejss form id to be summaryForm
- Add links to index.ejs and summary.ejs to each other. Add these links just before the closing body tag.
- Modify app.js so it has a handler for /summary that calls summary.ejs
- Extend the existing app.js ajax code so that it returns a field called daily.summary to the JSON.
- In the code the.js copy over the submit handler and make a new submit handler for summaryForm. In this form replace code that displays the temperature with code that will display the daily summary.
- Make sure to add comment blocks to all your code with your name, date, class and assignment.
- Run this server on port 3010
10)Submit a clickable link to
- your git repo.
- your running instance
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