[Solved] CSE222 Homework 5


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Implement FileSystemTree class to handle a file system hierarchy in a general tree structure. You need to implement FileNode class to handle the nodes of the tree. A node can be created either for a file or a directory. You will decide how discrimination is done between files and directories.

Your FileSystemTree implementation must have the following:

A constructor to create a file system with a root directory. Name of the root directory will be given as a parameter to the constructor.

addDir and addFile methods to add directories or files to the file system. The path of the new directory (or file) will be given as a parameter to the method.

remove method to remove a directory (or a file) from the file system. The path of the directory (or the file) will be given as a parameter to the method. The method will warn the user if the path cannot be found. If the directory includes some other directories (or files), method will list the contents and ask the user whether to remove or not.

search method to search the entire file system for a directory or a file including the given search characters in its name. The search characters will be given as the parameter of the method. printFileSystem method to print the whole tree.

Give information about your traversal methods in your javadoc file.

Here are some code lines to help you understand what we expect:

//Create a file system with root directory

FileSystemTree myFileSystem = new FileSystemTree(root);

//Add directories and files using paths myFileSystem.addDir(root/first_directory); myFileSystem.addDir(root/second_directory); myFileSystem.addFile(root/first_directory/new_file.txt); myFileSystem.addDir(root/second_directory/new_directory); myFileSystem.addFile(root/second_directory/new_directory/new_file .doc);

//Search file or directory names including new myFileSystem.search(new); //This will output:// file root/first_directory/new_file.txt// dir root/second_directory/new_directory// file root/second_directory/new_directory/new_file.doc //Remove files or directories myFileSystem.remove(root/first_directory/new_file.txt); myFileSystem.remove(root/second_directory/new_directory);


Implement ExpressionTree class of arithmetic operations which extends the BinaryTree class implementation given in your Data Structures book.

Your ExpressionTree implementation must have the following:

A constructor to initialize the tree structure with the given expression string. The expression string will be given as a parameter to the constructor. The expressions will include integer operands and arithmetic operators. Operands and operators will be separated by spaces. The constructor will use the overridden readBinaryTree method. You should override it such that it will be able to create an expression tree by reading both prefix and postfix expressions.

The binaryTree implementation of the book includes a preOrderTraverse method. You will add a postOrderTraverse method to traverse the tree post order.

The binaryTree implementation of the book includes a toString method which creates a string of the tree structure in preorder. You will add a toString2 method which will create a

string of the tree structure in post order. This method will use the postOrderTaverse method.

You will add eval method which evaluates the expression and returns the result as an integer.

Here are some sample code lines:

//Create a tree for preorder expressionExpressionTree expTree = new ExpressionTree(+ + 10 * 5 15 20);//Create a tree for postorder expressionExpressionTree expTree2 = new ExpressionTree(10 5 15 * + 20 +); //Evaluate expressions result1 = expTree.eval();

result2 = expTree2.eval();


Assume you need to record the number of people in each age for a population. Extend the BinarySearchTree class of your book as AgeSearchTree class. You will implement AgeData class to handle both age and number of people at that age values. You should keep instances of AgeData in your tree. Note that AgeData should be Comparable. CompareTo method of AgeData class will be used and the comparison will be done considering the age only. For the AgeSearchTree class you will override add, remove and find methods as follows:

  • While adding a node, the add function will first check if a node with that age exists. If it exists, the number of people field of the AgeData object in that node will be increased 1. Otherwise a new node with the AgeData object will be inserted.
  • While removing a node, the remove function will first check if a node with that age exists. If it exists and the number of people field of this nodes AgeData object is greater than 1, it will decrease the number of people field 1. If the number of people field is 1, it will remove the node.
  • The find method will get an AgeData object of any age and find the AgeData object with the same age and return it.
  • Add a youngerThan method which returns the number of people younger than an age.
  • Add an olderThan method which returns the number of people older than an age. Be careful! If your youngerthan and olderThan methods always traverse all nodes that you cannot get whole credit. You should traverse only the nodes needs to be traversed.

Here are some example code lines to help you:

//Create an empty age treeAgeSearchTree<AgeData> ageTree = new AgeSearchTree<AgeData>();//Add nodes for some ages, remove method works similarly ageTree.add(new AgeData(10)); ageTree.add(new AgeData(20)); ageTree.add(new AgeData(5)); ageTree.add(new AgeData(15)); ageTree.add(new AgeData(10)); //Create a string representing the tree and print ittreeStr = ageTree.toString(); System.out.println(treeStr);//This will print://10 2//5 1



//20 1

//15 1




//Print the number of people younger than 15


//output will be 3

//Find the number of people at any age

System.out.println(ageTree.find(new AgeData(10)).toString())

//It will print:

//10 2


Solve the problem in Q3 by using a max_heap (where the maximum element is in the root node) this time. Implement your heap by using ArrayList as described in your book. Implement MaxHeap class to handle the ArrayList heap operations. Use the AgeData class you implemented in Q3 to hold age and the number of people at that age data. The key of heap will be number of people this time. So, the age which the highest number of people is at, will be at the root. Write a Comparator to compare two objects of class AgeData. You should use the compare method in your comparator to compare the elements in the heap. Implement the following methods (and any other methods you need) in MaxHeap class:

  • add function to add a new record. It will first check if an AgeData object with that age exists in any index of the ArrayList. If it exists, the number of people field of the AgeData object in that node will be increased 1. (Check if any changes in heap is needed since the key is number of people.) Otherwise a new heap record with the AgeData object will be inserted.
  • While removing a node, the remove function will first check if a node with that age exists. If it exists and the number of people field of this nodes AgeData object is greater than 1, it will decrease the number of people field 1. (Check if any changes needed since the key is number of people.) If the number of people field is 1, it will remove the node.
  • The find method will get an AgeData object of any age and find the AgeData object with the same age and return it.
  • Add a youngerThan method which returns the number of people younger than an age.
  • Add an olderThan method which returns the number of people older than an age.
//Create an empty heapMaxHeap<AgeData> heap = new MaxHeap<AgeData>();//Add nodesheap.add(new AgeData(10)); heap.add(new AgeData(5)); heap.add(new AgeData(70)); heap.add(new AgeData(10)); heap.add(new AgeData(50)); heap.add(new AgeData(5)); heap.add(new AgeData(15)); //Create a string representing the heap and print it heapStr= heap.toString(); System.out.println(heapStr); //output://10 2//5 2//70 1//50 1//15 1 //Print the number of people younger than 15System.out.println(heap.youngerThan(10))//output will be 2 //Find the number of people at any ageSystem.out.println(heap.find(new AgeData(10)).toString())//It will print://10 2


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[Solved] CSE222 Homework 5