[Solved] CSE102 Assignment 1

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• This is an individual assignment. Please do not collaborate• If you think that this document does not clearly describe the assignment, ask questions before its too late.

This is a C Programming assignment. You will write a C program according to the following description.• Your program catches user input, learns and tests a simple classifier. This assignment is about using control

statements, performing arithmetic operations and simple input/output.

Program Flow

• Read pre-defined number of points for class 1.• Read pre-defined number of points for class 2.• Find the average point for each class.• Find the line connecting the two average points. • Find the midpoint of the connecting line.

• Find the perpendicular separating line which passes through the midpoint.• Classify any given point and print its label until an unusual input is encountered.


# commands

line 0  > 10.4 34.8line 1  > 3.5 45.9

>.>.>.line 10 > 22.2 12.6 line 11 > 62.1 11.0 >.


>.line 20 > 10.2 34.9

line 21 > class 1
                      average point

Figure 1: Visualization

commentsUser enters point coordinates for class 1
User enters point coordinates for class 2
User enters a test pointProgram prints its class


separating line
line 22 > 10.3 33.8line 23 > class 1

>. >. >.

line x > q


User enters a test pointProgram prints its class
User enters something not expectedProgram quits.
  • There will be 20 training samples (10 for each class). But, don’t make this number hard-coded. Use a macro. Changing the macro should be enough for trying different number of samples. You can assume that the number of training samples for each class will be the same.
  • There is no limit on the number of test points.
  • Assume that non of the points will be on the separating line.
  • Assume training phase will be error-free.
  • Be careful with divide-by-zero situations. You can avoid them by perturbing the 0 results with very smallnumbers.
  • Do not print anything other than the expected output.
  • Your program either prints class 1 or class 2. Each label should be on a new line. There shouldn’t be anyempty lines.
  • You cannot use pointers and other things which are not covered in class.
  • Using input/output redirection is advised. (Do not submit any of the files you used for testing).Turn in:
  • Source code of a complete C program. Name of the file should be in this format: <full_name>_<id>.c.
  • Example: gokhan_kaya_000000.c. Please do not use any Turkish special characters.
  • You don’t need to use an IDE for this assignment. Your code will be compiled and run in a command window.
  • Your code will be compiled and tested on a Linux machine(Ubuntu). GCC will be used.
  • Make sure you don’t get compile errors when you issue this command : gcc <full_name>_<id>.c.
  • A script will be used in order to check the correctness of your results. So, be careful not to violate the expectedoutput format.
  • Provide comments unless you are not interested in partial credit. (If I cannot easily understand your design,you may loose points.)
  • You may not get full credit if your implementation contradicts with the statements in this document.


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[Solved] CSE102 Assignment 1
30 $