- Convert the following hexadecimal numbers to binary and binary numbers to hexadecimal. Separate each 4 bit from each other with a space character when converting to binary.
- 8A9
- EF3
- 0001 1110 0001
- 1111 1110 1101 1011
- Below is a mesage first coded in ASCII and then converted to hexadecimal. Decode the message and show your steps.
- Perform the mathematical operations below by converting each decimal into a 5-bit twos complement format. Check your results by doing the same operations in decimal format. Specify which of the operations causes an overflow. a) 5 1
- b) 5 11
- Perform the following operations.
- ) 01001011 AND 10101011
- 01001011 OR 10101011
- 01001011 XOR 10101011
- The followings are the instructions according to the machine language given in the appendix of your text book (Appendix C). Find the corresponding assembly commands. a) 7123
- b) 2BCD
- Write an assembly program which obtains a 16 bit value by combining the first and last 8 bits of the memory cellss addressed with A0 and A1, respectively and writes this 16 bit value into the memory address A2.
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