Posted on Piazza:Resources Assignments is a zip file Unzip this file to obtain a directory CFJ_BST_Iter containing a fully configured project which you may import into Eclipse by doing: File Import Existing Projects into Workspace. The added configurations permit the inclusion of CoFoJa contract annotations in the Java source.
The imported project contains a file with the familiar Tree and DupTree classes along with a class BST_Iterator which works on both trees and duptrees. The class DupTree extends Tree and the values in both types of trees are integers. Also included is an @Invariant(ordered()) clause for class Tree.
Your task in this part of the assignment is to write CoFoJa contracts (@Requires and @Ensures annotations) for the constructor of BST_Iterator and the two methods that modify its state, namely, next() and stack_left_spine().
Writing Contracts. The contracts should capture the basic requirements and properties of the iterator, namely, that:
- the iterator only works on binary search trees;
- the values are returned in ascending order; and
- the stack invariant (described in Lecture 9) is maintained.
Your contracts may refer to the fields count, value and stack of BST_Iterator as well as functions that do not modify the state of any object, such as Tree.min(), Tree.max(),
Tree.ordered(), Stack.isEmpty(), Stack.peek(), BST_Iterator.hasNext(), etc.
Running the Program. In order to run your program, you need to give the name of the .jar file in the VM Arguments of the Run Configuration, as follows:
Run augmented with contracts and ensure that the program works correctly.
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