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[SOLVED] Cse 473/573 – computer vision and image processing project 3


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This project has two parts. Part A is to have you utilize any face detection algorithm available in opencv
library (version = 4.5.4. You MUST use this version for Project #3!) and perform face detection. Part B
is to CROP the detected faces and cluster them using k-means algorithm. The goal of part B is to cluster
faces with the same identity so they end up in the same cluster.Given a face detection dataset composed of hundreds of images, the goal is to detect faces contained in the
images. The detector should be able to locate the faces in any testing image. Figure 2 shows an example
of performing face detection. We will use a subset (will be provided) of FDDB [1] as the dataset for this
project. You can use any face detection modules available in OpenCV.2.1 Libraries permitted and prohibited
• Any API provided by OpenCV.
You may NOT use any internet examples that directly focuses on face detection using the
OpenCV APIs.
• You may NOT use any APIs that can perform face detection or machine learning from other libraries
outside of OpenCV2.2 Data and Evaluation
You will be given “Project3 data.zip” which contains 100 images along with ground-truth annotations
(validation folder). You can evaluate each of your models performances on this validation set or use it to
further improve your detection. During testing, you need to report results on another 100 images (testFigure 1: An example of performing face detection. The detected faces are annotated using gray bounding
folder) without ground truth annotations.NOTE : Please read all the readme files present in“Project3 data.zip”.
Please refer to the script in readme.md in root directory for running and validating your code.
YOUR implementation should be in the function detect faces(), in the file UBFaceDetector.py.The function should detect faces in all the images in input path and return the bounding boxes of the
detected faces in a list.The result list should have the following format:
[{“iname”: “img.jpg”, “bbox”: [x, y, width, height]}, …]
“img.jpg” is an example of the name of an image; x and y are the top-left corner of the bounding box;
width and height are the width and height of the bounding box, respectively. x, y, width and height
should be integers. Consider origin (0,0) to be the top-left corner of the image and x increases to the right
and y increases to the bottom.We will provide ComputeFBeta.py, a python code that computes fβ using detection result and groundtruth.
You can refer to the sample json provided to you for more information. There is also a piece of example
code regarding how to create json file.2.3 Evaluation Rubric
Rubric: 40 points – 30 points (F1 score of the detector), 10 points (report)
For F1 score computed using ComputeFBeta.py. (30 points for the F1 score.)
• F1 > 0.80: 30 points
• F1 > 0.75: 25 points
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CSE 473/573 Project #3
• F1 > 0.70: 20 points
• F1 > 0.60: 10 points
• F1 > 0.01: 5 points
• F1 < 0.01: 0 pointsReport (10 points):
• Concise description of what algorithms tried and ended up using (5-10 bullet points) (5 points)
• Discussion of the results and implementation challenges (5-10 bullet points) (5 points)You will be building on top of the above face detection code to do face clustering. You will be using images
present in faceCluster K folder (in Project3 data.zip) for part B (i.e., face clustering). Each image will
only contain one face in it. K in faceCluster K folder name provides you the unique number of face clusters
present.3.1 Steps Involved.
• Step 1: Use Part A and OpenCV functions to crop the detected faces from images present in faceCluster K folder in Project3 data.zip.• Step 2:
pip (or pip3) install face-recognition to install a library.
Use the function face recognition.face encodings(img, boxes) to get 128 dimensional vector for each cropped face.img is the image (after cv2.imread(‘img’) or any variants).
boxes is a list of found face-locations from Step 1. Each face-location is a tuple (top, right,
bottom, left). top = y, left = x, bottom = y + height, right = x + width. . So, boxes would be
something like [(top, right, bottom, left)].
face recognition.face encodings(img, boxes) would return a list of 128 dimension numpy.ndarrafor each face present in the image ‘img’.• Step 3: Using these computed face vectors, you need to code a k-means or other relevant clustering
algorithm. If you use K-Means, or another algorithm requiring a pre-defined number of clusters, that
number will be K from faceCluster K. You may not use OpenCV APIs that have ‘face’, ‘kmeans’,
‘knn’ or ‘cluster’ in their name.
• Rubric : 50 points (Accuracy), 10 points (Report)3.2 Evaluation Rubric – 60 Points
• Accuracy will be based on the number of faces with the same identity present in a cluster.
• Rubric : 50 points (Accuracy), 10 points (code)Report (10 points):
• Concise description of what algorithms tried and ended up using (5-10 bullet points) (5 points)
• You need to display each of faces in a cluster for all the clusters as follows. To achieve this, you may
not use any external libraries other than OpenCV or numpy or matplotlib (5 points)
Cluster 0 Cluster 1 Cluster K-1
Figure 2: Face clusters.3.3 Code and Report
Please refer to the script in readme.md in root directory for running your code.
YOUR implementation should be in the function cluster faces() in the file UBFaceDetector.py.
The function should cluster faces present in all of the images in input path into K clusters. The function
should return all the clusters and corresponding image names in a list.The result list should have the following format:
[{“cluster no”: 0, “elements”: [“img1.jpg”, “img2.jpg”, …]}, {“cluster no”:
1, “elements”: [“img5.jpg”, “img6.jpg”, …]}, … , {“cluster no”: K-1, “elements”:
[“img12.jpg”, “img13.jpg”, …]}]
Note that cluster no for say K clusters starts from 0 and ends at K-1.4 Code and Report
Submission package requirements for file UBID Project3.zip. You should submit this to ”Project 3 code”
on UBlearns system.
• UBFaceDetector.py
You must not change the file name.• results.json
You must not change this name. results.json is the resultant files generated by your FaceDetection.pycode on the test folder images present in “Project3 data.zip”.
• clusters.json
You must not change this name. clusters.json is the resultant files generated by your FaceCluster.py
code on the faceClusters K folder present in “Project3 data.zip”.You should submit your report to ”Project 3 report” on UBlearns system.
You must use this name Report.pdf. The report should contain Your name and your UBID at the
top. The result of the report should contain a description of what algorithms tried and ended up using, a
discussion of the results, face cluster images and anything you learned.
You do not need to upload any of the test images during submission.5 Submission Folder structure
To ”Project 3 code” on UBlearns system
• UBID project3.zip
To ”Project 3 report” on UBlearns system• Report.pdf
We will be running an automated script. Any variations to the above submission folder
structure will result in a ZERO for the project. Also, there is no need to use any hard-coded
local paths in your project. Usage of such paths, would break when we run your code and
will result in a ZERO.6 Submission Guidelines
• Unlimited number of submissions is allowed and only the latest submission will be used for grading.
• Identical code will be treated as plagiarism. Please work it out independently.
• For code raising “RuntimeError”, the grade will be ZERO for the project if it can not be corrected
• Late submissions guidelines apply for this project.
• You will be permitted to submit a prelimiary verison of your code early by May 4th 11:59 PM on
UBlearns for a dry run. We will provide feedback on whether your code has RUNTIME issues or
not. No feedback would be provided on F1 scores or accuracy.
• The final submission will be the one that is graded on the May 11th deadline.References
[1] V. Jain and E. L. Miller, “Fddb: a benchmark for face detection in unconstrained settings,” 2010.


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[SOLVED] Cse 473/573 – computer vision and image processing project 3