The final robot projects will use the same Lego EV3 robot. For the final project, groups have
a choice among several different projects. If you would like to modify the project or propose your
own you need to have the modified project approved by the instructor first.The goal of this project is to design a robot that can move through a room environment similar
to the one used for the second project (again, its layout is unknown beforehand) and clean up a
number of colored blocks into the appropriate locations.For this task, a number of blocks (approximately 5cm x 5cm x 5cm in size) of two different
colors (red and blue) will be distributed in random locations in a room environment. Blocks will
be initially on top (and in the center) of a colored floor tile. In addition, there will be two corners in
the environment that are color coded (red and blue) that serve as the deposit areas (and for which
the locations are known beforehand). The task of the robot is to find the blocks and to bring them
to the matching corner and leave them there.The following figure shows an example environment:The goal of this project is to build and program a robot arm that can draw polygons using a marker.
Here you should build a robot arm that can move a marker mounted at its end across a piece
of paper to draw arbitrary polygons given to it (at compile time). Given that polygon, the robot
should move the marker to the first corner (without drawing a line) and then trace the shape on the
paper. Drawing will be limited to a 15cm x 10cm area that can be located based on the kinematic
characteristics of the robot constructed.The following shows an example scenario:
YThe goal of this project is to build and program a robot that can climb up and down a set of stairs
with 10cm steps. The depth of a step can be variable but its height will be fixed. In addition steps
can be winding upward (i.e. each step can be at an angle with respect to the previous one). The
ends of each step will be marked in black.For this project it is necessary that at least 2 teams choose it so they can play against each other.
The goal of the project is to build a robot that can play a simplified version of soccer using an IR
ball and IR seeker sensors. Two teams will play against each other on a field that has 3 zones:
two defense zones that only the robot of the defensive team can be in and a middle zone that both
teams’ robot can be in.The goal is for each team is to have the ball cross the other team’s base
line in order to score a goal. Once a goal is scored, the robots are moved into their team’s defense
zone and the ball is placed in the center. Then the game is started again with the team that has been
scored on getting a 1s head start.Each participating team will receive an IR seeker sensor that provides a direction signal towards
the ball which is equipped with a set of IR LEDs. Each robot has to fit within 0.75f t × 0.75f t.
4360, 5364, Autonomous, Project, Robots, solved
[SOLVED] Cse 4360 / 5364 – autonomous robots project 3
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