In this assignment you will build a simple Android app similar in spirit to the one shown at the end of the class for the Android lesson.The app you must build is a simple tip calculator that: 1. Takes as input the amount of the check and the number of people splitting the check.2. Produces as output both the amount of tip and the total amount each person should pay for a 15%, 20%, and 25% tip. Output values must be computed assuming that the check is split evenly and must be rounded to the nearest integer.3. Visualizes an error using a Toast in case empty or invalid (e.g., negative) values are provided as input. (You can also accomplish this in other ways, for example, not allowing negatives to be entered) Two screenshots for the app are shown here: Please try to keep your UI similar to the one shown. Even if your UI is different, please make sure to use the identifiers shown in the next figure for the key widgets in the UI.This is very important, as we will use these identifiers to automatically test your app. The identifiers are also listed next to the figure for your (copy-and-paste) convenience. Identifiers: ● “checkAmountValue” ● “partySizeValue” ● “buttonCompute” ● “fifteenPercentTipValue” ● “twentyPercentTipValue” ● “twentyfivePercentTipValue” ● “fifteenPercentTotalValue” ● “twentyPercentTotalValue” ● “twentyfivePercentTotalValue” For example, in the XML layout file for your app, the entry for the text field used to input the check amount should have the following ID: android:id=”@+id/checkAmountValue”.For another example, the entry for the button used to trigger the computation of tips and totals should have the following ID: android:id=”@+id/buttonCompute”. To complete the assignment you must perform the following tasks: 1. In the root of your individual GitHub repository, create a directory called Assignment4. Hereafter, we will refer to this directory in your local repo as
4:, Android, Assignment, CSCI370, Development, solved
[SOLVED] Csci370 assignment 4: android development
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