- For the first checkpoint, write MIPS code to determine whether a given unsigned integer in register $a0 is even or odd. Implement this as a procedure (i.e., function) labeled isodd. This procedure must display either EVEN or ODD via the appropriate syscall, then return 0 if even or 1 if odd. Note that to return a value to the caller, use register $v0, then view the contents of this register via the print_all_regs or print command in SPIM.
- Checkpoint 2: For the second checkpoint, write a MIPS procedure to extract and display each of the four individual bytes of a given unsigned 32-bit value in register $a0. You must implement two working versions to earn full credit for this checkpoint; in the first version, you are only allowed to use sll and srl instructions, then in the second version, you must minimize the number of sll and srl instructions that you use by first using and, or, and/or nor
As an example, if register $a0 contains unsigned integer 0x4a889cf1 (i.e., 1,250,467,057 in base 10), your procedure should output the following:
byte #1: 74 byte #2: 136 byte #3: 156 byte #4: 241
Test your procedure by calling it from main with a variety of input values in $a0. Further, you are encouraged to write reusable procedures to make your code easier to follow and more maintainable.
- Checkpoint 3: For the third checkpoint, write a MIPS procedure labeled numodds that counts the number of odd integers that appear in a given list of integers. Use register $a0 to specify the base address of the array and register $a1 to specify how many 32-bit unsigned integers are in the array. Finally, return the number of odd integers in register $v0.
Reuse the procedure from the first checkpoint to implement your solution to this checkpoint. And to test your code, use the .word directive to store a sequence of values in memory, e.g.:
.data list: .word 12,100,101,5,123456789,18
Use print_all_regs or print to see the result of your function call (i.e., by looking at the contents of register $v0).
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