[SOLVED] CSCI2270 Final Project IMDB top 1000 movie database using Hashtables and Skiplists


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CSCI 2270: Data Structures – Project Speci cations
IMDB top 1000 movie database using Hashtables and Skiplists
Due Sunday, April 30, 11:59 PM
1 Introduction
The IMDB-Movie-Database project is aimed at developing data structures and algorithms
to manage a database of movies from IMDB. The project provides header les, parser code,
and sample data in CSV format, but not the implementation of the hash tables and skip
lists. Students are encouraged to choose their own hash collision algorithm and implement
the skip list data structure using the pseudocode provided.
The goal of this project is to provide students with an opportunity to practice data
structures and algorithms while developing a functional database application. The project
will also encourage students to extend the basic functionality and the data structures
beyond what is asked, allowing them to showcase their programming skills to future em-
ployers while looking for internships.
2 Core Features
The basic functionality of the IMDB-Movie-Database project includes the ability to search
for movies based on their title and director. The project should be able to display the
director of a movie, the number of movies directed by a given director, the description of
a movie, and a list of movies directed by a given director.
2.1 Data Structures
The IMDB-Movie-Database project uses two primary data structures: a hash table and a
skip list. The hash table is used to store and retrieve movies based on their title. The skip
list is used to store directors and their associated movies, allowing the project to quickly
retrieve information about movies directed by a given director.
2.1.1 Hash Table
The hash table uses a hash function to compute an index for a given movie title. If two
movie titles hash to the same index, a collision occurs. Students are encouraged to choose
their own hash collision algorithm (chaining, linear probing, quadratic probing, or double
hashing) to minimize collisions for the given IMDB-Movie database. To allow for both
kind of implementations (chaining and open addressing), the MovieNode object provides
a next pointer to chain the MovieNodes. For open addressing based implementations, this
next pointer will always be assigned to nullptr. Students must use their identikey to
come up with a creative hash function that minimizes collisions for the given IMDB-Movie
database to ensure ecient insertion and retrieval of movie nodes.
2.1.2 Skip List
The skip list is a data structure that provides fast search and insert operations on a sorted
list of data. The skip list is similar to a linked list, but it includes additional \skip”
pointers that allow for faster search and insertion times. The skiplist is probabilistic data
structure that allows for ecient search, insertion, and removal operations with O(log n)
time complexity. This makes it a powerful tool for storing and accessing large datasets,
and an important data structure for computer scientists to master.
2.2 Overview
You have been provided with starter code. The contents of the starter code are as follows:
driver.cpp: The driver program including code to parse IMDB-1000 csv le
MovieNode.hpp: Declaration of the MovieNode structure
MovieHashTable.hpp: Provides the MovieHashTable class declaration
MovieHashTable.cpp: To complete the MovieHashTable implementation
DirectorSkipList.hpp: Provides the DirectorSkipList class declaration
DirectorSkipList.cpp: To complete the DirectorSkipList implementation
IMDB-Movie-Data.csv and IMDB-small.csv: sample input les
2.3 Implementation Requirements
2.3.1 Preliminary Steps
Your main() function should accept four command-line arguments: the program name,
csv input le, the hash table size and the skiplist size. If the user doesn’t execute the
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program using the correct format, prompt them to run the program again and display the
usage. For example:
Invalid number of arguments.
Usage: ./<program name> <csv file> <hashTable size> <skipList size>
Note: you are provided 2 csv les: IMDB-Movie-Data.csv and IMDB-small.csv.
You are provided a parsing functionMovieNode* parseMovieLine(string line) in
driver.cpp to read movies from the csv le and construct a MovieNode object on heap.
Next, create an instance of MovieHashTable and DirectorSkipList and set their sizes to
the one speci ed by the user. Also, you must report the number of hashcollisions after
populating the MovieHashTable database.
2.3.2 User Interface
Once the program is executed, display a menu that looks as follows:
Number of collisions:276
Please select an option:
1. Find the director of a movie
2. Find the number of movies by a director
3. Find the description of a movie
4. List the movies by a director
5. Quit
Enter an Option:
Note that your actual menu may look di erent if you have added functionality. This menu
should be displayed to the user after every input so that the user can continuously run
menu options. Each menu item is detailed below.
2.4 Find the director of a movie
Given the title of a movie, search the MovieHashTable to return the name of the director
of the movie.
Please select an option:
1. Find the director of a movie
2. Find the number of movies by a director
3. Find the description of a movie
4. List the movies by a director
5. Quit
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Enter an Option: 1
Enter movie name: La La Land
The director of La La Land is Damien Chazelle
2.5 Find the number of movies by a director
Given the name of a director, search the DirectorSkipList to return the number of the
movies by the director in the database.
Please select an option:
1. Find the director of a movie
2. Find the number of movies by a director
3. Find the description of a movie
4. List the movies by a director
5. Quit
Enter an Option: 2
Enter director name: Damien Chazelle
Damien Chazelle directed 2 movies
2.6 Find the description of a movie
Given the title of a movie, return a description of the movie including plot detail, list of
actors, year, and genre. You can use any formatting to organize this information.
Please select an option:
1. Find the director of a movie
2. Find the number of movies by a director
3. Find the description of a movie
4. List the movies by a director
5. Quit
Enter an Option: 3
Enter movie name: La La Land
Summary: La La Land is a 2016 (Comedy,Drama,Music) film featuring “Ryan
Gosling, Emma Stone, Rosemarie DeWitt, J.K. Simmons”.
Plot: “A jazz pianist falls for an aspiring actress in Los Angeles.”
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2.7 List the movies by a director
Given the name of a director, search the DirectorSkipList to list all of the movies by the
director in the database.
Please select an option:
1. Find the director of a movie
2. Find the number of movies by a director
3. Find the description of a movie
4. List the movies by a director
5. Quit
Enter an Option: 4
Enter director name: Damien Chazelle
Damien Chazelle directed the following movies:
0: La La Land
1: Whiplash
2.8 Exit
When the user decides to exit, your program will call the destructors. Your destructors
should free all memory from the hash tables, the SkipList, and nally, exit the program.
Your program should not have any memory leaks. We will use Valgrind to detect memory
leaks. You can use the Debugging Guide provided earlier in the semester for instructions
on how to do this. Note that while MovieNodes are shared by both data structures,
HashTables `own’ these nodes and hence their destructor should free the memory used by
2.9 Miscellaneous
Your code should be well-documented. Every le should have a commenting section at the
top and every function should have a comment section above it stating the name of the
function, its purpose, the input parameters, and the output parameters. Consider using
the Google C++ Style Guide. A common style used for functions is as follows:
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* hash – calculates the hash of a key
* @param title
* @return int
int HashChaining::hash(int title) {

3 Project Submission and Grading
3.1 Deliverables
Submit the following les to the master branch of your GitHub repo.
driver.cpp: The driver program including code to parse IMDB-1000 csv le
MovieNode.hpp: Declaration of the MovieNode structure
MovieHashTable.hpp: Provides the MovieHashTable class declaration
MovieHashTable.cpp: Completed the MovieHashTable implementation
DirectorSkipList.hpp: Provides the DirectorSkipList class declaration
DirectorSkipList.cpp: Completed the DirectorSkipList implementation
IMDB-Movie-Data.csv and IMDB-small.csv: sample input les
Edit the README.md le within your GitHub repo and explain the following:
Which hash collision resolution method did you use and why?
Explain your hash function.
Did you implement skiplist to search for director speci c information? If not,
what alternative data structure did you use, and why?
Explain any additional features your have implemented.
3.2 Interview Grading
There will be mandatory interview grading for this project. It is your responsibility to
schedule an interview with their TA (scheduling links will be provided soon). We expect
that you will be able to successfully answer all questions asked. If a student does not
complete the interview grading, they will receive a 0 as their project score.
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3.3 Coding Conduct
You are required to work individually on this project. All code must be written on your
own. You are not allowed to use any code from the Internet or post this project to web
sites such as Chegg. You are also not allowed to post this project to public GitHub repos.
See the Collaboration Policies section within the Syllabus for more information.
You must utilize, at a minimum, everything that exists in the starter code. For exam-
ple, your solution must use hash tables and skip lists and you must use all of the provided
functions. The parameter types should not be modi ed either. Your task is to populate the
functions within the starter code but you are welcome to add helper functions as needed.
You can add additional functionality by adding new header and implementation les to
add new data structures.
4 Potential Extensions
To further extend the functionality of the IMDB-Movie-Database project, students can
consider implementing additional data structures or algorithms, such as:
Fuzzy search: Implement a fuzzy search algorithm (Hamming Distance or Levenstein
Distance) that can handle spelling mistakes and return suggestions for movie titles
or director names that closely match the user’s query.
Bloom lters: Implement a bloom lter data structure to eciently check if a movie
title or director name exists in the database, without having to perform a full search.
Graph database: Implement a graph database to compute the Kevin Bacon distance
between actors in di erent movies. This could involve parsing additional data from
the IMDB dataset, such as actor names.
Recommendation system: Implement a recommendation system that suggests movies
to users based on their viewing history or ratings.
Advanced search: Implement an advanced search feature that allows users to lter
movies based on criteria such as genre, year, runtime, rating, and revenue.
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Figure 1: A skiplist with four keys {1, 3, 4, 8}.
5 Introduction to SkipLists
The skiplist is a data structure that provides O(log n) complexity (average case) for insert,
search, and remove operations, making it an excellent choice for implementing lists. This
performance is comparable to that of a balanced binary search tree like the red-black tree,
but skiplists are easier to implement. However, it’s important to note that skiplists are
probabilistic data structures that use random coin tosses during the insertion process,
which means the discussed complexities are expected time over these random coin tosses.
In this project, you will be implementing the insert and search operations for skiplists.
5.1 What is a Skiplist?
A skiplist is a sorted linked list with multiple layers, where each layer is a subset of the
nodes from the layer below it. The base layer (layer 0) contains all nodes in sorted order,
and each subsequent layer includes a subset of the nodes from the previous layer chosen
randomly using a biased coin with probability p = 1
2 (or even 1
4 ). A quick calculation1 can
show that each node can appear on average in 1
1p = 2 lists. Also, the expected number
of layers2 in a skiplist of size n equals log2 n.
Let’s understand the search and insert operations in a skiplist. The multilane highway
analogy can be used to explain the concept of traversing a skip list while searching for a
node. In this analogy, a skiplist is compared to a multi-lane highway, and nodes in the
skiplist are compared to vehicles on the highway. Suppose you need to search for a node
1with probability (1 p) in only 1 list, with probability p(1 p) in 2 lists, with probability p2(1 p) in
3 lists, and so on. Hence the expected number of lists a node can appear equal
ipi1(1 p) = (1 p)
ipi1 = (1 p)
(1 p)2 =
(1 p)
2If there are n nodes at the base layer, there will be (on average) n/2 nodes at layer 1, n/4 nodes at layer
2, and so on. Hence the expected number of layers be equal to log 1
n = log2 n.
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with a speci c key value in the skiplist. If you start from the slowest lane (layer 0) and
the node doesn’t exist, you may need to traverse all the nodes in the list, which would
be inecient (O(n)). However, the skip list structure allows for a more ecient search
strategy. Instead of starting from the slowest lane, you can start from the highest lane
(fastest lane) and proceed horizontally until the key of the next node in that lane is greater
than or equal to the target key. If the next node has a key equal to the target, the node
has been found. If it is greater than the target, or the search reaches the end of the list
at the current layer, the process is repeated from the current node but from a lower layer.
This process is repeated until the last lane is searched.
This strategy is analogous to overtaking cars on a multi-lane highway: you start on the
fastest lane and move to the slower lanes when you nd a car with a higher speed than
yours. Similarly, in a skiplist, you start from the highest level and move to the lower levels
only when the node you are looking for cannot be found at the current level.
What is the expected length of search path? An easier way to count is to consider the
reverse path from a target node to the root node at the highest layer. This path is such
that it either stays at the same layer or moves up. The probability of staying in the same
layer is p and hence the expected number of steps in the same layer before moving up the
layer is 1
1p . Since the total number of layers are log 1
n, the expected length of the search
path is 1
1p log 1
n = 2 log2 n = O(log n).
The insertion works in a similar way. While a node can be inserted to the right place
in a sorted order in O(n) by traversing the lowest layer, the search of the right place to
insert the node can be reduced to O(log2 n) by following the previous strategy. Once the
node has been inserted, it can be weaved in previous layers by repeatedly tossing the coin
(probability p) to decide if it should be also inserted in the previous layer.
5.2 Skiplist: Data Structure and Algorithms
Instead of having multiple linked lists as shown in Figure 1, it is common to implement
skiplists as a single linked list with nodes having multiple \next”pointers, implemented
as a vector of next pointers, depending upon how many layers that node appears in (see,
Figure 2). The rst node is a \dummy” sentinel node whose key is some out of range value
(say 1). Various indices of the vector of node pointers characterize various layers.
Here is an example of a node of the skiplist:
struct SLNode {
int key;
vector<SLNode*> next;
A skiplist is simply a linked list of SLNode objects shown below.
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Figure 2: A list based representation of skiplist with four keys {1, 3, 4, 8} from Figure 1.
Node with key 1 appears in four layers while the node 3 appears only in one layer. The
very rst node is a dummy sentinel node.
class SkipList {
int max_levels; // the maximum number of levels
SLNode* head; // a pointer to the head node
// Constructors should insert the sentinel node in the Skiplist.
SkipList() {
max_levels = DEFAULT_LEVELS;
head = new SLNode();
head->key = -1; // some dummy value
head->next = vector<SLNode*>(max_levels, nullptr);
// sentinel node is present at every level where next pointer
vector at every level is initalized as null pointers.
SkipList(int _levels);
void insert(int key);
SLNode* search(int key);
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Figure 3: Search in a skiplist.
5.2.1 Search
The search for a key begins by initializing a (SLNode curr) variable to the sentinel node,
and iterating from the highest level. At each level as long as the next node is not null and
the key of the next node is smaller than the search key, the curr variable simply will be
updated to the next node at the current level. Here is the pseudocode.
1. Set curr to head
2. For i from maxlevels – 1 down to 0, do the following:
a. While currs next node at level i is not null and its key is less
than search key:
i. Set curr to currs next node at level i
b. Set prev[i] to curr
3. Set curr to currs next node at level 0 // Why is this important?
4. If curr is not null and its key equals key, then return curr
5. Otherwise, return null
5.2.2 Insert
While inserting a new node, we need to decide how many levels this node will be appearing
in. This can be done by tossing coins repeatedly until the rst tail. In C++ this can be
accomplished using the following code:
int n_levels = 1;
while (n_levels < max_levels && rand() % 2 == 0) {
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Figure 4: Repeatedly tossing a coin to decide the number of layers. In this case, three
consecutive coin tosses showed head (the upper bound on the number of layers). Hence
this node is to be inserted at every level.
After creating an appropriate new node, the search for the place where this node needs
to be inserted follows the search algorithm. To remember previous nodes of the newly
created node at various levels, one should remember the previous pointers at various levels
during the search by remembering the node where level got decremented. It is shown in
gure 5. The rest of the code is simply updating the previous pointers to insert the new
node at appropriate levels.
Figure 5: Inserting a new node within SkipList.
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[SOLVED] CSCI2270 Final Project IMDB top 1000 movie database using Hashtables and Skiplists