[Solved] CSCI222 Assignment 2 Warehouse Tool Full Solution + Reports


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Your tasks are to:

  • Reorganize your group, re-allocating roles and responsibilities to your members (your members should be the same as in Assignment 1)
  • Complete the design, implementation and testing of the Warehouse Inventory Management System as specified in the first assignment
  • Produce a report detailing the groups work

( Note : for further details on RUP, roles and meetings, please refer to Appendix A )


The submission must include a hard-copy of the report and a CD containing a copy of the report, an executable version of the system, all UML models, source code, and test cases. In addition, a product demonstration is required during your last lab session.

The report should consists of the following:

  1. A summary of your groups work on design and implementation. This should cover design artefacts including architectural design, use cases, sequence diagrams, class diagrams, state diagrams, data persistence and user-interface design. UML modelling diagrams should be used to illustrate design decisions.
  2. A brief presentation that illustrates the actual implemented product. This presentation should combine text commentary with information captured from actual execution of programs (as screen shots or as captured text inputs and outputs). This presentation should clarify which of the functional requirements have been successfully implemented.
  • An accurate summary detailing exactly what aspects of the requested functionality are fully implemented in your solution.
  1. Details of the construction phase. This part of the report should clarify the work planned and done in each iteration.
  • Summarize the new elements added and the extensions to existing implementation elements. Include brief details of unit testing procedures used to verify new elements prior to their commitment to the project (this does not mean list unit test code and test outputs, simply identify the additional tests created by individual implementers)
  • Summarize data from defect and integration reports created by the systems integrator
  1. Code
  • Code listings for all elements in the final product should be included in an appendix to the main report
  • Samples should be provided of support code such as the unit test classes created to verify particular application classes
  1. Testing
  • Test plans, test cases and test reports should be provided

The meta-report part should include:

  • A tabular summary of the group structure identifying group members, the roles that they filled, the artefacts that they successfully delivered
  • Group meeting records and individual diaries:
    • There should be a summary detailing the work done at each group meeting
    • There should be agendas and reports from all group meetings
    • There should be work diaries of all members of the group

For further information on the report and delivery, please refer to Appendix B.


Please refer to Appendix C.


  • Overall presentation of report (3 marks)
  • Analysis and Design (10 marks)
  • Sophistication of the solution (4 marks)
  • Project management (4 marks)

These marks are based on evidence for the use of an effective software development process. Factors contributing to this part of the assessment will include: evidence for an effective group structure and adoption of roles; effective group collaboration as evidenced by meaningful group meetings; well-planned and disciplined work processes of individuals; and effective use of a versioning system.

  • Code and testing (5 marks)

This part of the assessment will be based on the quality of the implementation code, and evidence for testing such as the unit test code, test cases and test reports. The code should, of course, use properly organized header and implementation files for classes; good coding style is required; elements written by different implementers should be consistent in style (the group should adopt conventions for naming and structuring of code that are used by all implementers). The code should not contain errors. Control flow should be well structured.

  • Product demonstration (4 marks)

Individual marks are based on the group mark. Individual marks are adjusted in accord with the members contribution assessment document (i.e. PeerAssess and GrpWrkContributionStmnt.pdf) submitted by the group. Individual marks cannot be greater than the group mark.


( Requirement / Task Extra info )

  1. The purpose of this assignment is to simulate the RUP approach to software development, starting with the requirements gathering, system analysis and design in Assignment 1, to implementing and testing your system in Assignment 2.

Note: for this Assignment, YOU NEED TO IMPLEMENT your system). Your team must also produce all the necessary artifacts (i.e. code, documents) covering this aspect of your system development.

  1. In general, your team should undergo (at least):
  2. a) Inception phase : 1-2 iterations
  3. b) Elaboration phase : 2-3 iterations
  4. c) Construction phase : 2-3 iterations
  5. d) Transition : 1-2 iterations

Since this Assignment is mainly focusing on activities from Construction and Transition phases only, the iterations in Inception and Elaboration should be of lower priority

  1. Based on the above, your team should have undergone a total of 3-5 iterations (in Construction + Transition phases). Therefore, the min. no. of:
  2. a) formal meeting minutes should be >= 3 !
  3. b) formal work diary should be >= 3 (for each team member, hence

5 team members x 3 = 15 work diaries for the whole team)

  1. As mentioned in Assignment 1 Qn Paper, each meeting minutes should cover the following points / decisions:
  2. a) Progress status from individual members, who were allocated urgent action items in previous meeting [ N paragraphs ]
  3. b) Manager summarizes the overall progress of the entire system [ 1 paragraph ]
  4. c) Brainstorm and discuss on any un-resolved issues / urgent action items from previous meeting [ N paragraphs ]
  5. d) Brainstorm and discuss on the remaining tasks (e.g. research / exploration /

development / testing / deployment ) to be done [ N paragraphs ]

  1. e) Decide how much time should be allocated to each issue / task [ 1 paragraph of bulleted points ]
  2. f) Allocate tasks to team members [ use a table ]
  3. g) Decide on the agenda (items/issues to discuss) for the next meeting [ 1 paragraph of bulleted points ]

Note : the paragraphs in [ ] is just a guideline on the format / usual length of the content!

  1. As mentioned in Assignment 1 Qn Paper, each work diary is like a personal log that tracks of a team members personal progress. The diary should cover the following information:
  2. a) The start + end date the period covers
  3. b) What were the list of tasks allocated to you, (should be smiilar to the tasks allocated to you in the previous formal meeting)
  4. c) For each task, discuss the following:

how much actual time you spent on it

did you breakdown the task into smaller sub-tasks?

are all the sub-tasks completed?

which sub-task(s) you faced difficulties, and how do you resolve it?

did you discuss your problems with fellow colleagues? What were the remedial actions taken?

  1. The roles required for this group assignment are:
  • Manager (1) the Team Leader
  • Lead designer / implementer (1) probably the same person, but the lead role could be split;
  • Designer / Implementer / Documentation (many)
  • Systems Integration and Testing (1)

The designated team leader should take the role of manager or of lead designer / implementer. Each implementer is responsible for unit testing of his/her code.


(Report Details)

  1. A document A2_Sample_Report_Format.doc has been provided for you. All teams are to follow its recommendations to organize the contents in a structured manner.
  2. Another document SRS_Template.pdf has been provided for you. It gives you an idea of the information required produce the Software Requirements Specification. Please adhere to the format and section headings in this template.

(Note : the FOCUS of Assignment 2s SRS should be on the CHANGES (e.g. new requirements, updates on requirements which were identified in previous assignment, etc)

  1. For all documentation produced, factors like how you communicate your ideas, how you organize your information and the professionalism (i.e. overall presentation) plays an important role in capturing your systems requirements and design.
  • In order to communicate better in your report, where applicable, you should make use of visual elements like graphs, diagrams, charts, screen-shots, tables, appendices, glossary, etc. to help clarify your ideas
  • In order to make your report content more professional and organized, you should have the following in your documents: Cover page, Table of Contents, Formatted document header and/or footer, proper paragraph indentation and alignment, consistent bulleted points, page numbering, etc.
  1. During lab session, time will be allocated for each team to demo their system. All teams are to:
  • use power-point slides as the main presentation aid (optional : other multi-media elements like video clips, role play, etc)
  • ensure all members has equal exposure in presentation
  • adhere strictly to the allocated time for presentation

Note : In Assignment 2 system demo, FOCUS ON:

  • Explaining the NEW diagrams (e.g. Deployment, Sequence, etc)
  • Highlighting the CHANGES (in your systems analysis/design since Assignment 1)
  • Doing a product demo


Submission Instructions (V. IMPT!!)

  • Deliverables
  1. Download PeerAssess and GrpWrkContributionStmnt.pdf, read the instructions (on the back), fill it up and submit in HARDCOPY during the lab session.
  2. All other submissions should be in softcopy, unless otherwise instructed
  3. For the actual files to be submitted, you need to include the following:
  4. MAIN REPORT word document (e.g. A2_doc), save as MS Word 97-2003 format
  5. MAIN REPORT in PDF format (e.g. A2_pdf)
  • Software Requirements Specifications word document (e.g. doc), save as MS Word 97-2003 format
  1. Software Requirements Specifications in PDF format (e.g. pdf)
  2. Powerpoint Presentation (e.g. ppt), save as MS Powerpoint 97-2003 format
  3. A folder called A2_PROJECT, containing your entire Netbeans project files & sub-directories
  • A separate folder called A2_SRC_CODE, containing copies of ONLY the program source files, (e.g. *.h, *.cpp files)
  • A separate folder called A2_DATA, containing copies of ONLY the data files (assuming your system stores its data in text files, obviously data files containing Login username + passwords, or any sensitive financial data should be encrypted!)
  1. the executable file, (compile your project into an executable file) called exe. This executable must be able to run on a Windows-based OS. Your user will double-click on this executable in a folder, which stores sub-folders A2_PROJECT, A2_SRC_CODE & A2_DATA
  • How to package

Compress all your assignment files into a single zip file. Please use the following naming format :

<FT/PT>_Assn2_<Team Leaders Stud. No.>_<Team Leaders Name>.zip

Example : FT_Assn2_1234567_JohnDoeAnderson.zip

  • <FT/PT> Use FT for Full-Time student, PT if you are Part-Time student
  • Assn1 if you are submitting assignment 1, Assn2 if submitting assignment 2
  • <Team Leaders Stud. No.> refers to team leaders UOW student number (e.g. 1234567)
  • <Team Leaders Name> refers to team leaders UOW registered name (e.g. JohnDoeAnderson)
  • Where to submit

Please submit your assignment via Moodle eLearning site.


( E.g. Students moodle account not ready, cannot login to moodle, eLearning site down on submission day, unable to upload assignment, etc )

Please email your single zip file to your tutor at :

[email protected] for FULL TIME students

(To be announced) for PART TIME students

In your email subject line, type in the following information :

<FT/PT> <assignment info> <Team Leaders student number> and <Team Leaders name>


To : tutors email (see above)

Subject : FT Assn2 1234567 JohnDoeAnderson

Note 1 : The timestamp shown on tutors email Inbox will be used to determine if the assignment is late or not.

Note 2 : After email submission, your mailboxs sent folder would have a copy (record) of your sent email, please do not delete that copy !! It could be used prove your timely submission, in case the Tutor did not receive your email!

  • When to submit
  1. Depending on the time-table, a demo / evaluation for your lab submission may be scheduled during the:
  • 3rd 5th lab session for the semester (i.e. lab 3 5), for Full Time (FT) students
  • 2nd 4th lab session for the semester (i.e. lab 2 4), for Part Time (PT) students

Please consult your tutor for further details. Some time may be allocated for each student to present / explain your system design during the session.

  1. Please refer to the following table on the different submission events and deadlines
AssessmentComponent Submission Deadline(latest by 2300 hrs) AssessmentPresentation / Evaluation Email Evaluation files by :
Lab 02 / 08 / 2017 Lab 2(PT), 3(FT) End of Lab 2(PT), 3(FT)
Assn 1 15 / 08 / 2017 Lab 3(PT), 4(FT) End of Lab 3(PT), 4(FT)
Assn 2 22 / 08 / 2017 Lab 4(PT), 5(FT) End of Lab 4(PT), 5(FT)

Note: (PT) = Part Time Students, (FT) = Full Time Students !

  1. Example #1, for Full Time (FT) students submitting Lab Exercises
  • Submit your zip file to Tutor by 01 / 02 / 2017, 2300 hrs
  • Setup your Lab Exercises submission for presentation / evaluation on the date of : Lab 3
  • Finish evaluation tasks, email Lab Ex evaluation files by end of : Lab 3
  1. Example #2, for Full Time (FT) students submitting Assignment 2
  • Submit your zip file to Tutor by 27 / 02 / 2017, 2300 hrs
  • Setup your Assn2 submission for presentation / evaluation on the date of : Lab 5
  • Finish evaluation tasks, email Assn2 evaluation files by end of : Lab 5
  1. Some time will be allocated for each team to present / explain your system design during the session. The tutor will inform you on the presentation schedule as the deadline draws near.
  • Please help by paying attention to the following









Example :

  • Your report document or zip file does not follow naming convention
  • Your email address does not include your name (i.e. cannot be used to identify sender)
  • You have no email subject
  • Wrong naming or misleading information given

(e.g. putting Assn2 in email subject, when you are submitting Assn1)

(e.g. naming Assn1 in your zip file, but inside contains Assn2 files )

  • Your submission cannot be downloaded and unzipped
  • Your report cannot be opened by Microsoft Word / Powerpoint / Adobe Acrobat
  • Your program cannot be re-compiled and/or executable file cannot run
  • Re-submission administration

After the deadline, (on case-by-case basis), some students / grp may be granted an opportunity for an un-official resubmission by the tutor. If this is so, please adhere to the following instructions carefully:

<Step 1>

Zip up for re-submission files according to the following format :

<FT/PT>_Assn2_Resubmit_v1_<Team Leaders Stud. No.> _<Team Leaders Name>.zip

Example : FT _ Assn2_Resubmit_v1_1234567_JohnDoeAnderson. zip

  • <FT/PT> Use FT for Full-Time student, PT if you are Part-Time student
  • Assn1 if you are submitting assignment 1, Assn2 if submitting assignment 2
  • Resubmit_v1 if this is your 1st re-submission
  • Resubmit_v2 if this is your 2nd re-submission
  • <Team Leaders Stud. No.> refers to team leaders UOW student number (e.g. 1234567)
  • <Team Leaders Name> refers to team leaders UOW registered name (e.g. JohnDoeAnderson)
  • IMPT To prevent Tutors Inbox from blowing up in his face, each student is only allowed to re-submit twice, for each assignment only!

<Step 2>

Please email your single zip file to your tutors email (refer to section 3) Where to submit)

In your email subject line, type in the following information :

<FT/PT> <assn info> <re-submission ver.> <Team Leaders student number> and < Team Leaders name>


To : tutors email (refer to section 3) Where to submit)

Subject : FT Assn2 Resubmit_v1 1234567 JohnDoeAnderson


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[Solved] CSCI222 Assignment 2 Warehouse Tool Full Solution + Reports