- Understand arrays and vectors.
- Be able to pass arrays to functions
Question 1: array pilgrimage
Write a program arrayPilgrimage.cpp to declare and populate the four arrays listed below. temps an array of 10 floating point numbers (type double) initialized with -459.67 (absolute zero in Fahrenheit)
- colors an array of the strings Red, Blue, Green, Cyan, and Magenta, in that order.
- sequence an array of the first 100 positive integers in order; 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.
- letters an array of all uppercase and lowercase characters in order, A, a, B, b, C, c, Hint: the ASCII table will be helpful here!
In order to test that you correctly created and populated the arrays, print the values of each of their elements, in order, one element per line. Hint: Use a loop to traverse each array.
Sample run
-459.67-459.67 -459.67 RedBlueMagenta 12100A aB b Z z |
The file should be named as arrayPilgrimage.cpp. Dont forget to head over to the code runner on Moodle and paste your solution in the answer box!
Question 2: Array stats
Write a function stats that takes an array and the number of elements in the array. Then, it computes and prints the minimum value, maximum value, and the average value of all the values in the array. The output should be formatted with two-digit precision.
Function specifications:
- The function name: stats
- The function parameters (in this order):
An array, double
The number of elements stored in the array, int The function should not return anything.
Sample run 1
Test 1: 10.4 3.2 1.4 5.1 6.7
Min: 1.40
Max: 10.40
Avg: 5.36
Sample run 2
Test 2: 1 2 3
Min: 1.00
Max: 3.00
Avg: 2.00
Sample run 3
Test 3: -1.2 -12.8 5 10.4 11 2.2 -1
Min: -12.80
Max: 11.00
Avg: 1.94
The file should be named as arrayStats.cpp . Dont forget to head over to the code runner on Moodle and paste only your function in the answer box! In the main, make sure that you call the function.
Question 3: Insert into a sorted array
Write a function insert that takes an array of integers in ascending order, the number of integers currently in the array, the total size of the array, and an integer to insert into the array. The function should insert the given integer into the array such that the array remains in sorted order. If the array is already full, the array should remain unchanged. The function should return the new number of elements in the array.
Function specifications:
- The function name: insert
- The function parameters (in this order):
An array, int
The number of elements stored in the array, int
The size of the array, int
The new element to be added, int
- The function returns the number of elements after inserting the element
Sample run 1
Before Insertion: 1,1,3,4,5,5,5,6
After Insertion: 1,1,2,3,4,5,5,5,6
Sample run 2
Before Insertion: 1,1,3,4,5,5,5,6
After Insertion: 0,1,1,3,4,5,5,5,6
The file should be named as insert.cpp . Dont forget to head over to the code runner on Moodle and paste only your function in the answer box! In the main, make sure that you call the function.
Question 4: sum of the max value found in each row
Write a function maxSum that takes two parameters; a 2D integer array with 10 columns, and the number of rows. The function must return the sum of the maximum value from each row.
Function specifications:
- The function name: maxSum
- The function parameters (in this order):
A 2D integer array with 10 columns
The number of rows, int
- The function returns the sum of the maximum value from each row as, an integer
Sample run 1
Given matrix:
9 2 2 3 5 7 9 7 6 8
6 8 3 9 0 2 3 3 10 6 max sum: 19
Explanation: 9 (the highest value in the 1st row ) + 10 (the highest value in the 2nd row ) = 19.
Sample run 2
Given matrix:
5 2 8 -8 9 9 8 -5 -1 -5
4 1 8 0 10 7 6 1 8 -5
11 2 -3 8 7 10 0 3 9 11 max sum: 30
Explanation: 9 (the highest value in the 1st row ) + 10 (the highest value in the 2nd row ) + 11 (the highest value in the 3rd row ) = 30.
The file should be named as maxSum.cpp . Dont forget to head over to the code runner on Moodle and paste only your function in the answer box! In the main, make sure that you call the function.
Question 5: Vector
Vectors are similar to arrays, but they can grow dynamically in an efficient way. Write a program that asks the user to repeatedly enter positive integers and stop when the user enters -1.
You need to use a vector in this question. At the beginning of the program, the vector is empty. Then, as the user enters values, the vector will be updated based on the following conditions in this order:
- If the vector is empty, insert the user input value into the vector
- If the vector is not empty and the input value is divisible by 5, then remove an element from the front of the vector
- If the vector is not empty and the user input value is divisible by 3, then remove an element from the end of the vector
- Otherwise, insert the input value at the end of the vector.
After the user is done entering values, your program should display all elements in the vector, in order, separated by spaces. On the next line, it also displays the minimum value and the maximum values in the vector.
Sample run 1 (bold is user input)
Please enter a number: 3 Please enter a number: 4 Please enter a number: 7 Please enter a number: 5 Please enter a number: 8 Please enter a number: 10 Please enter a number:-1 The elements in the vector are: 7 8Min = 7Max = 8 |
The file should be named as vector.cpp. Dont forget to head over to the code runner on Moodle and paste your solution in the answer box!
Question 6: split a string
When youre processing data, its useful to break up a text string into pieces using a delimiter. Write a function split that takes a string, splits it at every occurance of a delimiter, and then populates an array of strings with the split pieces, up to the provided maximum number of pieces.
Function specifications:
- The function name: split
- The function parameters (in this order):
The string to be split
A separator, character, which marks where the string should be split up
An array of string, where the split-apart string pieces will be stored The size of the array, int
- The function returns the number of pieces the string was split into, as an integer. If the string is split into more pieces than the size of the array, then it returns -1. The function should not print anything
Sample run 1 (bold is user input; the array size is 4)
Enter the text: Apples,Oranges,BananasEnter the separator: , Return value: 3 arr[0] = Apples arr[1] = Oranges arr[2] = Bananas |
Sample run 2 (bold is user input; the array size is 4)
Enter the text: 2020 //03//11 Enter the separator: / Return value: 3 arr[0] = 2020 arr[1] = 03 arr[2] = 11 |
Sample run 3 (bold is user input; the array size is 4)
Enter the text: ,,Tokyo,Bangalore,Boulder,London,Seattle,
Enter the separator: , Return value: -1 arr[0] = Tokyo arr[1] = Bangalore arr[2] = Boulder arr[3] = London
There are 5 cities, but the size of the array is 4. Since its more than the size of the array, the split function returns -1.
The file should be named as split.cpp . Dont forget to head over to the code runner on Moodle and paste only your function in the answer box! In the main, make sure that you call the function.
Extra credit: character frequency
Write a program that asks for a string. Then, it populates the counts of each character in the given string. To make it simple, the string only contains lowercase alphabetical characters from a to z. After getting the counts, print the characters and their counts in the alphabetical order, if they occur at least once in the string.
Expected output 1 (bold is user input)
Enter a word:colorado a: 1 c: 1 d: 1 l: 1 o: 3 r: 1 |
The file should be named as charCounts.cpp . Dont forget to head over to the code runner on Moodle and paste your solution in the answer box!
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