Quiz 1
CSCI-567 – Machine Learning
Fall 2024
1. Assume a linear regression model parameterized by θ . Denote the linear model by fθ (x(i)) = θ Tx(i) . Which of the following represents the gradient of the loss function L(θ) in gradient descent for linear regression?
2. Given a linear classifier f(x) = wTx + b, which of the following conditions must hold for a dataset to be linearly separable?
a) 3w,b such that y(i)(wTx(i) + b) > 0 for all i
b) 3w,b such that y(i)(wTx(i) + b) = 0 for all i
c) w,b, y (i)(wTx(i) + b) = 1 for all i
d) w,b, y (i)(wTx(i) + b) < 0 for all i
3. Which of the following optimization problems represents the regularized binary logistic regression objective with ℓ2-regularization?
4. Which of the following is an example of a convex surrogate loss function?
a) Hinge loss
b) Squared loss
c) Cross-entropy loss
d) All of the above
5. In gradient descent, the update rule is given by θ (t+1) = θ (t) − η∇J(θ(t)). What condition must be true for the algorithm to converge?
a) η must be very large to speed up convergence
b) ∇J(θ(t)) must be negative
c) η must change at every step
d) η must be small enough to ensure the loss function decreases at each step
6. Which of the following expressions represents the gradient of the logistic regression loss function L(θ), where fθ 1+e−θT x/1?
7. Which of the following surrogate loss functions is convex and differentiable, and used in binary logistic regression?
a) L(θ) = max(0, 1 − yfθ (x))
b) L(θ = log(1 + e−yfθ (x))
c) L(θ) = (y − fθ (x))2
d) L(θ = |y − fθ (x)|
8. What is a surrogate loss function used for?
a) To approximate the true error function in a more tractable form.
b) To reduce the number of features in the model
c) To avoid overfitting by adding a regularization term
d) To directly minimize the classification accuracy
9. Which of data below is not linearly separable? (Hint: consider visualizing the data)
a) Class 1: [(-1,0), (-1,2)], Class 2: [(1,2), (1,0)]
b) Class 1: [(-1,0), (1,0)], Class 2: [(0,1), (0,-1)]
c) Class 1: [(-1,0,0), (-1,2,0)], Class 2: [(1,2,0), (1,0,0)]
d) Class 1: [(1,1,2), (2,1,1), (1,2,1)], Class 2: [(0,-1,-1), (-2,0,-1), (-1,-2,0)]
10. Given a dataset matrix X ∈ Rm ×n where m < n, and each column of X represents a data sample. Let C be the covariance matrix of the dataset, and assume the mean vector of the samples µ ∈ Rm is a zero vector. Which of the statements below is definitely correct?
(a) C ∈ Rn ×n
(b) rank(C) = rank(X)
(c) C does not have any negative elements.
(d) C is a positive definite matrix.
11. Which of the followings about neural networks is wrong?
a) The attention layer in neural networks typically uses the ReLU activation function.
b) Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are inherently designed to be rotationally invariant.
c) Dropout techniques are employed to enhance the generalizability of the model.
d) Transformers can also be effectively trained to classify images.
12. Which of the following statements is wrong?
a) Overfitting occurs when a machine learning model learns to capture noise or random fluctuations in the training data, resulting in poor generalization.
b) Regularization techniques can help prevent overfitting.
c) Both ℓ 1 and ℓ2 regularization can help in reducing the variance of a model by penalizing overly complex models.
d) CNNs do not work well on linearly non-separable datasets.
13. Regarding activation functions in neural networks, which statement is true?
a) The sigmoid activation function is preferred over ReLU in deep neural networks to avoid vanishing gradient problems.
b) The tanh activation function outputs values in the range [0 , 1].
c) The ReLU activation function is defined as f(x) = max(0, x2 ).
d) The softmax activation function is commonly used in the output layer for multi-class classification problems.
14. Regarding convolutional neural networks (CNNs), which of the following statements is false?
a) Pooling layers in CNNs help to reduce the dimensionality and retain important features of the input.
b) The stride in a convolutional layer determines the step size by which the convolution filter moves across the input.
c) Increasing the number of filters in a convolutional layer always reduces overfitting.
d) Padding is used in convolutional layers to control the spatial size of the output feature maps.
15. Consider aneural network with a ReLU activation function, f(x) = max(0, x). Let z = wtx+bbe the linear transformation of the input x with weight matrix W and bias vector b. What is the gradient of f(z) with respect to x when z < 0?
a) w
b) b
c) 0
d) diag(z)W
16. Which of the following statements about the transformer architecture is false?
a) Transformers use self-attention mechanisms to process input sequences in parallel, unlike recurrent neural networks (RNNs) which process inputs sequentially.
b) The positional encoding in transformers allows the model to understand the order of elements in the input sequence without using recurrence.
c) Transformer models always require both encoder and decoder components to function effectively for any task.
d) The multi-head attention mechanism in transformers allows the model to focus on different aspects of the input simultaneously.
17. For a neural network with a hidden layer size of 128, if the ReLU activation is used, which of the following statements is correct?
a) The output of the hidden layer will be bounded between 0 and 1.
b) The gradient of the activation function can never be zero.
c) Some units may output zero if the input is negative.
d) The ReLU activation is linear for all inputs.
18. In the context of stochastic gradient descent (SGD), which of the following factors most directly influences convergence speed?
a) Number of epochs
b) Learning rate
c) Batch size
d) Number of features
19. Which of the following is the purpose of multi-head attention in transformers?
a) To reduce the computational complexity of attention mechanisms.
b) To ensure that attention focuses on a single position in the input.
c) To allow the model to focus on different parts of the input simultaneously.
d) To generate more robust positional encodings.
20. Consider the function f(x,y) = x2 −y2 . Which of the following statements about the function’s critical points is correct?
a) The point (0, 0) is a saddle point
b) The point (0, 0) is a global minimum.
c) The point (0, 0) is a local minimum.
d) The function has no critical points.
21. Which of the following is not a true statement about gradient descent (GD) vs. stochastic gradient descent (SGD)?
a) Both provide unbiased estimates of the true gradient at each step.
b) The memory and compute requirements of a single update step for both methods scales linearly with the number of features.
c) The memory and compute requirements of a single update step for both methods scales linearly with the number of data points.
d) GD is likely to converge in fewer updates/iterations than SGD, with a properly selected learning rate.
22. Write down a closed form solution for the optimal parameters θ that minimize the loss function
in terms of the N × d matrix X whose i-th row is xi(T) and the N × 1 vector y whose i-th entry is yi. You may assume that any relevant matrix is invertible.
a) w* = 2(XTX)−1X Ty
b) w* = (XTX)−1X Ty
c) w* = (XTX)−1Xy
d) w* = (XXT ) −1X Ty
23. Which statement is true?
(a) Logistic regression is not a probabilistic model.
(b) Linear regression is best used for classification.
(c) Logistic regression works well for non-linearly separable data.
(d) We can use SGD to learn both logistic regression and linear regression models.
24. Consider a convolution layer with an input tensor of dimension 8 × 11 × 3 and an output tensor of dimension 3 × 4 × 3 tensor. What is the correct hyperparameter configuration of this layer?
(a) Six 4 × 4 × 4 filters, the stride is three, 1 zero-padding
(b) Six 2 × 2 × 3 filters, the stride is three, 2 zero-padding
(c) Three 4 × 4 × 3 filters, the stride is three, 1 zero-padding
(d) Three 3 × 4 × 3 filters, the stride is three, 1 zero-padding
25. Which statement is false?
(a) CNN can be used for multiclass classification.
(b) Feedforward neural networks can be used to model non-linear datasets.
(c) Logistic regression is a linear model.
(d) Transformer is a linear model.
26. Which one is an incorrect characterization of overfitting?
(a) Increasing data size reduces overfitting.
(b) Projecting the model to a more complex feature space will avoid overfitting.
(c) Overfitting can be observed from high train accuracy and low test accuracy.
(d) Regularization can help reduce overfitting.
27. Which one is not an activation function?
(a) ReLU
(b) GeLU
(c) Indicator function
(d) Sigmoid
28. Which one is an incorrect description of a transformer?
(a) It is often used with position embeddings.
(b) A transformer block consists of a linear self-attention layer and a feedforward network.
(c) It is end-to-end differentiable.
(d) It has a recurrent layer.
29. When training on an imbalanced dataset where the dataset contains more data with the first label than the three other classes (four class in total), which one of the following statements is true?
(a) The model will overfit to the first class.
(b) The model will overfit to the second class.
(c) The model will overfit to the third class.
(d) The model will overfit to the fourth class.
30. Let F = {f(x) = sign(wTx + b)|w ∈ R2 , x ∈ R2 , b ∈ R} be the set of binary classifiers in 2 dimensional space. Given there are only two possible options for the data label of each sample (y ∈ {−1, 1}), if you have a free choice in selecting the training data, what is the biggest possible number of training samples, that the 2 dimensional binary classifier can correctly classify no matter how the training data is labeled?
a) 3
b) 4
c) 5
d) ∞
31. Which of the following loss functions might still incur a loss penalty (non-zero loss) even though sign(wTx + b) and the ground truth label have the same value?
a) Perceptron loss
b) Hinge loss
c) Logistic loss
d) Both b and c
32. Which of the following statement is true about Perceptron?
a) Perceptron always converges in a finite number of steps for any dataset.
b) The update rule is affected by all samples.
c) The choice for the learning rate significantly affects the prediction of weights.
d) The update rule can be performed on more than one sample at a time.
33. What is the derivative of the function f(x) = lnσ(wTx+b) with respect to the parameter b ? (σ(x) = 1+e−x/1)
34. Figure 1, shows the change in the loss function of a model, during the training process. What is the primary reason for the way the loss function changes?
Figure 1: The change in the loss function of a model, during the training process.
a) Bad initialization
b) Low learning rate
c) High learning rate
d) High batch size
35. During the training of a model we notice a growing gap between the training and validation perfor- mances. What would be the best approach to solve this problem?
a) Increase regularization strength and decrease training data
b) Increase regularization strength and increase training data
c) Decrease regularization strength and decrease training data
d) Decrease regularization strength and increase training data
36. One layer of the convolution neural network described below is wrong. If the input data is 224 × 224 colored images and the size of the flattened output is 8700, which layer has the wrong specifications? (For each Conv layer the provided specifications are mask size, output depth, stride size, and padding size. Same is true for Max Pool layers except there is no output depth.)
a) Conv 4×4, 128 (s:2, p:1)
b) Max Pool 2×2 (s:2, p:0)
c) Conv 5×5, 256 (s:2, p:1)
d) Conv 7×7, 324 (s:1, p:3)
Convolution Neural Network Layers :
Conv 3×3 , 96 ( s :1 , p :1)
Conv 4×4 , 128 ( s :2 , p :1)
Conv 5×5 , 168 ( s :1 , p :2)
Max Pool 2×2 ( s :2 , p :0)
Conv 3×3 , 212 ( s :1 , p :1)
Conv 5×5 , 256 ( s :2 , p :1)
Max Pool 2×2 ( s :2 , p :0)
Conv 7×7 , 324 ( s :1 , p :3)
Conv 2×2 , 348 ( s :1 , p :0)
Max Pool 5×5 ( s :2 , p :0)
37. Which part of the attention layer best represents the distribution of the relationship between tokens?
38. Which activation function is defined as f(x) = ex + e−x/ex − e−x and outputs values in the range
(a) Sigmoid function
(b) ReLU function
(c) Hyperbolic tangent (tanh) function
(d) Softmax function
39. In a convolutional neural network (CNN), which of the following statements about the convolution operation is true?
(a) The convolution operation reduces the spatial dimensions of the input.
(b) The convolution operation uses the same weights (filters) across different spatial positions.
(c) The convolution operation increases the number of channels in the input.
(d) The convolution operation always uses a stride of 1 and no padding.
40. Which of the following statements about the attention mechanism in transformers is false?
(a) Attention allows the model to focus on specific parts of the input sequence when generating each part of the output sequence.
(b) The attention scores are computed using dot products between query and key vectors.
(c) The value vectors are used to compute the attention scores.
(d) The scaled dot-product attention includes a scaling factor to prevent softmax saturation.
41. In the context of multi-class classification, which loss function is commonly used when training a neural network?
(a) Mean squared error (MSE)
(b) Hinge loss
(c) Cross-entropy loss
(d) Absolute error loss
42. Consider a linear model with 100 input features, out of which 10 are highly informative about the label and 90 are non-informative about the label. Assume that all features have values between −1 and 1. Which of the following statements are true?
(a) ℓ 1 regularization will encourage most of the non-informative weights to be exactly 0 .0.
(b) ℓ 1 regularization will encourage most of the non-informative weights to be nearly (but not exactly) 0.0.
(c) ℓ2 regularization will encourage most of the non-informative weights to be exactly 0 .0.
(d) ℓ2 regularization will encourage most of the non-informative weights to be nearly (but not exactly) 0.0.
43. Which of the following options will decrease the generalization gap (difference between test error and training error) of a machine learning model?
(a) Use more data to learn the model.
(b) Add l2 regularization on the parameters when learning the model.
(c) Consider a more complex model class, which is a superset of the original function class.
(d) Simplify the model by reducing its complexity.
44. Which of the following statements about supervised learning are true?
(a) The test set should not be used to train the model, but can be used to tune hyperparameters.
(b) The generalization gap (difference between test and training errors) generally decreases as the size of the training set increases.
(c) We cannot estimate the risk of a predictor (its average error on the data distribution) solely with the data used to train it.
(d) If training and test data are drawn from different distributions, then low error on the training set may not guarantee low error on the test set even if the size of the training set is sufficiently large.
45. In the context of gradient descent optimization, what is the primary advantage of using mini-batch gradient descent over batch gradient descent?
(a) It always converges to the global minimum.
(b) It reduces the variance of the parameter updates, leading to more stable convergence.
(c) It computes the gradient using the entire training dataset, making it more accurate.
(d) It requires less memory and allows for faster computation per update.
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