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[SOLVED] Csci 4061: intro to operating systems assignment 1: simple make


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Make is a useful utility which builds executable programs or libraries from source files based on an input makefile
which includes information on how to build targets (e.g. executable programs or libraries). The makefile specifies a
dependency graph that governs how targets should be built. In this assignment, you will write a simple version of Make
(make4061) which 1) reads the makefile, 2) follows the specification in the file to construct the dependence graph and
3) builds the targets using fork, exec and wait in a controlled fashion just like standard Make in Linux using
the graph. Your make4061 will use the dependence graph (we have provided code to generate it from the input
makefile) to build any targets (e.g. compile files) in the proper order. The command to finally build the target can be
executed once all of its dependencies have been resolved (i.e. those targets have been built and so on). Thus, you will
focus only on step 3). You should work in groups of 3. If you are new to makefiles, you will need to read up on them.
2 Description
Your make4061 will be responsible for analyzing dependencies of targets, determining which targets are eligible to
be built (i.e. typically to be compiled or executed). That is, each target may depend on other targets. Those other
targets must be built first. As targets in makefile are built, your make4061 program will determine which targets in the
makefile have become eligible to be compiled (built), and this process continues until final target is built. To make this
work, we are providing you with a DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) based on the contents of makefile. For example,
figure 1 shows the DAG that is created by this makefile. There are two major aspects of this lab. One is the grungy
low-level parsing that needs to be done to build the DAG (Note : This has been provided), and the other is the
processing of the DAG. All C programmers have to eventually deal with the former, even though the main intellectual
aspect for us is the second part.
A target becomes eligible for execution once all of its parent targets have completed execution. Your main program
will use fork and exec to build each target as they become eligible to run, and wait to ensure that a build is finished
(or has failed).
The pseudo-code algorithm for building a target T recursively is as follows (where command contains 0 or 1 commands):
build (T):
for each dependent target Ti
that needs to be be built:
call build (Ti)
execute the command for T
In Figure 1, applying the algorithm to building target “all” would yield these these approximate steps:
1. “all” waits for “make4061 test” to finish
2. “make4061 test” waits for “util.a” and then “main.o” to finish one by one.
3. “util.a” waits for “parse.o” and “cal.o” to finish one by one.
4. “parse.o” finishes and then “cal.o” finishes.
5. “util.a” finishes.
6. “main.o” finishes.
Figure 1: Example makefile and DAG
7. “make4061 test” finishes.
Each vertex of the DAG represents a target which may contain the following information needed to build the target:
1. The target name
2. Dependency information: input target(s) or file(s)
3. The command name and its arguments
4. A status of the vertex, depending on your own design
The data-structure for the DAG (including each vertex) that we are providing is an array representation. Your
make4061 program will check whether there are valid input file(s) or target(s) before executing a command. If there
are no valid input file(s) or target(s), the program will print an error message and be terminated. For example, in figure
2, if there is no parse.c, make4061 will terminate. If the target command fails for any reason (e.g. a compiler error
in gcc), you can easily detect this using the wait child status (More details in the Error Handling section), and
To avoid any unnecessary recompilation, your make4061 will check the modification time (timestamps) for
the target and input files to see if the target needs to be built. That is, if the target is more recent than input file,
then the target is already up-to-date so it doesn’t need to be recompiled. For example, in Figure 2 the command for
target parse.o will be executed only when the input parse.c is more recent than parse.o. If there is no parse.o file, the
command will be executed without checking the modification time. Some useful functions are provided for you to use
to help with all of these tasks.
3 Makefile Format
A makefile usually contains multiple targets. The dependence items are either file names or the name of targets
specified in another build specification in the same makefile. Here are the rules for the format.
1. The target line starts on the first character of a line.
2. “:” will follow the target and list of dependencies with one or more spaces between them.
3. A target is not required to have a dependency (e.g., as in Figure 1, clean:)
4. A target will have at most one command (possibly none).
5. Command line always starts with a tab but not spaces.
6. Commands can be any executable Linux program or shell command.
7. Lines that do not start with a target, or commands that do not start with a tab are not valid, and make4061 will
be terminated. That is, if there was any syntax error, your program will be terminated with an appropriate error
8. Extra whitespace will be ignored.
9. Lines that start with a ”#” will be commented out and ignored.
10. If any error occurs when executing commands, your make4061 will be terminated with an appropriate error
11. Duplicated target name is not allowed.
If anything is unclear, please post your question on the forum to share it with other students.
Note: Parsing of the input makefile and creating the associated DAG data structure has been provided. Alternatively, if you want a greater challenge do not look at any provided code and program everything from
4 Execution
Compile your code with the help of make utility of UNIX. Copy your object file(make4061) to the testcase folder. To
test your object file, run: ./make4061 [options]
To check correctness of your program compare the output of your object file with the one we have provided as solution.
Your make4061 will support the following options.
1. -f filename: filename will be the name of the makefile, otherwise the default name “Makefile” is assumed.
2. specificTarget: specificTarget will be the name of any single target in the Makefile.
3. -h: print usage info.
We will run your make4061 as follows (note that only a single target will be built):
1. ./make4061: This will build the first target found in makefile
2. ./make4061 specificTarget: This will build only the specific target
3. ./make4061 -f yourownmakefile
Options can be combined together (in any order) like below.
./make4061 -f yourownmakefile specificTarget
We have provided code for steps 1) and 2) and functions that may be useful for step 3) (see Purpose): util.h, util.c,
main.c. Also we will provide some test cases that you can use to test your make4061. You may want to try to test your
solution by building your solution with make4061!
5 Do’s and Dont’s
You can not use the library call system which invokes a shell command externally from your program. You must use
fork, exec and wait. You will build targets in the order dictated by the dependency graph (i.e. see the recursive
algorithm) using fork/exec/wait as appropriate. You MUST avoid fork bombs, and clean up any processes
that linger as a result of broken code, especially zombies. The command ps -u < userid > shows your processes and
kill − 9 < processid > will get rid of them at the shell.
Note: If no target is specified on the command-line, build the FIRST target.
6 Getting started
Look at the manpage for make and run the solution code on the test cases. UNDERSTAND how it works. Then, look
at the provided starter code, compile and run it. UNDERSTAND IT. Then, look at util.c and check the details of each
system call and library function with ’man’ command.
fopen, fgets, fork, execvp, wait, strcmp, strcpy, strtok, getopt
7 Simplifying Assumptions
1. Target, command and parameter can only contain alphanumeric characters. Special characters such as , <, >,
& are not allowed. (Thus, there will not be any background processes.)
2. You can assume that each line in the makefile will not be more than 1023 characters.
3. You can assume that there will be no cycles in the graph.
4. You can assume that every command will be on your PATH, thus you do not need to use absolute paths for a
5. You can assume that the number of targets will not be more than 10.
6. You can assume that all target will have at most a single command line.
7. You can assume that there are no FLAGS or variables in the makefile like ”CFLAGS = -g -Wall”. That is, there
are only targets and command.
8. You can assume that a user can specify only single target. $ make4061 parse.o is fine but $ make4061 parse.o
main.o is not.
8 Error Handling
You are expected to test the return value of all system calls to check for error conditions. As mentioned earlier, if your
program encounters an error in processing the makefile, a useful error message (e.g. the name of the current target for
which the error occurred) should be printed to the screen and the program terminated.
One crucial/critical place, where you would need to check for errors is in fork/exec command(s). Exec may fail
due to bad path name, bad memory, out of memory, too many processes and many more. We need to handle problems
such as failed command, crashes etc. If a child process fails, the main process (i.e make utility) has failed too and
must exit. One solution to check for child process failure is using status in wait. There are multiple ways to achieve
this and we are providing one such example using WEXITSTATUS macro:
if (WEXITSTATUS(wstatus) != 0)
printf(“child exited with error code=%d
”, WEXITSTATUS(wstatus));
9 Documentation
You must include a README file which describes your program. It needs to contain following:
1. Tell us who did what on the program.
2. Any other instructions.
The README file can be short as long as it properly describes the above points. Within your code you should use
one or two sentences to describe each function that you write. You do not need to comment every line of your code.
However, you might want to comment portions of your code to increase readability.
At the top of your README file and main C source file please include the following comment:
/* CSci4061 S2018 Assignment 1
* login: cselabs login name (login used to submit)
* date: mm/dd/yy
* name: full name1, full name2, full name3 (for partner(s))
* id: id for first name, id for second name, id for third name */
10 Grading: this rubric is tentative and subject to change
1. 5% README file
2. 20% Documentation within code, coding, and style
(indentations, readability of code, use of defined constants rather than numbers)
3. 75% Test cases
(correctness, error handling, meeting the specifications)
4. Please make sure to pay attention to documentation and coding style. A perfectly working program will not
receive full credit if it is undocumented and very difficult to read.
5. Some test cases (sample makefiles) will be provided to you upfront. The test cases for grading will be similar
but not necessarily the same. You need to make your own test case as test cases provided may not cover all of
the specifications. Thus, please make sure that you read the specifications very carefully. If there is anything
that is not clear to you, you should ask for a clarification.
6. We will use the GCC version installed on the CSELabs machines(i.e. 5.4.0) to compile your code. Make sure
your code compiles and run on CSELabs.
7. Please make sure that your program works on the CSELabs machines e.g., KH 4-250 (csel-kh4250-
xx.cselabs.umn.edu). You will be graded on one of these machines.
11 Deliverables
1. Files containing your code
2. A README file
3. A makefile that will compile your code and produce a program called make4061. Note: this makefile will be
used by us to compile your program with the standard make utility.
All files should be submitted on the class canvas site. This is your official submission that we will grade. Please
note that future submissions under the same homework title OVERWRITE previous submissions; we can only grade
the most recent submission. ONLY one submission is expected for a group. Multiple submissions by different group
members particularly if the files differ will make us VERY unhappy. Communicate effectively, work together, share
the load, and submit ONE solution.
12 Warmup
The simple rule for finishing this project is Start Early. In order to get you started we can divide the project in 2
phases. The first phase is understanding the structure of the graph – write code to traverse the graph and print out the
per-node information in an easy-to-read manner. In the makefile below shown in Figure 1, every NODE in the DAG
has 4 main fields (shown in figure 2) that you should print out:
• TargetName: make4061 test
• DependencyCount: 2
• DependencyNames: util.a, main.o
• Command: gcc -o make4061 test main.o util.a
Figure 2: One node in the DAG
We will have your groups check-in with a TA TO MAKE THIS WORKS IN ABOUT A WEEK.
13 Testing Strategy Hint
A simple method to tell whether your code works is to compare it’s output to that of standard gnu make. This is how
we will grade your lab.


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[SOLVED] Csci 4061: intro to operating systems assignment 1: simple make