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[SOLVED] Csci 2275 – programming and data structures assignment 3


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There are several fields in computer science that aim to understand how people use
language. This can include analyzing the most frequently used words by certain
authors, and then going one step further to ask a question such as: “Given what we
know about Hemingway’s language patterns, do we believe Hemingway wrote this
lost manuscript?” In this assignment, we’re going to do a basic introduction to
document analysis by determining the number of unique words and the most
frequently used words in two documents.Please read all directions for the assignment carefully. This write-up contains both
the details of what your program needs to do as well as implementation
requirements for how the functionality needs to be implemented.There is one test file on Moodle – HungerGames_edit.txt that contain the full text
from Hunger Games Book 1. We have pre-processed the file to remove all
punctuation and down-cased all words.Your program needs to read in the .txt file, with the name of the file to open set as a
command-line argument. Your program needs to store the unique words found in
the file in a dynamically allocated array and calculate and output the following
● The top n words (n is also a command-line argument) and the number of
times each word was found
● The total number of unique words in the file
● The total number of words in the file
● The number of array doublings needed to store all unique words in the file
● Printout the count of the given words in command line argumentExample:
Running your program using:
./Assignment3 10 HungerGames_edit.txt ignoreWords.txt
would return the 10 most common words in the file HungerGames_edit.txt and
should produce the following results.
682 – is
492 – peeta
479 – its
431 – im
427 – can
414 – says
379 – him
368 – when
367 – no
356 – are
Array doubled: 7
Unique non-common words: 7682
Total non-common words: 59157
meadow – 12
listen – 23Use an array of struct to store the words and their counts and a class to store
the array and all the functionsThere are specific requirements for how your program needs to be implemented.
For this assignment, you need to use a dynamically allocated array of objects to
store the words and their counts. Your class needs to have members for the word
and count:
struct wordItem
string word;
int count;
class WordAnalysis
// Should store an array of the above struct
// Should store an array of the 50 stop words
// Should also have functions that are given below
}Exclude these top 50 common words from your word counting
Table 1 shows the 50 most common words in the English language. In your code,
exclude these words from the words you count in the .txt file. The words are
included in a .txt file that you code needs to read in and populate a common word
array. Your code should include a separate function, called isStopWord() to
determine if the current word read from the .txt file is on this list and only process
the word if it is not.Table 1. Top 50 most common words in the English language
Rank Word Rank Word Rank Word
1 The 18 You 35 One
2 Be 19 Do 36 All
3 To 20 At 37 Would
4 Of 21 This 38 There
5 And 22 But 39 Their
6 A 23 His 40 What
7 In 24 By 41 So
8 That 25 From 42 Up
9 Have 26 They 43 Out
10 I 27 We 44 If
11 It 28 Say 45 About
12 For 29 Her 46 Who
13 Not 30 She 47 Get
14 On 31 Or 48 Which
15 With 32 An 49 Go
16 He 33 Will 50 Me
17 As 34 My
Use 4 command-line argumentsYour program needs to have three command-line arguments – the first argument is
the number of most frequent words to output, the second argument is the name of
the file to open and read, and the third argument is the name of the file that contains
the words to ignore, also called stop words. The 4th
command line argument will be a
list of words separated by commas.Note: DO NOT HAVE SPACE BETWEEN THE WORDS YOU WANT TO SEARCH
./Assignment3 20 HungerGames_edit.txt ignoreWords.txt
will read the HungerGames_edit.txt file and output the 20 most frequent words
found in the file, not including the words listed in ignoreWords.txt and then search
for words meadow and listen.Use the array-doubling algorithm to increase the size of your array
We don’t know ahead of time how many unique words either of these files has, so
you don’t know how big the array should be. Start with an array size of 100, and
double the size as words are read in from the file and the array fills up with new
words. Use dynamic memory allocation to create your array, copy the values from
the current array into the new array, and then free the memory used for the current
array.Note: some of you might wonder why we’re not using C++ Vectors for this
assignment. A vector is an interface to a dynamically allocated array that uses array
doubling to increase its size. In this assignment, you’re doing what happens
behind-the-scenes with a Vector.Output the top n most frequent words
Write a function to determine the top n words in the array. This can be a function
that sorts the entire array, or a function that generates an array of the n top items.
Output the n most frequent words in the order of most frequent to least frequent.
Format your output the following wayWhen you output the top n words in the file, the output needs to be in order, with
the most frequent word printed first. The format for the output needs to be:
Count – Word
Array doubled:
Unique non-common words:
Total non-common words:
Search words : count
Generate the output with these commands:
cout<<numCount<<” – “<<word<<endl;
cout<<”Array doubled: “<<numDoublings<<endl;
cout<<”Unique non-common words: “<<numUniqueWords<<endl;
cout<<word<<” – ”<<count<<endl;Your code needs to have a class that will have the array of struct and also the
following methods:
* Function name: isStopWord
* Purpose: to see if a word is a stop word
* @param word – a word (which you want to check if it is a stop word)
* @return – true (if word is a stop word), or false (otherwise)
bool isStopWord(string word);
* Function name: printTopN
* Purpose: to print the top N high frequency words from a sorted array
* @param topN – the number of top frequency words to print
* @return none
void printTopN( int topN);
* Function name: searchCount
* Purpose: To search the count of a given word
* @param wordItemList – a pointer that points to a array of wordItems * @param word – the
words to search
* @return int – Count of the given word. Will return -1 if not found
int searchCount( string word);
* Function name: addWord* Purpose: To take in a string and add it to the array of struct. This function should call an
internal private function which will handle the array doubling. It should also check if the
word exists and only increase the count if it does. The word should be added in a sorted
* @param word – the words to search
* @return None
void addWord(string word);Log into Canvas and go to the Assignment 3 and submit a zip for or a cpp file.
Note: there is no late period on assignments! If you miss the deadline or do not do well,
you can sign up for an optional grading interview to get up to half the points missed


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[SOLVED] Csci 2275 – programming and data structures assignment 3