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[SOLVED] Csci-1302 project 5 sorting out sorting!


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Each team will implement and analyze the average (amortized) performance of four sorting algorithms:
insertionsort, bubblesort, happyhoursort, and quicksort. We’ve studied insertionsort and quicksort in
class and the algorithms may be found in the Gray text book.
What is happyhoursort? You might’ve noticed during the Sorting Out Sorting video there was a sorting
algorithm called bubblesort that had really poor performance. Bubblesort works by repeatedly going
through a list and comparing adjacent items and swapping them if they are in the wrong position. You’re
done with the bubblesort if you pass through the list of elements and no swaps are needed. From Sorting
Out Sorting, it was clear that smaller elements would “bubble” up the list, and larger elements would
“bubble” down the list.
Happyhoursort, or the cocktailsort, is a variation of bubblesort. It differs by how the algorithm goes
through the list. In bubblesort, you repeatedly scan in one direction, while in happyhoursort, you first
scan left-to-right, then right-to-left.
To implement happyhoursort, you’ll need to use three components: a while loop that contains two forloops in series. The first for loop will scan left-to-right, while the second for loop will scan right-to-left.
The while loop’s conditional is on whether or not no-swaps have been made—remember, if you aren’t
swapping any more items, your list is sorted! But, think carefully if the while conditional is the only time
you’d want to “exit” the sorting process.
Implementing Sorting.java
Your team, and by team I mean you, will implement a class called Sorting.java that contains the
implementations of the three sort algorithms by creating four public static methods respectively named
insertionSort, bubbleSort, happyHourSort, and quickSort. To simplify this
project, we’re going to constrain the algorithms to just sorting arrays of ints. Each of the methods of
Sorting is required to take an array of integers (the primitive data type int) as a parameter and sort the array
in ascending order. Each of these methods will then return a sorted array of the primitive data type int.
Implementing SortExperiment.java
You will also implement a driver class called SortExperiment that contains a main method. You’ll
use this class to conduct some experiments comparing the three sorting algorithms.
• SortExperiment should generate 30 different arrays of ints. These should contain a
randomly-generated set of integers. The size of these arrays should also be determined
experimentally and be bounded between 10 and Y elements. You will need to experimentally
determine what a “good” value of Y is where your program 1) finishes execution in a reasonable
manner (i.e. no more than 3-5 minutes), and 2) you can see some sort of performance distinction
between the various sorting algorithms. Your justification for the Y you choose should be
explicitly explained in your writeup.
• SortExperiment should also implement a method called verifySort that verifies whether
an array is actually sorted. Your method should have a runtime of O(N) where N is the length of
the length of the input array. You should provide some visible feedback that things are hunky
• SortExperiment also must measure the running time of each sorting algorithm used on each
sample. In order to measure the time for each algorithm, you can use the
System.currentTimeMillis() method that returns the time in milliseconds. For example:
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
somevalue = callAMethod(param);
long runtime = System.currentTimeMillis() – startTime;
• Your program must use Swing to plot the data that you’ve collected. This is a critical feature of
this project; you must think about how to adjust any scaling (as needed) on your output. You
should also follow good graphing techniques, using labels, ticks, titles, etc., as appropriate.
Important Note: Nike is a multi-user AND multi-tasking system, and thus there are many factors that
influence timings (such as number of users, tasks being run, etc). When you’re on Nike (or any machine
that allows more than one user to sign on, you can also type the “who” command to see if someone else is
remotely logged onto that particular machine.
Your Goals
1) Your goal is to create some hypothesis about the performance of these various sorting algorithms
for various Ns while on a standalone system (i.e. a Mac in the 307 cluster or your own personal
computer) while also using a multi-user system such as Nike. Submit your hypotheses by
Thursday, April 12, by 11PM as a PDF document on eLC. You’ll use these hypotheses again in
your formal writeup.
2) Implement the sorting algorithms as defined above.
3) Run a suite of test cases through the different algorithms to get timings to use in your plots
4) Write up a formal experiment document reporting your results.
Reporting the Results
You also need to turn in a formal writeup of this programming project, maximum of 5 pages singlespaced using an 11-point serif font. Your report will contain the following sections:
1) Title Page with your name and email address, and a title (that does not count towards your page
2) Experimental design description, detailing the high-level nature in how your experiment testing
3) Hypotheses: you should state that you believe the outcome of your experiments should be, based
on the theoretical time complexity of the three sorting algorithms
4) Results: using a graph or graphs comparing the performance of the three algorithms on the
random samples.
5) Discussion of the results indicating when you’d want to use each of the sorting algorithms, and
comparing your results with your hypotheses and explain (or suggest reasons) for any differences.
You should consider the cost versus benefits of various algorithms.
Point Distribution
Proper documentation
All methods, classes, constructors, and class variables must be commented in the
Javadoc format. The makefile must create the Javadoc files in a folder called javadoc
for all private, public, and protected methods, constructors, classes, and class
variables. Parameters, return values, and exceptions must be included in the
Javadoc for each method and constructor. All classes must include the name (first
and last) of the author of the project
25 points
Test Cases
Passing test cases and properly handling “interesting” input, which includes (but is
not limited to) files that do not exist, incorrect command line arguments.
10 points
Quality of Graph 15 points
Experimental Writeup 25 points
Total: 75 points
Delivery Instructions
1. Create a folder in an Nike account called lastname1 _proj5 where lastname1 is your lastname.
2. Copy all thoroughly commented Java source files in the folder created in step 1.
3. Place a working makefile in the folder created in step 1 that has three directives:
a. compile: compiles all of the source code and creates Javadoc
b. run: runs an example of your program
c. clean: removes all class files
4. Add a readme file to the folder created in step 1 which has your name and contact information
as well as clear instructions on how to compile and run your team’s program.
5. Remove all class files before submitting.
6. Navigate to the parent directory of the folder created in step 1 on Nike, and issue the command
submit lastname1_lastname2_pro5 cs1302a
7. If the submission was successful, then a file that begins with rec will be created in the
submitted folder.


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[SOLVED] Csci-1302 project 5 sorting out sorting!