This homework will prepare you for basic setup for the course.Basic course setupProperly setting up your Mattermost, Stack Overflow, and Moodle profile. For Moodle, upload a current headshot picture of you (not anyone else, not acartoon picture of you, etc.) to your Moodle profile, which will help the teachingstaff learn your name. Use US passport photo guidelines. For Mattermost, make sure you have your first and last name as part of yourprofile. For your Stack Overflow account, you are not required to use a full name orphoto.Github
ProvisioningAutomatically provisioning a computational resource will be one of the most importantskills for you to master in your career. You have gained experience using digitalocean toautomatically create virtual images on a cloud platform and perform simple tasks withthe droplets. As part of any risk management strategy, it is also important to be able tohave access to a variety of platforms to avoid vender lock-in and systematic failures.In this homework assignment, you will complete the following tasks: Be able to automatically provision using a code api from two cloud providers.Logically, the provision workshop is a good starting point for working withdigitalocean. Choose one additional cloud provider listed here. If using digitalocean, you must be able to obtain your own api key after creatingan account. The provisioning code needs to be able to perform the following:o create a new VM, with a registered ssh key. This will allow you ssh directlyinto your account without being emailed a temporary root password.o print out the ip address of the new server. You are free to choose which technology/framework you like for yourimplementation. You might consider something like the node aws-sdk package,or boto for Python, or just raw REST requests. Use proper and source control and configuration management practices e.g.,using package managers and their associated files(package.json/requirements.txt) to declare software dependencies. Remember,someone else should be able to run your code. Depending on your cloud provider, there may be some manual one-timeconfiguration you need to perform, such as setting up security groups, firewallrules, etc. For this assignment, this can be manually configured.Screencast (10)Create a screencast of your assignment: Create a screencast demoing your opunit profile check. Demonstrate running your code that provisions the two servers across thedifferent platforms, including the cloud provider interface before and afterrunning the code. Demonstrate being able to ssh into your box with yourregistered ssh key.For guidelines, software, and recommendations see Screencasts.EvaluationYou will receive a ZERO if a security token is found to be checked into your repository. Complete moodle, mattermost, stack overflow profiles by deadline (10). Github repo and collobrator settings (10). Ask and answer a question (10) Opunit checks (10) Provision code for two cloud providers (50) Screencast (10)
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