[Solved] CSC220 Project 4- create and manage express card accounts


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In this project, you will write a program that allows a user to repeatedly create and manage express card accounts.

Each express card is like a debit card, except that it can only be used to purchase meals. A new express card account starts at a balance of $0. The user can

  1. deposit money to the express card, increasing the balance (by depositing more money),
  2. purchase meals at a fixed rate, thus decreasing the balance, and
  3. have meals ( each swipe of the card reduces the remaining number of meals by one).

In this project, we will only implement one type of express accounts: student express accounts. A student express account have fields accountNumber , accountBalance , numberOfMeals , pricePerMeal , baseAmtForBonus , rewardLevel and rewardAmt .

  • The field baseAmtForBonus is used to record the bonus cashback for an account when making a deposit.
  • There is a base amount one-time deposit ( baseAmtForBonus ) to receive bonus which is the minimum amount of money for each deposit. For this project, it is set to $500.0. For example, if the baseAmtForBonus is $500 and deposit $499 will not receive any bonus.
  • For every deposit that is greater than the baseAmtForBonus , for each rewardLevel , a student account receives rewardAmt amount of money. For example, if rewardLevel is set to 200.0 and rewardAmt is set to 2.0, then a deposit of $500 to a $0 balance student express account will result $4.0 bonus and a new balance of $504.0. However, a deposit of $499 to a $100 balance student express account will not obtain any bonus and final balance is $599.0.

The variable rewardLevel should be set to $200.0 and rewardAmt to $2.0. While we wont change the value of them in this project, they must be variables.

  • The pricePerMeal is $10.0.

Implementation Hints

  • Start by writing the ExpressAccount class with only the accountBalance field, a toString() method that outputs the balance, and a main() method that instantiates a new instance of the

ExpressAccount class and outputs the result of calling the toString() method. Compile and

test to make sure that this simple version works.

  • Gradually build up the functionality of the ExpressAccount class, adding each field and method in turn, testing thoroughly that your class works at each step. Do this very gradually, breaking the development of the ExpressAccount class into small steps. It is often a handy trick to write a main() method for every class that tests the class thoroughly. This is very useful for diagnostic purposes, and will be essential when we start developing larger programs.
  • To accept input from the console, use util.Scanner to directly accept input from System.in .
  • Notice that you have two levels of menu: main menu and sub-menus. The main menu looks as follows:


1.) Create a new account

2.) Log into an existing account

3.) Exit the banking system

The sub-menu looks as follows:


1.) Make a deposit

2.) Purchase meals

3.) Have meal

4.) Log out

For each option in the main menu, there is a sub-menu for this option. However, some sub-menus share the same functionalities. For example, after you create an account, the display is the same as after you choose to log into an existing account. Instead of writing same code several times, you should try to make your program as modularly as possible by writing small methods. One good practice would be separating the display the menu from the logic of making options on the menu by passing parameters and getting return values wisely. With this in mind, you will notice that we have the following functionalities in the menu part:

  • display the main menu
  • create a new account of type ExpressAccount
  • store an account into the list
  • retrieve an account information from the list
  • display a user menu (for making a deposit, purchasing meals, etc)

For each of these functionalities, it is recommended to have a method implementing it.

  • Be sure to do error checking on the inputs. Negative deposit and number of meals to purchase are not allowed.
  • Since were working with money, all decimals need to be rounded off to two decimal places.
  • After you are done with the implementation, make sure you clean up your code. Remove unnecessary testing code and comments.
  • All source files should include a description header, be properly indented and commented.

Code Skeleton

Your final java source code should include the following classes:

  • java : This is where your main method will be. It contains the whole logic of the application. That is, the main menu and the sub-menu are implemented in this class using methods. Moreover, a list of accounts, implemented in ArrayList, is maintained in this class.
  • java : This is the class that contains the account properties and behaviors of the classes.

Part of the code skeleton is shown as follows:

public class ExpAcct {. . . . . .public static void main( String [ ] args ) {. . . . . .}}public class ExpressAccount {. . . . . .public ExpressAccount ( int accNumber) {. . . . . .}public int getAccountNumber () {. . . . . .}public double getAccountBalance () {. . . . . .}public double getBaseAmtForBonus () {. . . . . .}public double getPricePerMeal () {. . . . . .}public int getNumOfMeals() {. . . . . .}public String toString () {. . . . . .}. . . . . . }

Example running trace:

Your program must have the same interface as shown below.

Welcome to the Express Account CompanyMAIN MENU1.) Create a new account2.) Log into an existing account3.) Exit the banking systemPlease enter your selection: 1EXPRESS ACCOUNT #0, BALANCE: $0.0, NUMBER OF MEALS: 01.) Make a deposit2.) Purchase meals3.) Have meal4.) Log outPlease enter your selection: 1Enter deposit amount: 600Deposit $600.0 New balance $606.0EXPRESS ACCOUNT #0, BALANCE: $606.0, NUMBER OF MEALS: 01.) Make a deposit2.) Purchase meals3.) Have meal4.) Log outPlease enter your selection: 2Enter the number of meals you want to purchase: 1Purchased 1 meals with $10.0 per meal New balance $596.0EXPRESS ACCOUNT #0, BALANCE: $596.0, NUMBER OF MEALS: 11.) Make a deposit2.) Purchase meals3.) Have meal4.) Log outPlease enter your selection: 3EXPRESS ACCOUNT #0, BALANCE: $596.0, NUMBER OF MEALS: 01.) Make a deposit2.) Purchase meals3.) Have meal4.) Log outPlease enter your selection: 3No meals left on your account. Please purchase meals first.EXPRESS ACCOUNT #0, BALANCE: $596.0, NUMBER OF MEALS: 01.) Make a deposit2.) Purchase meals3.) Have meal4.) Log out
Please enter your selection: 1Enter deposit amount: 0The deposit must be a positive amount.EXPRESS ACCOUNT #0, BALANCE: $596.0, NUMBER OF MEALS: 01.) Make a deposit2.) Purchase meals3.) Have meal4.) Log outPlease enter your selection: 2Enter the number of meals you want to purchase: 60Not enough balance for 60 mealsPurchased 59 meals, New balance $6.0EXPRESS ACCOUNT #0, BALANCE: $6.0, NUMBER OF MEALS: 591.) Make a deposit2.) Purchase meals3.) Have meal4.) Log outPlease enter your selection: 4 Goodbye!MAIN MENU1.) Create a new account2.) Log into an existing account3.) Exit the systemPlease enter your selection: 2Enter account number: 0Welcome back Student Express account #0, balance: $6.0, number of meals: 59EXPRESS ACCOUNT #0, BALANCE: $6.0, NUMBER OF MEALS: 591.) Make a deposit2.) Purchase meals3.) Have meal4.) Log outPlease enter your selection: 4 Goodbye!MAIN MENU1.) Create a new account2.) Log into an existing account 3.) Exit the systemPlease enter your selection: 3Exiting the system


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[Solved] CSC220 Project 4- create and manage express card accounts