[Solved] CSc20: Programming Concepts and Methodology II Final


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Objective: The objective of this project is to practice using files of objects and gain more experiences in developing interactive GUI using Java Swing and AWT toolkits.

Project description:

In this assignment, you are to design a Java program to maintain a binary file of student records for the class. A student record in the file should include the following information:

. ID number, a 9-digit integer.

. Name, a string of characters

. Gender. a character

. Class level, an integer between 1 and 5.

. Age, an integer less than 100.

. 10 lab scores, integers between 0 and 100.

Your program should allow the instructor to do the following:

  1. Create a new class.
  2. Load students from a file.
  3. Add new students.
  4. View/Delete students
  5. Enter lab scores.
  6. Backup Students to a file
  7. Sort Students (optional)

User interface requirement:

Your program should have a GUI closely similar to the following.

To submit your project:

  1. A hardcopy of your Java source code.
  2. Email a softcopy of your source code.
  3. Demo your program on Athena before 12/06/2018.

Programming hint about your program structure

Array of Students

Programming hint about JLabel: To change the font size of a JLabel.

new JLabel(<html><font size=5><b>JLabel text</b></html>);

Programming hints about JTable and JScrollPane:

  1. In the main method, create a JScrollPane and add it to the center of a JPanel, viewPane.

scrollPane = new JScrollPane(); viewPane.add(scrollPane,BorderLayout.CENTER);

  1. In actionPerformed method,
  2. Create a 2-D array of strings, data.
  3. Create a JTable.

JTable abtable = new JTable(data,columnName);

  1. Use the JTable to create a temporary JScrollPane.

JScrollPane tmp = new JScrollPane(abtable);

  1. Get the viewport from the temporary JScrollPane and add it to the original JScrollPane.



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[Solved] CSc20: Programming Concepts and Methodology II Final