[Solved] CS_1D Homework 4- Binary Search Trees


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Binary Search Trees

(a) Implement classes TreeNode and BinarySearchTree. Use the following function prototypes as a starting point.

template <typename KeyType, typename ElementType> class TreeNode{KeyType key;ElementType info;TreeNode * left, * right; public:TreeNode(KeyType newKey, ElementType newInfo, TreeNode *l, TreeNode *r); static TreeNode * newNode(KeyType k, ElementType e, TreeNode * l, TreeNode * r); static TreeNode * insert(KeyType key, ElementType info, TreeNode * t); static TreeNode * find(KeyType key , TreeNode * t); static TreeNode * remove(KeyType key , TreeNode * t); static void print(ostream & out , TreeNode * t); static void deleteNode(TreeNode * t); static void deleteTree(TreeNode * t);};template <typename KeyType, typename ElementType> class BinarySearchTree{ TreeNode * root; public:void insert(KeyType key, ElementType info); ElementType find(KeyType key); void remove(KeyType key);void print(ostream & out); };


  1. Implement TreeNode
    • It will have two data members a KeyType which will be of type string, and an ElementType which will be of type int.
    • ElementType (which will be the count (the frequency of occurrence) of each word in a given file).
  2. Implement BinarySearchTree
    • You may write some functions recursively.
    • You do not have to show O(N) derivations if your functions are recursive.
  3. Write the following functions with the O(N) in the comments (unless recursive)
    • BinarySearchTree::insert(string s,int count) BinarySearchTree::find(string s)

CS1D Spring 2019 TTH 5PM HW05: 100pts Due: Thu 03/14/2019 7:20PM

  • BinarySearchTree::remove(string s)
  • TreeNode::insert()
  • int & BinarySearchTree::operator[] (string s)

(b)Convert TreeNode and BinarySearchTree into a template

  1. Convert TreeNode and BinarySearchTree into a template so that KeyType and ElementType may be specified with different types.
  2. Create a tar file which includes hw04.cpp, hw04f.cpp, hw04.h, and hw04.scr
  3. Submit hw04.tar to canvas by the due date on top of this page. 4. Be sure to include valgrind results in your script file


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[Solved] CS_1D Homework 4- Binary Search Trees