Hadoop Combiner Hadoop Combiner is also known as Mini-Reducer that summarizes the Mapper output record with the same Key before passing to the Reducer. The combiner in MapReduce is also known as Mini-reducerCombiners
Data Set: The dataset describes chat sessions data from Facebook.com. There are 10 files. day1.txt, day2.txt, , day10.txt dayx.txt has the logs of chat sessions on xth day Total: 300 users
Task 1: Strongly connected chat network 300 users in total Find the pair of users who have chatted at least 30 times in the 10 days You have to use combiner in this assignment (deliverables: mapper1.py, combiner1.py, reducer1.py, network.txt)Task 2: Number of mutual friends Find the number of mutual friends for each pair of nodes in the chatnetwork E.g. in the shown network #mutualFriends(v1,v2)=1 #mutualFriends(v2,v3)=2 (deliverables: mapper2.py, reducer2.py, friends.txt)Task 3: Number of triangles Find out the number of triangles through each node in the chat network E.g. in the shown network #triangles(v1)=1 #triangles(v2)=2 #triangles(v3)=2 #triangles(v4)=1 (deliverables: mapper3.py, reducer3.py, triangles.txt)
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