[Solved] CS6300 Mini Project 2 -Speech Technology


File Name: CS6300__Mini_Project_2_-Speech_Technology.zip
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You need to do the following task:

  1. Isolated Digit Recognition using Discrete HMMs (code). Use the given features also extract your own features and compare the results.
  2. Use the HMMs trained in task 1 to recognize continuous digits. You need to concatenate the HMMs trained in task 1 to recognize continuous digits. Use only the given features.


Digit dataset: This dataset consists of spoken utterances. The MFCC feature files and the original .wav files given.

Data: download here, Group Mapping: Download here

Continues digits dataset:

  • Download development data from here and test data from here.
  • The data contains directories with the group numbers.
  • Each directory contains MFCC features from utterances of multiple digits

(corresponding to the isolated digits assigned to your batch).

  • The set of digits uttered are given below: symbol uttered word 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine z zero o o
  • In development data, the file name represents spoken digits. Eg. In file 534.mfcc, the digits spoken are five three four.
  • Test data consists of 5 unlabeled sequences (blind data). Provide the possible sequence of digits obtained in the report.

Feature File Format:

  • The data given are the MFCC features of speech audio.
  • Structure of MFCC file: The first line of the MFCC file contains two space-separated integers. First integer NC The dimension of the feature vector (The number of MFC coefficients) Second integer NF The number of frames, the .wav file is divided into.
  • The next NF rows contain the MFCC features of dimension NC. Each row corresponds to a feature vector in the sequence. Please note that NF varies with the example.


  1. You need to plot ROC, DET and confusion matrices for task 1.
  2. You can include graphs and tables for your results.


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[Solved] CS6300 Mini Project 2 -Speech Technology