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[SOLVED] Cs6035 project 3-all things cryptography


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The goals of this project :Students will advance their knowledge of cryptography and hashing by working through example exercises and then trying to exploit vulnerable systems.
Preface :
What is Pseudocode? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PseudocodeIntro :RSA is one of the most widely-used public key cryptosystems in the world. It’s composed of three algorithms: key generation (Gen), encryption (Enc), and decryption (Dec). In RSA, the public key is a pair of integers (e, N), and the private key is an integer d.The key pair is generated by the following steps:1. Choose two distinct big prime numbers with the same bit size, say p and q .2. Let N = p ∗ q , and φ(N) = (p − 1) ∗ (q − 1).3. Pick up an integer e, such that 1 < e < φ(N) and gcd(e, φ(N)) = 1.4. Get the modular inverse of e : d ≡ e−1 mod φ(N) (i.e., d ∗ e ≡ 1 mod φ(N)) .5. Return (N, e) as public key, and d as private key.Enc – To encrypt integer m with public key (N, e), the cipher integer c ≡ m e mod N .
Dec – To decrypt cipher integer c with private key d, the plain integer m ≡ c d mod N .Task 1 – Warm-up, Get Familiar with RSA – (5 points)The goal of this task is to get you familiar with RSA. You are given an RSA key pair (N, e)and d, and a unique encrypted message c. You are required to get the decrypted messagem.TODO: In the provided project_3.py file, implement the stub method task_1. Hint: Don’t overthink it, this can be done with a single Python command…
def task_1(self, n_str: str, d_str: str, c_str: str) -> str:
# TODO: Implement this method for Task 1 n = int(n_str, 16) d = int(d_str, 16) c = int(c_str, 16) m = 0return hex(m).rstrip(‘L’)Task 2 – Warm-up, Get Familiar with Hashes (7 points)Let’s find out…You are given a list of some of the most commonly-used passwords on the Internet. You are also given the SHA256 hash of a password randomly selected from this list. Your job is to discover the plaintext password behind the hash.The complete list of common passwords is pre-loaded for you in project_3.py.TODO: In the provided project_3.py file, implement the stub method task_2.def task_2(self, password_hash: str) -> str: # TODO: Implement this method for Task 2
password = common_password_list[0] # This is how you get the SHA-256 hash:
hashed_password = hashlib.sha256(password.encode()).hexdigest()return passwordReflection
In a maximum of 200 words, address the following prompt:● Knowing that a lot of people like to use these common passwords, make one suggestion for how you could implement improved password security.Task 3 – Kernelcoin Part 1 (9 points)Today is your lucky day! You’ve discovered a brand new cryptocurrency called Kernelcoin (symbol: RTI). There are rumors that Costco will soon announce Kernelcoin as the preferred payment method in its warehouse stores. This news is sure to send the price of Kernelcoin to the moon, and Kernelcoin holders to the nearest Lamborghini dealership.You plan to start mining Kernelcoin so that you can earn even more. In order to do so, you need to create a valid block to append to the previous block. A valid block contains the lowest nonce value that, when concatenated with the transaction string, and the hash of the previous block (in that order, i.e. nonce + transaction string + previous block hash), will produce a SHA256 hash with two leading zeros (the proof-of-work for this particular blockchain). Transaction strings have the syntax “UserID1:UserID2:X”, indicating that UserID1has transferred X Kernelcoin to UserID2. You are given all of these values, and your goal is to find the lowest possible nonce value for the resulting block.TODO: In the provided project_3.py file, implement the method task_3.def task_3(self, user_id_1: str, user_id_2: str, amount: int, prev_block_hash: str) -> int:
# TODO: Implement this method for Task 3 nonce = 0return nonceReflection
In a maximum of 200 words, address the following prompt:The kernelcoin blockchain uses a proof-of-work scheme as a consensus mechanism (i.e., finding a hash with a certain number of leading zeros).● Name and briefly explain an alternative consensus mechanism.
● List its strengths and weaknesses compared to proof-of-work.Task 4 – Kernelcoin Part 2 (9 points)After doing some research you find that a Kernelcoin transaction is hashed and encrypted with your private key to create a digital signature. This signature is broadcast to the network along with the original transaction string. If the signature checks out, then the transaction is a candidate for inclusion in the next block.def task_4(self, from_user_id: str, to_user_id: str, amount: int, d: int, e: int, n: int) -> int:
# TODO: Implement this method for Task 4return signatureReflection
In a maximum of 200 words, address the following prompt:Imagine that you are coding a function that accepts a Kernelcoin transaction string and a digital signature. The public address of the signer is also passed to the function. The purpose of the
function is to verify the validity of the transaction (i.e. it returns a boolean value).
● Explain the high-level steps necessary to implement this function. No code is required. You should use your own words.Task 5 – Attack A Small Key Space (15 points)The algorithm you search for is dirt simple which makes it hard for attackers to traverse the entire key space with limited resources. Now, you’re given a unique RSA public key with a relatively small key size (64 bits).Your goal is to get the private key.TODO: In the provided project_3.py file, implement the method get_factors. n is the given public key, and your goal is to get its factors.def get_factors(self, n: int):
# TODO: Implement this method for Task 5, Step 1 p = 0 q = 0return p, qTODO: In the provided project_3.py file, implement the method get_private_key_from_p_q_e to get the private key.def get_private_key_from_p_q_e(self, p: int, q: int, e: int):
# TODO: Implement this method for Task 5, Step 2 d = 0return dReflection
In a maximum of 500 words, address the following prompts:Explain in your own words how you were able to get the private key.
● What were the steps you followed?
● What was the underlying mathematical principle?Task 6 – Where’s Waldo (25 Points)Read the paper “Mining Your Ps and Qs: Detection of Widespread Weak Keys in Network Devices”, which can be found at: https://factorable.net/weakkeys12.extended.pdf. You will not be able to understand the purpose of this task nor write about it properly in your essay unless you read the entire paper. Do not skip it, do not skim it, read the whole of it.You are given a unique RSA public key, but the RNG (random number generator) used in the key generation suffers from a vulnerability described in the paper above. In addition, you are given a list of public keys that were generated by the same RNG on the same system. Your goal is to get the unique private key from your given public key using only the provided information.TODO: In the provided project_3.py file, implement the method task_6. (More information about Waldo, and why everyone keeps looking for him can be found here:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Where%27s_Wally%3F. Knowledge of “Where’s Waldo?” isn’t strictly necessary to solve this task, but it might give you a nudge in the right direction…)def task_6(self,
given_public_key_n: int, given_public_key_e: int, public_key_list: list) -> int: # TODO: Implement this method for Task 6 d = 0return dReflection
In a maximum of 500 words, address the following prompts:● Why is the public key used in this task vulnerable? Explain this in your own words. Please talk about the potential problems with the key generation and the associated mathematical principles in your answer.● What steps did you take to derive the private key result in this task. Please discuss the underlying mathematical principles at a high level and explain how you arrived at your answer.Task 7 – Broadcast RSA Attack (30 Points)A message was encrypted with three different 1,024-bit RSA public keys, resulting in three different encrypted messages. All of them have the public exponent e = 3.You are given the three pairs of public keys and associated encrypted messages. Your job is to recover the original message.TODO: In the provided project_3.py file, implement the method task_7.def task_7(self, n_1_str: str, c_1_str: str, n_2_str: str, c_2_str: str, n_3_str: str, c_3_str: str) -> str:
n_1 = int(n_1_str, 16) c_1 = int(c_1_str, 16) n_2 = int(n_2_str, 16) c_2 = int(c_2_str, 16) n_3 = int(n_3_str, 16) c_3 = int(c_3_str, 16)
msg = ” m = 0# Solve for m, which is an integer value,
# the line below will convert it to a string msg = bytes.fromhex(hex(m).rstrip(‘L’)[2:]).decode(‘UTF-8’)
return msgReflection
In a maximum of 500 words, address the following prompts:● How does the broadcast RSA attack work?
● What causes the vulnerability?
● Explain this in your own words and explain at a high level the mathematical principles behind it.
● Explain how you recovered the message, ensuring that you give thorough detail on all of your steps.Important Notes :The skeleton code in the project_3.py file has all of the packages that you will need imported for you. You are NOT allowed to import anything else.Your entire submission must run in 10 minutes or less. The autograder will not give you any feedback if it times out. We encourage you to test locally to avoid unnecessarily using submissions.Your code will run in an autograded environment in Gradescope and give you immediate feedback and a grade. However, you are limited to 10 autograder submissions in Gradescope. After 10 submissions, penalties will be assessed as follows:10 < # submissions <=20 -10
20 < # submissions <=30 -20
30 < # submissions <=40 -30
40 < # submissions <=50 -40
50 < # submissions <=60 -50
# submissions > 60 -55You will be able to keep the score of your highest run.You are also given a unit test file (test_project_3.py) to help you test your program. We encourage you to read up on Python unit tests, but in general, the syntax should resemble either:python -m unittest test_project_3or:
python test_project_3.pyHowever, keep in mind that passing the unit test does NOT guarantee that your code will pass the autograder!The final deliverables:In total, please submit the following files:project_3.py
2. : An essay with all of your answers to the reflection questions.You MUST provide citations in JDF format which uses APA style; weblinks alone do NOT count. Refer to sections “3.1 In-line citations”, “3.2 Reference lists”, and “4 References”.You will need to submit your essay to both Canvas and Gradescope!NOTE: If you do not submit to both places, you will receive a 0. This is non-negotiable and will be enforced heavily.Good luck!


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[SOLVED] Cs6035 project 3-all things cryptography