[Solved] CS52 Assignment 1- Basics

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Find and fix the error(s) in the following program.

using namespace std;

int MAIN()

cout << “Hello << World; int name;

cout << “Type your name:”;

cin << name;

cout >> “Hello, “ << << name;


Problem 2 Concert Tickets

There are three tickets for a concert. The VIP tickets cost $120, premium tickets cost $80, and regular tickets cost $40. Prompt the user how many tickets of each category he would like. Then print an invoice with overview of the order and total price. Include a sales tax of 9.25%.

How many tickets would you like to order? VIP Tickets ($120): 0

Premium Tickets ($80): 4

Regular Tickets ($40): 2


VIP: $120 x 0 = $ 0.00

Premium: $ 80 X 4 = $320.00

Regular: $ 40 x 2 = $ 80.00

Sales Tax: 9.25% = $ 37.00 —————————— Total Price: $437.00

1 Santa Monica College

CS 52 – C++ Programming

Problem 3 Program a Calculator

Write a program that can be used as a calculator. Prompt the user to enter which operation he/she would like to perform, that is addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division. Use a switch statements to properly handle the operator entered by the user. Then prompt the user to enter two operands. An example of the program may look like this:



What operation would you like to perform?

Addition (+), Subtraction (-), Multiplication (*), or Division (/)

Enter an operator: +

Enter operand 1: 23

Enter operand 2: 45

The results is: 23 + 45 = 78Problem 4 Months

Write a program that determines the season based on the month. The program prompts a user to enter a month (1-12) and then prints if that month is in spring, summer fall or winter. The program must also check if a valid month was entered. For simplicity, assume: 1-3: spring, 4-6: summer, 7-9 fall, 10-12 winter.

Enter a month (1-12): -5 Enter a month (1-12): 7 That is not a valid month! The 7. month is in fall!


Enter a month (1-12): 3 Enter a month (1-12): 14

The 3. month is in spring! That month must be in the future.


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[Solved] CS52 Assignment 1- Basics
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