[Solved] CS471-Lab 6 Erlang

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1.2.1 Starting up

Follow the provided directions for starting up this lab in a new git lab6 branch and a new submit/lab6 directory.

For this lab, we will be using the Erlang shell. You can start it by typing erl at the Unix shell prompt. To terminate it type a ^C followed by an a to abort, or the command q(). (note the period).

All functions should be de ned in a le lab6.erl which should be submitted along with the usual log. You are being provided with a starting lab6.erl le. Copy that le over to your submit/lab6 directory along with a .gitignore le.

$ cd ∼/i471?/submit/lab6 $ cp ∼/cs471/labs/lab6/lab6.erl .

$ cp ∼/cs471/labs/lab6/.gitignore .

While in the Erlang shell, you can compile your lab6.erl using the following (note the terminating period):

N> c(lab6).

[The Erlang shell prompt includes the command number; this document shows those prompts simply as N>. Usually, this document does not show the output of the shell command.]

The compilation will produce a lab6.beam le which is a binary for the Erlang abstract machine. The .gitignore le you copied over will prevent *.beam les from being submitted.

1.2.2 Exercise 1: Erlang Pattern Matching

Erlang supports Prolog-like pattern-matching. Within a clean Erlang shell type in the following:

N> X = 123.

This will succeed because the semantics of = is to evaluate the expression on the RHS and then match that result with the LHS. So the above match evaluates the RHS 123 and matches that result with the unbound variable X on the LHS, initializing X to 123.

Now type:

N> 123 = X.

This too will succeed because the match will evaluates its RHS consisting of the bound variable X to 123 and matches that with its LHS 123.

Now try:

N> 123 = Y.

That should fail with an error since when the match attempts to evaluate the RHS it encounters an unbound variable Y.

[So Erlang’s = is similar to Prolog’s is/2 which also evaluates its RHS and matches that result with its LHS.]

In addition to primitive data like numbers and atoms, Erlang also supports lists similar to those of Prolog and brace-enclosed tuples.

Try the following to understand how you can use pattern matching to extract the components of complex data:

N> Shapes = [ { square, 2 }, { circle, 1 }, { square, 1 } ].

N> [{_, Side1}, _, {_, Side3}|_] = Shapes.

N> Sides = [ Side1, Side3 ]. N> Sides.


Set up the following data:

N> Grades = [ {bill, 82}, {sue, 95}, { john, 85} ].

  1. Use pattern matching to extract the third grades { john, 85 } to a variable Grade3. Display it to ensure that you have it correct.
  2. Use pattern-matching to extract the points of the three grade items in Grades and set a Points variable to to the 3-element list [82, 95, 85] containing the extracted points.

Note that this may take multiple steps and need the de nition of auxiliary variables.

  1. Create a variable Grades2 having contents just like Grades but the points for each item should be incremented by 2 points; i.e. you should have Grades2 set to [ {bill, 84}, {sue, 97}, { john, 87} ].

You need to do all the above exercises by extracting the data from Grades using pattern-matching, not by simply typing in the data.

1.2.3 Exercise 2: Erlang Functions

Terminate your Erlang shell from the previous exercise and start a new one.

In this exercise, we will look at di erent constructs which can be used for decision making within an Erlang function:

Pattern Matching to Select Function Clauses Add the following function to your lab6.erl which calculates the perimeter of a shape:

perimeter({square, Side}) –>

4 * Side; perimeter({circle, Radius}) –> 2 * 3.14159 * Radius.

The function is written using separate clauses for each shape, with pattern matching used to select the applicable clause. Test out the function:

N> lab6:perimeter({circle, 1}).

N> lab6:perimeter({square, 2}).

N> lab6:perimeter({rectangle, 2, 3}).

The last expression will result in an error because there is no clause for a rectangle.

Using Guards to Select Function Clauses Now write the function somewhat arti cially using a single clause which uses a when guard (similar to the |-guards in Haskell):

guard_perimeter({Type, L}) when Type =:= square –>

4 * L;

guard_perimeter({Type, L}) when Type =:= circle –> 2 * 3.14159 * L.

Add the above to your lab6.erl le, compile and test.

Tests using if Within the Body You can move the guards into the body using an if:

if_perimeter({Type, L}) –>

if Type =:= square –> 4 * L;

Type =:= circle –> 2 * 3.14159 * L end.

Add the above to your lab6.erl le, compile and test.

Pattern Matching Using case Within the Body Use a case expression within the body to do pattern matching:

case_perimeter(Shape) –>

case Shape of

{square, Side} –> 4 * Side;

{circle, Radius} –> 2 * 3.14159 * Radius end.

Add the above to your lab6.erl le, compile and test.


  1. Based on the above guard example, write a function letter_grade(¬ Points) which returns the atom:

’A’ when 90 < Points

’B’ when 80 < Points and Points =< 90

’C’ when 70 < Points and Points =< 80

’D’ when 60 < Points and Points =< 70 ’F’ otherwise.

Hint: Erlang runs a guard only if both pattern matching and guards for all earlier clauses have failed. So you can write the clauses in a certain order and avoid checking for conditions which are implied by the failure of the earlier guards. So assuming that the clause for a ’B’ follows the clause for an ’A’, your can write the guard for ’B’ as simply when 80 < Points.

Alternately, you can write the clauses so that they do not depend on order; in that case, the guard for ’B’ would be written as when 90 =< Points, Points < 80.

Test with suitable data:

N> lab6:letter_grade(91).

N> lab6:letter_grade(90).

N> lab6:letter_grade(81).

N> lab6:letter_grade(80).

N> lab6:letter_grade(75).

N> lab6:letter_grade(65).

N> lab6:letter_grade(55).

  1. Write a second function if_letter_grade(Points) which works identically to letter_grade() but is implemented using a single clause which uses an if within the body.

Recompile and test as in the previous exercise.

1.2.4 Exercise 3: First-Class Functions

Since Erlang is a functional programming language, it supports anonymous functions and higher order functions like map() and fold(). Speci cally:

  • Anonymous functions are written using the syntax fun (Arg1, Arg2, …) –> Expr end
  • Functions which operate on lists are available in the lists

Restart your Erlang shell and compile lab6.erl:

Grab hold of shapes data:

N> Shapes = lab6:shapes_data(). Now add the following to your lab6.erl le:

shape_types(Shapes) –>

lists:map(fun({Type, _}) –> Type end, Shapes).

This uses lists:map() with an anonymous function which uses pattern matching to extract the rst component of each Shape-tuple.

Test using:

N> lab6:shape_types(Shapes).

The lists:map() function along with lab6:perimeter() can be used to get a list containing the perimeters of a list of shapes:

perimeters(Shapes) –>

lists:map(fun perimeter/1, Shapes).

Note the somewhat funky syntax for referring to a previously de ned function. Compile and test perimeters().

The lists:foldl() and lab6:perimeters() functions can be used to sum the perimeters of a list of shapes:

sum_perimeters(Shapes) –> Perims = perimeters(Shapes), lists:foldl(fun (P, Acc) –> P + Acc end, 0, Perims).

We can get the average perimeter of a list of shapes using:

average_perimeter([]) –> 0; average_perimeter([_|_]=Shapes) –>

sum_perimeters(Shapes) / length(Shapes).

The function takes care to avoid a divide-by-0 error. Note the pattern matching in the second clause to make the clauses mutually exclusive, while also setting the Shapes variable to the overall non-empty list.

Compile and test.


Add in the following to your Erlang shell to give you some new data to work with:

N> Grades = lab6:grades_data().

Use map() and foldl() to implement the following functions in lab6.erl:

  1. A function grade_points(Grades) which returns a list of all the points for all entries in Grades.

N> lab6:grade_points(Grades).


  1. A function letter_grades(Grades) which returns a list of pairs { Name¬ , LetterGrade } where LetterGrade is the letter grade for the points associated with Name in Grades.

Hint: use map() along with the previously implemented letter_grade().

N> lab6:letter_grades(Grades).







1.2.5 Exercise 4: Concurrency

The raison d’etre for Erlang is concurrency. In this exercise, we will create a server which will store some data. Clients can run arbitrary functions on the stored data.

Add the following data_server() to your lab6.erl le:

data_server(Data) –> % Data is stored data receive % receive a message

{ ClientPid, Fn } –> % msg contains function Fn

Result = Fn(Data), % run arbitrary function on Data

%io:format(“Result is ∼w
”, [Result]),

ClientPid ! { self(), Result }, % send Result to client data_server(Data); % loop back

stop –> % got stop message true % terminate server end.

Then add a client function:

data_client(ServerPid, Fn) –>

ServerPid ! { self(), Fn }, % send Fn to server receive

{ _, Result } –> Result % return Result end.

Finally, add some control functions:

start_data_server(Data) –>

spawn(lab6, data_server, [Data]).

stop_data_server(ServerPid) –> ServerPid ! stop.

Start a shapes server in the Erlang shell:

N> c(lab6).

N> Shapes = lab6:shapes_data().

N> PID1 = lab6:start_data_server(Shapes).

The last line should have printed the PID of the server. This PID has been captured in the variable PID1.

Now use the client to run previously de ned functions on the data stored by the server:

N> lab6:data_client(PID1, fun lab6:average_perimeter/1). N> lab6:data_client(PID1, fun lab6:shape_types/1).

Now run the identity function to get back the data stored by the server:

N> lab6:data_client(PID1, fun (X) -> X end).

Finally, run another function which returns a new list of shapes having 3 times the dimensions of the shapes stored by the server:

N> F = fun ({T, S}) -> {T, S*3} end.

N> lab6:data_client(PID1, fun (Shapes) -> lists:map(F, Shapes) end).

Stop the server:

N> lab6:stop_data_server(PID1).

The above shows that functions in Erlang are truly rst class in that they can even be transmitted between multiple processes.


  1. Start a data server containing the Grades data.
  2. Use the client to run the letter_grades() function on the server’s data.
  3. Use the client to retrieve the stored data.
  4. Stop the grades server.


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[Solved] CS471-Lab 6 Erlang
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