[Solved] CS471-Lab 5 Haskell

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    • Starting up
    • For this lab, all code should be written in a single le lab5-sol.hs residing in your submit/lab5 directory. Submit that le along with a log of your terminal interaction.

Note that you can repeately load that le into your Haskell interpreter using:

Hugs> :l “lab5-sol.hs”

If already loaded, you can reload by simply using:

Hugs> :r

  • Exercise 1: Haskell Types and Function Application

All Haskell expressions are statically typed, but usually type declarations are optional since Haskell infers types automatically. Within the Hugs REPL, you can use the :type directive (abbreviated :t) to check the type of an expression.

Add the following to your lab5-sol.pro le:

— Exercise 1

— function which adds two numbers add n1 n2 = n1 + n2

— same, but de ne without using args plus = (+)

— function which concats two lists conc ls1 ls2 = ls1 ++ ls2

Load the lab5-sol.hs le into the REPL:

Main> :l “lab5-sol.hs”

Main> :t add

Main> :t plus Main> :t conc

expr :: Type should be read as expr has type Type; The LHS of the => operator is used to qualify the type variables used on its RHS. A type expression like a -> b should be read as a function from a to b; -> is right-associative, i.e. a -> b -> c associates as a -> (b -> c).

Now type in the following to use the above functions:

Main> add 2 3

Main> conc [1] [2, 3]

Main> conc [[1]] [[2, 3]]

Main> conc “hello” “world”

Main> conc [“hello”] [“world”]

Main> conc (conc [“hello”] [“world”]) [“goodbye”] Main> conc (conc [“hello”] [“world”]) [42]

  • What happens if the parentheses are omitted on the second-last line above? Why?
  • Why does the last line result in an error?

Add the following function de nitions to your lab5-sol.hs le:

— partially apply above functions:

add10 = add 10 plus5 = plus 5 concHello = conc “hello” Reload your Haskell REPL with the above le and type directives to look at the types of these new functions. Also type expressions which use these new functions to compute results.

1.2.3 Exercise 2: Haskell Pattern Matching

Haskell supports n-tuples (a1,…,an) when a1,…,an can have di erent types. A 2-tuple is known as a pair and a 3-tuple is a triple. Haskell has built-in functions fst and snd to extract the rst and second component of a pair:

Type the following into your REPL:

Main> let tuple = (“hello”, 42) in fst tuple

Main> let tuple = (“hello”, 42) in snd tuple

We can de ne our own versions of fst and snd in lab5-sol.hs:

— Exercise 2

first (v, _) = v second (_, v) = v

Reload your lab5-sol.hs into the REPL and rerun the fst and snd examples using first and second.

  1. If you try something like first (12, “hello”, []) you will get an error. Fix this by de ning fst3 and snd3 functions which work on triples.
  2. Recall that the : in x operator is Haskell’s equivalent of Scheme’s cons. Use pattern matching to de ne a function: sumFirst2 :: Num a => [a] -> a which returns the sum of the rst 2 elements of a list of numbers.
  3. Use pattern matching to de ne a function

fnFirst2 :: [a] -> (a -> a -> b) -> (a -> a -> b) -> b

which takes a list ls and two functions f1 and f2 as arguments. If the list has exactly two elements, then the result of the function should be f1 applied to the rst two elements of ls; otherwise it should be f2 applied to the rst two elements of ls.

Main> fnFirst2 [3, 4] (+) (*)


Main> fnFirst2 [3, 4, 5] (+) (*)


1.2.4 Exercise 3: List Comprehensions Add the following to your lab5-sol.hs le:

— Exercise 3

cartesianProduct ls1 ls2 =

[ (x, y) | x <– ls1, y <– ls2 ]

cartesianProductIf ls1 ls2 predicate =

[ (x, y) | x <– ls1, y <– ls2, predicate x y ]

Then run

Main> cartesianProduct [1..4] [2..4] Main> cartesianProductIf [1..4] [2..4] (>) and understand how list comprehensions work.

  1. Within the REPL, write a list comprehension which produces the list of pairs (x,y) such that y = 3x2 +2x +1 for x ∈ 1,2,…,10. Recall that [1..10] will produce the list [1, 2, …, 10] and x^2 will return the square of x.

The result should be:



  1. Repeat the previous exercise but return only those pairs whose second components are a multiple of 3. Hint: The Haskell function rem m n returns the remainder after dividing m by n.

The result should be:


  1. In lab5-sol.hs, write a function oddEvenPairs n which returns pairs (x,y) such that 1 ≤ x,y n and x is odd while y is even. Hint: Use

Haskell’s odd, even built-in predicates.

Main> oddEvenPairs 5


Main> oddEvenPairs 7



1.2.5 Exercise 4: Using map and lter

List comprehensions can be replaced by using map and filter. Look at the type of these functions in the REPL.

  1. Within the REPL, repeat the problem solved earlier using list comprehensions, but instead base your solution on map. Speci cally, write an expression which uses map to produce the list of pairs (x,y) such that y = 3x2+2x +1 for x ∈ 1,2,…,10.

The result should be:



  1. Repeat the previous exercise but use map and filter to return only those pairs whose second components are a multiple of 3.


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[Solved] CS471-Lab 5 Haskell
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