[Solved] CS471-Lab 3 Scheme 2


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This document rst describes the aims of this lab followed by exercises which need to be performed.

Starting up

Follow the provided directions for starting up this lab in a new git lab3 branch and a new submit/lab3 directory.

For this lab you will write all code in a single le lab3-sol.scm residing in your submit/lab3 directory and submit that le along with a log of your terminal interaction.

  • Exercise 1: Arithmetic in Scheme

Use the well-known formula for solving a quadratic equation to implement a function (quadratic-roots a b c) to return a 2-element list containing the roots of the quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0. Scheme provides a sqrt function for extracting square roots.

Note that your function should evaluate the discriminant b24ac only once: > (load lab3-sol.scm)

> (quadratic-roots 3 7 2)

(-1/3 -2)

> (quadratic-roots 5 6 1)

(-1/5 -1)

> (quadratic-roots 5 2 1)

(-1/5+2/5i -1/5-2/5i) ;;get complex roots for free!!!

> (quadratic-roots 1 -4 25/4)

(2+3/2i 2-3/2i)

> (quadratic-roots 0 2 1)

; /: division by zero [,bt for context]

To take care of the last case above, change your function to return the symbol error when a is 0.

> (quadratic-roots 0 1 2)


> (quadratic-roots 1 -4 25/4) ;;still works

(2+3/2i 2-3/2i) >

Now add a function (my-sqrt n) which uses Newtons method to nd the square root of a number n>0. Start out with a guess of 1. At each successive stage, set guess to the average of its current value and n/guess. Continue until the the relative absolute error between guess2 and n is less than 0.01%.

Note that Scheme provides a abs function.

Speci cally, your program should work as per this pseudo-code:

Number my_sqrt(n) { guess = 1;

while (abs(guess*guess n)/n < 0.0001) {

guess = (guess + n/guess)/2;

} return guess;


You can provide guess as an optional parameter to your Scheme my-sqrt function with a default value of 1, using Schemes syntax for default values. Here is an example of the use of that syntax:

> (define f (lambda ((a 22) (b 44)) (+ a b)))

> (f 2 4)

6 > (f 2) 46

> (f)



So you can de ne your my-sqrt with initial header set up as follows:

(define my-sqrt (lambda (n (guess 1))


Of course, you will need to replace the loop in the above pseudo-code with recursion, since it is impossible to write a loop in the subset of Scheme we are emphasizing in this course. Once you transcribe the above pseudo-code into Scheme syntax, you should have it working:

> (my-sqrt 2)


> (my-sqrt 9) 65537/21845

Note that Scheme keeps the above computations within the domain of rational numbers.

Change the default value for the guess from 1 to 1.0. Now the results change to real numbers:

> (my-sqrt 2)


> (my-sqrt 9)


Finally, add a fourth optional parameter to quadratic-roots specifying the function to be used for extracting square-roots with a default value set to the Scheme sqrt function.

> (quadratic-roots 3 7 2)

(-1/3 -2) ;;still works, defaulting to sqrt

> (quadratic-roots 3 7 2 my-sqrt)

(-0.3333294702910085 -2.0000038630423247)

;;my-sqrt cannot handle negative arguments > (quadratic-roots 1 -4 25/4 my-sqrt)

C-c C-c; user break [,bt for context]

;;Schemes sqrt handles negative arguments fine

> (quadratic-roots 1 -4 25/4)

(2+3/2i 2-3/2i)


1.2.3 Exercise 2

In this exercise, you will write some simple recursive list functions:

Write a Scheme function greater-than which when given a rst argument ls which is a list of numbers and a second argument a number v which defaults to 0, returns a list having the same length as ls but having elements which are #t or #f depending on whether or not the corresponding element of ls is greater-than v. Your function must make use of recursion.

> (greater-than (-1 3 6 -3 1 8) 2)

(#f #t #t #f #f #t)

> (greater-than (-1 3 6 -3 1 8))

(#f #t #t #f #t #t) > (greater-than ())



Now write a function get-greater-than with the same arguments as greaterthan but the returned value should be those elements of ls which are greaterthan v.

Note that your case-analysis for this problem will have the usual cases for when ls is empty and when it is not empty. However, the not empty case will have two sub-cases: when (car ls) is greater-than v, and when it is not. Instead of using nested if-then-else expressions, you can use a cond.

> (get-greater-than (-1 3 6 -3 1 8) 2)

(3 6 8)

> (get-greater-than (-1 3 6 -3 1 8))

(3 6 1 8)

> (get-greater-than ())



Now write a less-than and get-less-than function with an API similar to the previous two functions but using the less-than relation instead of the greaterthan relation. This can be done by simply copying the previous two functions and making the obvious changes:

> (less-than (-1 3 6 -3 1 8) 2)

(#t #f #f #t #t #f)

> (less-than (-1 3 6 -3 1 8))

(#t #f #f #t #f #f)

> (less-than ())


> (get-less-than (-1 3 6 -3 1 8) 2)

(-1 -3 1)

> (get-less-than (-1 3 6 -3 1 8))

(-1 -3)

> (get-less-than ())



That was easy, but whenever you write code by copying existing code and making a few changes, you should be extremely unhappy. You should be looking for ways to generalize your original code to allow both variations.

1.2.4 Exercise 3: First-Class Functions

[This exercise does not require you to add any code to your lab3-sol.scm le. All you need to do is type expressions into the racket REPL with your terminal interactions logged into your script log.]

Functions are rst-class citizens in Scheme in that they can be used like any other values:

  • They can be used without being given a name; i.e. we have anonymous functions represented by lambda expressions.
  • They can be stored in data-structures.
  • They can be used as function arguments or results.

Note that a function which takes functions as arguments or returns a function result is known as a higher-order function. Scheme has several higher-order functions which allow you to replace the functions from the last exercise by single expressions.

The Scheme function map will apply the function speci ed by its rst argument to each element of the list speci ed by its second argument and returns the resulting list:

> (map (lambda (n) (> n 2)) (-1 3 6 -3 1 8))

(#f #t #t #f #f #t)

> (map (lambda (n) (> n 0)) (-1 3 6 -3 1 8))

(#f #t #t #f #t #t)

  1. Provide the expressions which evaluate the less-than equivalent.
  2. Use map within an expression to returns a list of #t or #f depending on whether the corresponding list element is odd or even. So the list (1 2 3 4 5) should map to (#t #f #t #f #t).
  3. Type in an expression which returns the squares of each element of the list. So the list (1 2 3 4 5) should map to (1 4 9 16 25).

Scheme contains another higher-order function filter which can be used to implement the get-* functions from the previous exercise:

> (filter (lambda (n) (> n 2)) (-1 3 6 -3 1 8))

(3 6 8)

  1. Type in an expression which returns those elements of the above list which are less-than 2.
  2. Type in an expression which returns a list containing only those elements of the list which are odd: So the list (1 2 3 4 5) should be ltered to (1 3 5).

Another useful higher-order function is foldl which reduces a list of values to a single value by repeatedly applying a binary function to the list values. Speci cally, foldl is called with three arguments: the binary function, an initial value and the list to be reduced:

> (foldl (lambda (a b) (+ a b)) 0 (1 2 3 4 5))


> (foldl (lambda (a b) (* a b)) 1 (1 2 3 4 5))



  1. Use the exponentiation function expt to evaluate


For fun, add in an extra 2!

  1. Use foldl along with cons to reverse a list.
  2. First class functions means that functions can also be stored in datastructures like lists. For your grand nale, use two nested applications of map to map a list of functions over a list.

For example, mapping the 2-element list of functions ((lambda (n) (+ n n)) (lambda (n) (* n n))) over the list (1 2 3 4 5) should result in the 2-element list ((2 4 6 8 10) (1 4 9 16 25)).


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[Solved] CS471-Lab 3 Scheme 2