[Solved] CS342 Project2-3 Card Poker JavaFX GUI

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In this project you will implement a two player version of the popular casino game 3 Card Poker. This is a somewhat simple game to understand and play which should allow you to focus on learning GUI development in JavaFX and trying your hand at event driven programing.

This project will be developed as a Maven project using the template provided. You may work in teams of two but do not have to.

How the game is played:

***Keep in mind: there are different variations of this game you will find on the web; the following is how your version will play***

In three card poker, each player only plays against the dealers hand, not each other:

  • Both players will start by placing an ante wager. We will limit the ante bet to $5 or greater, up to $25.
  • There is one optional bet the players can make called the Pair Plus wager. We will also limit this bet to $5 or greater, up to $25. This is a separate bet that will win if a players hand is at least a pair of 2’s. The payoff for this bet applies regardless of the dealers hand and what happens in the rest of the game. (See below for payouts).
  • After all bets are made(ante and/or pair plus), the cards are dealt out. Each player and the dealer receive three cards each. The players cards are face up and the dealers hand is face down.
  • Each player must decide if they will play or fold. If they fold, they lose their ante wager and pair plus wager(if they made one).
  • If the player wants to continue, they will make a play wager (this must be equal to the amount of the ante wager).
  • At this point, the dealer will show their cards. If the dealer does not have at least a

Queen high or better, the play wager is returned to the players who did not fold and the ante bet is pushed to the next hand.

  • If the dealer does have at least a Queen high or better, then each players hand, that did not fold, is evaluated against the dealers hand (see below for order of winning hands). If the dealer wins, the player loses both the ante and play wager. If the player wins, they get paid out 1 to 1 (they get back double what they wagered). Say the player bet $5 each for the ante and play wager and won, they would get back $20.

For the Pair Plus wager:

As long as the player does not fold, the Pair Plus wager gets evaluated regardless of if their hand beat the dealers hand; it is a separate bet based solely on the players hand. If the player does not have at least a pair of 2’s, they lose this bet. Otherwise, the payouts are as follows:

  • Straight Flush 40 to 1
  • Three of a Kind 30 to 1
  • Straight 6 to 1
  • Flush 3 to 1
  • Pair 1 to 1

Order of winning three card poker hands:

Implementation Details:

You must create the following 6 classes for this project:

public class Card char suit; int value;

Card(char suit, int value)

This class represents a card in a deck of 52 playing cards. The data member suit will be a capitalized character representing the suit of the card(clubs, diamonds, spades, or hearts) ‘C’, ‘D’, ’S’, ‘H’

The data member value will be an integer value between 2 – 14, with the value of an ace being 14, king 13, queen 12, jack 11, ten 10…..and so on.

You will provide a two argument constructor that takes in and sets the values for suit and value.

public class Deck extends ArrayList<Card>

Deck(); newDeck();

This class represents a 52 card, standard deck, of playing cards. The constructor will create a new deck of 52 cards that have been sorted in random order. The second method will clear all the cards and create a brand new deck of 52 cards sorted in random order.

public class Dealer

Deck theDeck;

ArrayList<Card> dealersHand;

Dealer(); public ArrayList<Card> dealHand();

This class represents the dealer in the game. The no arg constructor will initialize theDeck. The data member dealersHand will hold the dealers hand in each game. The method dealHand() will return an ArrayList<Card> of three cards removed from theDeck. Before each game starts, the Dealer class must check to see if there are more than 34 cards left in the deck. If not, theDeck must be reshuffled with a new set of 52 cards in random order.

public class Player

ArrayList<Card> hand;

int anteBet; int playBet; int pairPlusBet; int totalWinnings;


This class represents a player in the game. It keeps track of each games current hand and current bets as well as the total winnings for that player across multiple games. If the player has lost more than he/she has won, that number can be negative. Provide a no argument constructor for this class

public class ThreeCardLogic

public static int evalHand(ArrayList<Card> hand); public static int evalPPWinnings(ArrayList<Card> hand, int bet); public static int compareHands(ArrayList<Card> dealer,

ArrayList<Card> player);

This class represents the logic in the game. The method evalHand will return an integer value representing the value of the hand passed in. It will return:

  • 0 if the hand just has a high card
  • 1 for a straight flush
  • 2 for three of a kind
  • 3 for a straight
  • 4 for a flush
  • 5 for a pair

The method evalPPWinnings will return the amount won for the PairPlus bet. It will evaluate the hand and then evaluate the winnings and return the amount won. If the player lost the Pair Plus bet, it will just return 0.

The method compareHands will compare the two hands passed in and return an integer based on which hand won:

  • 0 if neither hand won
  • 1 if the dealer hand won 2 if the player hand won public class ThreeCardPokerGame

Player playerOne;

Player playerTwo;

Dealer theDealer;

This class is given to you in the Maven template. You will need to create instances of the above dataMembers to run your game and put your event driven logic here.

Note: You must implement the above just as they are described , with the exact signatures, in the project write up. We will use these data members and methods to test your projects. Failure to do so will result in significant loss of points.

Note2: You are free to add data members and methods as you see fit to implement your game.

The GUI:

You are welcome to use/discover any widget, pane, node, layout or other in JavaFX to implement your GUI. For this project, you are not allowed to use Scene Builder or FXML layout files. The following elements are required:

  • There should be an area to display both Players cards and Dealers cards with each clearly labeled. You may use images or text to display the cards.
  • Each player must have some way to make all of the available game wagers.
  • Each player should have a separate area to display the Ante, Pair Plus and Play wager.
  • Each player should have a separate area to display total winnings.
  • There should be an area that displays info for the game. For example:

“Player one loses Pair Plus”

“Player one beats dealer”

“Player two loses to dealer”

“Player two wins Pair Plus”

“Dealer does not have at least Queen high; ante wager is pushed”

  • You will need to have a menu bar in your program with one tab: Options

Under options you will have Exit, Fresh Start and NewLook. Exit will end the program while Fresh Start will reset each players current winnings to zero and allow the user to

start a new game. NewLook will change the look of the GUI; such as new colors, fonts, images….etc. While there is no minimum for elements to change, the new look must be noticeable to the average user.

Playing the game in your Program:

Your game must play and feel like the user is actually playing in real time. You must include pause transitions or add buttons like “continue” to control the flow of the game. If you did not, the program would move too fast and not allow the user to understand what is happening.

Testing Code:

You are required to include JUnit 5 test cases for your program. Add these to the src/test/java directory of your Maven Project. At a minimum you must test:

  • ThreeCardLogic class, at least 20 test cases Deck and Dealer class, at least 10 test cases

How to Start:

Some of you are used to just starting to code with no real plan for what you are doing. This project will be very painful with that approach. You must be systematic and thoughtfully plan out how various events will drive your program. You must also thoughtfully plan out how the user is allowed to interface with your program and how the user will know what to do next.

  • If you are not familiar with this game, play a few hands with some friends or play it online. Note that the online version you find might be slightly different than what we are doing here.
  • Implement the Card, Deck and Dealer classes first and test them.
  • Next implement the ThreeCardLogic class and test it.
  • Think about how your user interface will control the action of the game.
  • Map out your user interface and what happens as the user interacts with the different widgets.
  • Add event handlers, one by one, to each of your widgets and test the functionality as you go.
  • Play through your game and ask yourself if the user experience is good. A bad user experience ensures that no one will ever play your game and your time was wasted no matter how clever you were programatically.


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[Solved] CS342 Project2-3 Card Poker JavaFX GUI
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