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In this assignment, /home is a separate file system of type mfs. With this trace the working on the mfs file system, only for the file system mounted at /home has to be taken care of.
1.1 File Created
For the file creation, the file open.c at location: minix/servers/vfs/open.c was changed. It was used in function common open().
printf(file created: %llu
, vp->v_inode_nr);Figure 1 shows the implementation in Minix. A simple file named newFile was created
using touch newFile. 1.2 File Read
For the file read, the file read.c at location: minix/servers/vfs/read.c was changed. It was used in function read write().
printf("file read: %llu; nbytes = %zu; offset = %llu ", vp->v_inode_nr,size, f->filp_pos);
Figure 2 & 3 shows the implementation in Minix. In order to read the file, cat newFile was used after some strings were written in file using Nano.
1.3 File Write
For the file write, the file read.c at location: minix/servers/vfs/read.c was changed. It was used in function read write().
printf("file written: %llu; nbytes = %zu; offset = %llu ", vp->v_inode_nr,size, f->filp_pos);
Figure 4 shows the implementation for the file write case. Using, echo Writing new Line > newFile to write into the file.
Figure 1: File Created
Figure 2: Write using Nano 2
Figure 3: File Read
Figure 4: File Write 3
1.4 File Deleted
Figure 5: File Delete
For the file delete, the file link.c at location: minix/servers/vfs/link.c was changed. It was used in function do unlink().
printf("file deleted: %llu ", vp->v_inode_nr);
Figure 5 shows the implementation for the file delete case. In order to delete the file, rm newFile was used.
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